The meeting was called to order by Jim Gerhardt, president.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
George Peck moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last general meeting.
Ed DeWald seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Berna reported that we have $5202.77 in our Wells Fargo account, $1800.14 in our Langdon account and $00.00 in petty
cash giving us a total balance of $7002.91. She commented that the balance is deceiving as it includes monies collected
for the Spring Fling Banquet. A motion was made by Carol Nordness with a second by Craig Decker to accept the treasurer’s report.
Motion passed.
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
1. Post Season Tournaments – We have over 100 players participating in the 3 end of the season tournaments,
with some duplication of players. The little slips that tell who’s playing are on the web site and also available at the East Courts
2. Spring Fling Banquet – is scheduled for March 20, 5:00 PM in the Ballroom. The cost is $15.00. The theme is
“Wild West Rodeo”, so dress casual or western. Food is to be provided by Taylor Ray’s.
Afterward there will be dancing to music provided by “Road Runner”. Our thanks to the 4.0 Team for hosting this event.
3. Clive thanked the Tournament Committee members: Ralph Sharp, Carol Nordness, Linda Decker,
and Ray Pelland for all their hard work setting up matches and the many hours they put in at the courts during all
of our In-park and Invitational tournaments this year.
4. Tournament Committee – Ralph Sharp thanked the tennis members for their support and participation this year.
We had 322 different club members participate this year in our Saturday tournaments. That’s right at 80% participation.
We scheduled 689 matches, which was 2756 players, 12 tournaments, 5 In-park, 5 Invitationals at VP and 5 Invitationals
out of park. In the USA vs. Canada Tournament the final score was USA – 45, Canada – 77. Keep in mind a number of
US citizens were adopted for the day.
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
1. Self-Rating: The first year we started self-rating we had 19 self-raters.
08 -09 we had 67 self-raters, 44 from within the park and 23 who moved in throughout the year.
49 have achieved ‘regular’ status, 9 were reassigned, and 1 left the park, with the remaining 8 re-self-rating
as they did not have time to complete the required 5 matches before the end of the 08-09 Season.
09-10 66 members have self-rated for next year, 40 W, 26M.
4.0 – 6 W
3.5 – 4 W, 6 M
3.0 – 15 W, 10 M
2.5 – 15 W, 10 M
Because of the number of self-raters we are adding a 4th 3.0 team and a 5th 3.5 team.
2. Engraving: Dottie Knickerbocker passed away in December. A name plate has been purchased with her name on it
and will be attached to the bench that was previously dedicated to her husband Bob. Also in memory of her husband
Dottie had purchased one of our 2 flag poles in his name.
3. EVSTL Board Issue: The issue of raising the age limit from 45 to 50 will be voted on at the EVSTL Board Meeting
later this month. At the March 3 Board Meeting the VP Board voted to support keeping the age at 45.
Our VP representatives will take our wishes to the EVSTL meeting.
Committee Reports :
Larry Warnke – Statistician – During the 08 – 09 tennis season we have played 28,500 games and won almost 52%;
a little over 3000 individual sets and won 54%; and almost 1600 individual matches, winning 54 1/2 %.
From a match point standpoint, there was a total of over 3600 match points, with 54% won; 200 team matches with 53% won,
and a total of 17 team ties. Out thanks to the 2.5 and 3.5 teams who carried us a bit.
Ruth Nelson – Historian A new Past President’s plaque, a Can/Am Tournament plaque and the plate for
Dottie Knickerbocker were all purchased through Alpha Creations, 4323 Broadway, Mesa.
Jack Kincaid – Ball management 3840 balls were purchased this year. New cans of balls are to be returned to Jack.
He will keep them in air conditioning and use them in the fall. Last practice balls are to be placed in the locked ball
containers at the courts. Jack thanked all the captains, co-captains and ball people for all their help this year.
Al Colter – Pro activities: It wasa good year.
1. Almost 200 members took some kind of lesson this season. That number has grown every year since we
started working with Chris.
2. Two trainer’s clinics were held this past season, one last fall and a second in December.
There were 26 graduates. There will be another trainer’s clinic this fall for new “trainers” and a more
advanced clinic will be held for repeaters. There is no charge for the clinic. Sign up sheets will be up next week.
3. The dates for the fall camp are Oct. 22 – 24. Sign up sheets will be up next week.
4. Winning at Your Level will receive a much needed boost next fall. Chris will visit teams at their
1st practice to find out what we want that would make the lessons better.
5. On Nov. 28 we will have a fun carnival. There will be prizes, food, and we will be out on the courts.
It will be totally free as the money to pay for it will come out of our Langdon Sports Account.
Judy DeWald – kitchen: Thanks to all who worked in our kitchens this year. You’re doing a fantastic job!
Bobby Oakley – Court Maintenance We’re trying to fix the West Courts. Bids need to be in by
August 1, however the work would not be done until 2010 or 2011 as Cherie’s main objective this year is the streets.
We’re looking at either a rubberized coating over the top of the courts or artificial grass with sand.
Hopefully it would be the rubberized surface. The cracks would be filled, the courts would then be covered
with mesh and then 4 or 5 layers (1 inch thick when done) of a rubberized coating would be applied (at $25000 a court).
It was noted that the artificial grass with sand is slippery and extremely dangerous if the sand is not kept wet.
We’re not sure the EVSTL would allow us to use the artificial grass courts for league play.
We also have 4 posts that need to be removed at $1200 a piece. Replacement of the posts is $360 a piece.
Two pickle ball courts will be put in west of the west courts that will run north/south.
Comment from the audience: the sound system is great on the west courts!
Mark Wittick – Web site It’s been fun doing the web site and we’re glad everyone is enjoying it.
Mark was thanked for the pictures on the site. They really add a lot to the site.
Judy Farr reported that $ 943 is going to Sunshine Acres, with the same amount going to A & A Cottages
as a result of Casino Night. Also, Judy and a group of tennis members will be manning a table in the parking lot
this Saturday for the park yard sale with proceeds going to Sunshine Acres.
They gratefully accept good quality donations. What is not sold will also go to Sunshine acres.
New Business
Al Colter – Election of Officers for 2009 – 2010. Al reviewed the guidelines for the nominating committee
and announced this year’s committee which consisted of himself, Jerry Farr, Ruth Kufeldt, and Carol Nordness.
The nominating committee was happy to recommend the following people for the Executive Board for 09 – 10: President:
Clive MacRaild; Vice-President: Ralph Sharp; Treasurer: Berna Morrison; and Secretary: Sue Twyman.
Al made a motion that his report be accepted by the membership and that the candidates be considered for these positions.
George Peck seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Motion to Adjourn made by George Peck with a 2nd by Ed DeWald. Motion carried
Call to Order
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
Minutes of the last General Meeting, January 19, 2009
Other Comments
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Expenditures & Current Status of Account
Other Comments
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Post Season Tournaments
Spring Fling Banquet
Tournament Committee – Ralph Sharp
Other Comments
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
Self-rating results for 08 – 09
Self-raters for 09 - 10
EVSTL – age 45 Issue
Other Comments
Committee and Other Item Reports
As needed
New Business
Election of Officers
The meeting was called to order by Jim Gerhardt, president. Those present included Clive MacRaild, Berna Morrison,
Dale Bowen, Maureen Wiebe, Jill Zagar, Jim Ryder (2.0), Ronda Shubert, Karen Spencer-Barnes, Craig Decker,
Florence Wolfgang, George Peck, Elnora Morilon, Lowell Shrum, Sandy Kincaid, Betty Penney, Bob Paige, Ed DeWald,
Dale Forbes, Sue Moreau, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Jim Ryder (for Marcine), and Sue Twyman, secretary.
Jerry Gowen and Judy Farr arrived after the start of the meeting.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
George Peck moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting.
Nancy Nicola seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
We currently have 411 paid members, one less than last year.
Berna reported that we have $2189.07 in our Wells Fargo account, $1800.14 in our Langdon account
and $505.00 in petty cash giving us a total balance of $4494.21.
A motion was made by Nancy Nicola with a second by Betty Penney to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion passed.
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
1. End of Season Tournaments – We have over 100 players participating in the end of the season tournaments.
There are 19 teams entered in the Farnsworth Mens/Womens doubles, plus a special category
with Gary Strength in a 4.5 exhibition match. 14 teams plus Gary will participate in the Mixed Doubles.
We are sending 4 teams to the Monte Vista Team event with teams at the 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and 4.0 levels.
2. Greenfield Invitational – was a big success with VP winning 56 – 42.
3. Spring Fling Tournament – Thanks ahead of time to the 2.5 Red Team for hosting the up coming tournament.
There are over 180 players. Lunch will be ‘Tacos in a Bag’.
4. Spring Fling Banquet – is scheduled for March 20, 5:00 PM in the Ballroom.
The cost is $15.00. The theme is “Wild West Rodeo”, with food by Taylor Ray’s.
Afterward there will be dancing to music provided by “Road Runner”.
Our thanks to the 4.0 Team for hosting this event.
5. 2009 Breakfast in the Park – Following a show of hands it was agreed to hold our Fall Breakfast
at Red Mountain Park. The suggestion of renting a generator was brought up and discussed.
6. Trilogy – Clive received a thank you note from Trilogy following our invitational with them.
Included with the thank you was a check for $200.00 for hosting the lunch for their members.
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
1. EVSTL Board Meeting Report:
a. New officers were announced for the upcoming season: Pres. Ken Wilmon, VP Doy Gillespie,
Sec/treas. Marty Lisor, and Scheduler Nancy Nicola.
b. Each club is to bring $10.00 for dues to the fall meeting.
c. The issue of raising the age limit from 45 to 50 in the EVSTL will be voted on at the
March 29 meeting of the EVSTL. Following a discussion a motion was made by Judy Farr
and seconded by Maureen Wiebe to keep the age at 45. Motion passed. This will be announced
at the General Meeting so everyone is aware of the Board’s decision.
d. Discussion continues regarding intraleague play and byes in our schedule.
Because of the many variables the scheduler is faced with we can expect intraleague play and byes
to continue until the EVSTL gets a computer program that can do the schedule.
e. Apache Wells and Val Vista have achieved full membership status in the EVSTL.
Jim’s thought – A park should be able to field teams from 2.0 through 3.5 in order to be a member
of the EVSTL.
f. Standard start time for matches is 9:00 AM. Resorts that start at a time different than that need
to notify the EVSTL so it can be posted as such.
2. Self-Rating:
a. 08 -09 We had 67 self-raters, 44 from within the park and 23 who moved in throughout the year.
49 have achieved ‘regular’ status, 9 were reassigned, and 1 left the park, with the remaining
8 re-self-rating as they did not have time to complete the required 5 matches before the end of
the 08-09 season.
b. 09-10 67 members have self-rated for next year, 40 W, 27M.
4.0 – 6 W
3.5 – 4 W, 6 M
3.0 – 15 W, 11 M
2.5 – 15 W, 10 M
Moving from 1.5 to 2.0 – 10 W, 15 M These members are not considered self-raters.
With the high numbers at the 3.0 level there is a strong possibility that we will add a 4th team.
c. Realignment date change – Due to a conflict with the Tuesday night dinner show a motion was
made by Dale Bowen and seconded by Bob Paige that we schedule the realignment meeting for Monday,
March 9, following the General Meeting. Motion passed.
d. Jim received a letter from Ken Wilmon, of CM asking for 3.5 men players to play on the
Carriage Manor team next year as they will be short of men. You do not have to live in the
park you play for at the 3.5 and 4.0 levels.
New Business
Player positions for next year - Captains worked together looking at the complete list of players at their level to
make sure they agreed that the players were ranked appropriately. Those rankings will be used next week at the
realignment meeting.
Hitting Wall –There was an inquiry about a hitting wall. Cinder block was suggested because of the noise factor.
The North wall of court 1or the East side of court 6 was suggested, as was the fact that it does not have to be
attached to a court and would be nice outside the court. It was noted that SSV has a hitting apparatus.
No vote was taken.
From the Floor
Casino Night $1946 was raised at Casino Night, with $1003 going to Sunshine Acres and $943 going to A &A Cottages.
Gold Leaf Advisors made a cash gift of $500 which paid for the prizes. The Park kicked in what would have been
their liquor profits.
A question was raised regarding new players that go to 1.5. They are moved to the appropriate level as soon as it is
determined what that level is.
Bobby Oakley is working with the park in regards to reconditioning Courts 7 – 10.
It was suggested that we purchase scorekeeping chairs with canopies at the approximate cost of $45.00 each.
The matter will be looked into.
George Peck suggested we install lights at the East Courts for the flags. Then they could be left up all the time.
We’ll have Bobby Oakley look into it this summer.
People are not turning the lights off on the East Courts in the evening when they are finished playing.
Motion to Adjourn made by George Peck with a 2nd by Nancy Nicola. Motion carried
Quorum roll call: All team captains & officers
Minutes of the last meeting February 10, 2009 Sue Twyman
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Expenditures & Current Status of Account
Other Comments
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Farnsworth Tournaments
Monte Vista Team Tournament
Spring Fling Tournament
Spring Fling Banquet
Greenfield Tournament
2009 Breakfast in the Park location – comments back from captains
Other Comments
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
EVSTL Board Meeting
Self-rating status 08 – 09
Requests for self-rating 09 – 10
Change of date for realignment meeting
Other Comments
Committee and Other Item Reports
Ball maintenance – Jack Kincaid
Others as necessary
New Business
Player positions for next year (meeting with same level captains)
Hitting Wall
Motion to Adjourn
The meeting was called to order by Jim Gerhardt, president. Those present included Clive MacRaild, Berna Morrison,
Dale Bowen, Maureen Wiebe, Jill Zagar, Karen Spencer-Barnes, Craig Decker, Florence Wolfgang, George Peck,
Elnora Morilon, Lowell Shrum, Sandy Kincaid, Betty Penney, Duane Dehne, Diane Hudson, Dale Forbes, Betty Isabey,
Sue Moreau, Nancy Nicola, and Sue Twyman, secretary. Jerry Gowen and Ed DeWald arrived after the start of the meeting.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
George Peck moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting.
Nancy Nicola seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
We currently have 391 paid members.
Berna reported having $2914.57 in our Wells Fargo account, $1800.14 in our Langdon account and $60. in petty cash
giving us a total balance of $4774.71. A motion was made by Lowell Shrum with a second by Betty Penney to accept the
treasurer’s report. Motion passed.
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
1. Farnsworth Tournaments - All VP final entries must be turned in by Feb. 18.
The men’s/women’s play-downs are complete. The mixed are in progress.
The men’s/women’s will be played at SVE from 3/9 – 3/14. Mixed will be at SSV from 3/16 – 3/21.
2. Monte Vista Team Tournament – While all posted entry forms are gone only one 3.5 team has
registered thus far. The deadline for entry is Mon. Feb.16. Forms must be turned into Clive.
Tourney dates are: Mar. 23 – Mar. 29.
3. Valentine Tournament – We have a full day of tennis with all the courts in use from 8:00 – 11:00,
and the East Courts in use until 2:00. In the event of rain lunch will be served in the multipurpose
room at North Point.
4. Greenfield Invitational – The 3.5W Team is hosting the event on Feb. 21.
5. Venture Out Fall Classic – Forms are up for the Fall Tournament.
The deadline for sign up is March 8. Don’t wait as once where are 168 teams it is closed to additional entries.
6. Directory – All changes to the directory must be turned into Clive by Mon., Feb. 16.
The Directory is available on line. Captains were sent the password.
Those who do not have a computer or printer may get a hard copy by calling Ed DeWald.
7. For those people having a hard time opening documents we send you, you can go to and
download this program that will allow you to do so.
8. Court Usage - We still have a number of people not abiding by the court usage rule.
Captains please pass the word on again.
9. Player Position Sheets – The final sheet including position and date due back of each member
is due in to Clive by Feb. 27. Please bring copies of your position sheet for fellow captains at your level
with you to the Board Meeting on March 7. Captains at each level will be working with the sheets to confirm
rankings to be ready for the redraw.
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
1. Pairings for Competition – All present were given the Guidelines for pairings. It was again stressed that:
Position #1 players may play #1 or #2
Position #2 players may play #1, #2, or #3
Position #3 players may play #2 or #3
2. Self-Rating Status:
Self-Rating requests for the ‘09 –‘10 Season are due, in writing, to Jim Gerhardt by Feb. 27. So far 12
requests have been turned in: 2 Men to 2.5, 4 Men, 4 Women to 3.0, and 2 Women to 4.0.
Of the 66 ‘08-‘09 Self-Raters 34 have been moved to “Regular” status, 8 have been reassigned, and 24 are still in limbo.
Committee Reports:
1.Nominating Committee: Carol Nordness reported for committee chair, Al Colter, that the nominating committee
consisting of: Al, Jerry Farr, Ruth Kufeldt, and Carol Nordness has completed it’s task and plans to present the
following slate of officers to the general membership to be voted on at the March 8, General Meeting.
President: Clive MacRaild
Vice-President: Ralph Sharp
Treasurer: Berna Morrison
Secretary: Sue Twyman
A copy of the committee’s report is to be posted at both courts.
2. Carol further reported for Al that a list of potential club members for committee work has been compiled.
3. Along with the USTA NTRP we now have a second column created by Chris Langdon to help clarify what skills
we need to be able to be successful at each level. This information is now available on our web site.
It is hoped that Captains can use this to help team members make informed decisions about whether or not to self-rate.
4. The Doubles Strategy Clinic and Seminar for those teams that qualified for Farnsworth will be held on
four consecutive Sundays from 2-3:30 starting on Feb. 15. Sign up now.
From the Floor
Remember Casino Night and The All Resort Revue are coming up and Judy Farr needs workers for both.
Motion to Adjourn made by George Peck with a 2nd by Elnora Morilon. Motion carried
Quorum roll call: All team captains & officers
Minutes of the last meeting January 6, 2009 Sue Twyman
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Expenditures & Current Status of Account
Other Comments
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Farnsworth Tournaments
Monte Vista Team Tournament
Valentine Tournament
Greenfield Tournament
20009 Player Directory
Court Usage Policy
Player Position sheets with position and return date by Feb. 27
2009 Breakfast in the Park location
Other Comments
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
EVSTL Board Meeting
Pairings for Competition
Self-rating status
Other Comments
Committee and Other Item Reports
Old Business
New Business
Hitting Wall
Motion to Adjourn
The meeting was called to order by Jim Gerhardt, president.
Jim welcomed new tennis members.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
Ed DeWald moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the November 3, 2008 General Meeting.
George Peck seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue reminded everyone that the deadline for agenda items for the next General Meeting is Tuesday, March 3, 2009.
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Berna reports we have 366 paid members at this time.
She thanked team treasurers and social events people for their patience in waiting to turn in money while she was away at Christmas.
We have a current balance of $5843.44 in our checking account, with $1680.14 in the Langdon Sports account,
and $3623.30 in available funds. There is currently $540 in petty cash.
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
. Carriage Manor Tournament: Eight teams participated in the Christmas Tournament at Carriage Manor.
Over all we were 10/8, winning every match played the first day. Three teams made it to the finals and
all earned silver medals: 8.0 Dee Bacci and Gary Strength, 5.0 Tom Rucker and Ali Garcia, and 4.5 Chuck Crane and Pat Stewart
Farnsworth: There are 31 men’s and women’s play down matches scheduled for Fri. thru Sun., Jan. 23 – 25 on the
East Courts.
The schedule is posted at the East Courts. The Star Group is hosting the three day event.
Sign up sheets for the Farnsworth Mixed Doubles Tournament are up until Wed. Jan. 21, 2009.
Play-downs will be Feb. 6-8.
Tournament Committee – Ralph Sharp:
So far this year we have had 3 in-park tournaments, 2 out of park Invitationals and 3 Invitationals here.
We have 2 remaining in-park tournaments here: the Valentine Tournament on Feb. 14 and the Spring Fling on Mar. 7.
We have 2 Invitationals left. There have been some changes in those dates.
On Jan. 31 we have an Invitational here against Trilogy and Venture Out. On Feb. 21 we will be hosting Greenfield.
So far we have had 429 matches with 1716 players from both our park and opposing parks.
265 different tennis club members have participated.
This past Saturday we hosted Monte Vista and lost 79 to 94.
To answer the questions: Who gets to play? How do you decide?
The following is the criteria and the order that the committee uses after they have spoken with the other park
and have an idea of how many teams, men, women, mixed we’ll need:
1. Did you sign up last time and not get to play?
2. Was your last match a VP vs VP match?
3. The order of sign up.
4. Elimination of a 2nd match.
5. When all else fails: drawing names.
As a reminder, the committee consists of Ralph, Ray Pelland, Linda Decker and Carol Nordness.
Thanks to Lee McDougal for helping with last weeks pairings.
Clive read the Court Scheduling Policy that was passed by the Board which read:
For the months of January and February, if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 am – 2 pm,
you cannot play again that day in primetime. You can sign up for court time for two times in the future
but cannot book any more games until one of those games are played because you can only have
two bookings on paper at one time in primetime.
A motion was made by George Peck to accept the proposal, with a second by Judy Farr. Motion passed.
During the discussion before the vote Prime Time was identified as 8:00am-2:00pm, 7 days a week.
It was suggested that when signing up please put a last name or phone # as it will make it easier for Clive
if he needs to reschedule a court.
Clive’s final comments:
Keep an eye on the social calendar as we have lots coming up.
Mark Wittick is doing a great job on the Web site.
Many thanks to Betty Penney for her great camera work.
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
Jim reported that we have 62 self-raters this year. 44 are move ups from within the club, and 18 are people who
moved into the park.
41 are women, 21 are men. As of Jan. 19, 2009, 28 members have attained “regular” status.
Self-rating requests are due in to Jim by midnight, Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2009 for the 2009-2010 Season.
Request forms are available on line. Sue will also put forms at East and West courts for those who do not have computers.
Committee Reports:
Kitchen – Judy DeWald reported that one of the tennis club roasters was borrowed over Christmas and was not returned.
She wants it back!
Nominating Committee – Al Coulter will be putting together the nominating committeewithin the next week.
They will be following the guidelines that were established last year and will be ready to make their
recommendations in early March.
If you are interested in being a member of the executive board or know of someone who would be contact Al Coulter.
East Valley Tennis Academy – Al Coulter
10% of all monies Chris Langdon takes in come back to VP Tennis Club and is used for special events
and training with board approval.
Sue will send info on Chris and lessons, etc. to Mark Wittick to be put on the Web.
3. The program scheduled with John McEnroe’s coach has been canceled due to the expense.
4. Winning at Your Level will have a change in format so that it coincides with the USTA Guidelines and will enable
participants to become proficient at skills at their level.
5. Farnsworth Training: A series of 4 Clinics on 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, and 3/8 from 2:00- 3:30 will be available for those
who will be participating the end of season tournaments, both doubles and mixed doubles.
The focus will be on strategy, playing out points and discussing ways to improve.
The cost would be $100 per player, with a $25 refund for those who attend all 4 clinics.
The sign up sheet will be posted from Feb. 8- Feb. 15.
Old Business
New Business
Amended Self-rating Guidelines: A motion was made by Mike Murphyand seconded by Dale Bowen
that we accept the amended Self-Rating Guidelines.
During the discussion that followed a motion was made by Judy Farr and seconded by Jennifer Wittick
that the word “guidelines” be changed to “rules”. Motion carried.
Following that vote a vote to accept the amended Self-Rating Rules was taken. Motion carried.
The Self-Rating Rules are to be retroactive to Nov. 3, 2008.
Motion to Adjourn was made by George Peck, with a 2nd by Judy DeWald. Motion carried.
Call to Order
Welcome new members
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
Minutes of the last General Meeting, November 3, 2008
Deadline for next General Meeting Agenda Items
Other Comments
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Expenditures & Current Status of Account
Other Comments
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Carriage Manor Christmas Tournament
Farnsworth Tournaments
Tournament Committee – Ralph Sharp
Court Scheduling Policy
Web Page/Directory
Social Calendar
Other Comments
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
Deadline for Self-rating
Date of next General Meeting
Other Comments
Committee and Other Item Reports
As needed
Old Business
New Business
Pro Activities – Al Colter
Amended Self-rating Guidelines
The meeting was called to order by Jim Gerhardt, president. Those present included Clive MacRaild, Dale Bowen,
Maureen Wiebe, Jill Zagar, Jim Ryder, Karen Spencer-Barnes, Craig Decker, Florence Wolfgang, George Peck,
Ron Stewart, Joe McKibben,Lowell Shrum, Sandy Kincaid, Betty Penney, Mark Wittick (3.5R), Ed DeWald, Diane Hudson,
Dale Forbes, Betty Isabey, Sue Moreau, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Jim Keating, and Sue Twyman, secretary.
Jerry Gowen and Judy Farr arrived after the start of the meeting.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
George Peck moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Ed DeWald seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Sue asked captains to remind their team members that any address, phone, e-mail etc. changes go to team treasurers,
then to Berna who sends them on to Ed DeWald, and then on to Larry Warnke as needed.
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
To date we have 207 paid members.
As Berna was not present it was decided to fore go the Treasurer’s Report until the General Meeting on Jan. 19, 2009.
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
1. Invitationals:
1. 3.0 White is hosting the 1/10/09 invitational against Leisure World and Carriage Manor. We will have 88 teams participating.
2. 3.5 Green hosts Monte Vista on 1/17/09
3. 3.5 Blue hosts Greenfield on 1/31/09
2. Just a reminder the General Meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 19, 2009 at 7 PM at North Point.
3 .End of the Year Tournaments:
1. Mens/Womens at SVE: The deadline for signing up is Jan. 14. Qualifying will take place from Jan. 22 – 24.
2. Mixed Doubles at SSV: The deadline for signing up is Jan. 21. Qualifying will take place from Feb. 5 -9.
This year there will be a 4.5 Men’s bracket. Potentially we have 3 men who could participate.
Participants need to have played in 4 EVSTL matches to be eligible to play. Teams will be seeded this year.
EVSTL will be asking for W/L records for teams seeded one and two.
A committee consisting of Clive MacRaild, Ralph Sharp, Carol Nordness, and Jim Gerhardt will oversee the
qualifying rounds.
3.Christmas Tournament: Eight teams participated in the Christmas Tournament at Carriage Manor.
Over all we were 10/8, winning every match played the first day.
Three teams made it to the finals and all earned silver medals :
8.0 Dee Bacci and Gary Strength, 5.0 Tom Rucker and Ali Garcia, and 4.5 Chuck Crane and Pat Stewart.
Betty Penney did a great job with here camera to capture the event.
4. Player Position Sheets: Please return updated sheets to Clive ASAP.
5. Web Site: Mark Wittick continues to do a phenomenal job with our web site.
We can now access the Directory at the site. Captains should have sent the link to their members.
6. Court Usage: The approved motion will be read at the General Meeting.
It reads: For the months of January and February, if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 am – 2 pm,
you cannot play again that day in primetime.
You can sign up for court time for two times in the future but cannot book any more games until one of those games
are played because you can only have two bookings on paper at one time in primetime.
7. Use of 5 courts for matches and possibly practices was discussed. Ed DeWald commented that with their late start due
to rain they were still able to get all of their matches in because they were able to use all of the East Courts.
He suggests that we reserve all courts until we know how many courts we will need and then release unneeded courts for
open tennis.
Clive will contact Tom Rucker and will reserve all 10 courts when 2 teams are in park ( 5 and 5) and 6 courts when 1
team is in park.
It is the captain’s responsibility to release courts as so as it is apparent that all the courts reserved will not be needed.
Captain wishing an extra court for practice should contact Clive well before the court is needed.
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
Self-Raters: Currently we have 58 self-raters on the books. 44 are players who have moved up.
Another 14 have moved in to the park. Currently we have 16 who made their stats based on board decision
(i.e. included matches that had been played in position #1 or #2),
3 who made stats playing position #3, and 5 who have been reassigned.
Positions: Captains are to remember:
#1 players can only play position #1 or #2.
#2 players can play #1, #2, or #3.
#3 players can play #2 or #3.
Match Logs: In match logs denote playing level if players are not playing at their own level (i.e. a 2.5 playing in a 3.0 match)
Defibrillator: It appears that the battery has expired and replacement cost is around $700.
Since we do not own the defibrillator Jim will pass this on to Cherie.
Committee Reports:
Nominating Committee: Al Colter has graciously accepted the role of Chair.
His complete committee is not yet in place but should be busy in about 10 days.
He is asking for names of people to fill the Officers positions. He is hoping for a pool of about 25 from which to choose.
If you know of someone that you think could fill one of the positions please contact Al at 4608.
Pro Activities: Al Colter It is that time of year to look over what we have done, see what works and look at those things
that need to be changed.
Many 3 and Me, 4 and Me, Semi and Private lessons have been held at Montessa which has freed up courts here.
A 2nd Skills Training clinic was just conducted, with one make up day being held Sun, Jan. 11. 26 different people
have now gone through the training. The list of Graduates will be placed in the file cabinet as the East Courts.
The Special event with John MacEnroe’s trainer has been cancelled due to the high cost of the event.
Captains please advise your team that Chris does not have lessons between 8:00 and 3:00 and also that 10% of monies
collected comes back to the club. Ed DeWald suggested that Al e-mail Sue an overview on Chris and in turn Sue can
send it to the captains.
Al put forth a proposal he wishes to take to the General Meeting. It included:
Winning at Your Level: Ask Chris to change the format a bit to design a program to coincide with the
USTA Guidelines which would enable participants to become proficient at skills needed to go to the next level.
Farnsworth Training: A series of 4 Clinics on 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, and 3/8 from 2:00- 3:30 for those who will be
participating the end of season tournaments, both doubles and mixed doubles. The focus would be on strategy,
playing out points and discussing ways to improve. The cost would be $100 per player,
with a $25 refund for those who attend all 4 clinics. The sign up sheet will be posted from Feb. 8- Feb. 15.
George Peck made a motion, seconded by Ed DeWald that Al Colter take his proposal to the General Meeting. Motion passed.
Committee Reports
Clothing – Patty Warnke You can purchase VP Tennis sweatshirts for $25 and tee shirts for $10. Patty needs 12 of an item to order.
If interested call Patty at 4718 or sign up at the East Courts.
Tennis Balls –Jack Kincaid reports that he feels he is right where he should be budget wise. In the process of repopulating
the ball machines he has discovered that some of our good balls have been replaced with generic, lesser quality balls.
Kitchen – Sue Twyman for Judy DeWald A number of items were brought up and it was suggested that they be posted at both kitchens.
1.5 Program – Jerry Gowen Currently there are 34 1.5 tennis players, with 8-9 trainers.
Last year the number reached 50+ and is expected to do the same this year.
Old Business
VP vs VP: After checking with the EVSTL it was determined that we can choose to not have VP vs VP matches count,
and that with scheduling constraints it is impossible to change the schedule so that we would not have to play each other.
Because of the above, the following motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by George Peck
(with a slight change proposed by Dale Bowen and seconded by Mark Wittick and passed)
Motion: When View Point plays View Point the captains are to meet prior to start of play to determine whether or not
the stats for the matches will count for EVSTL. If both captains agree that the matches should not count,
they will not count and stats will not be kept. If either captain wants the stats and matches to count, the matches will count.
Christmas Family Sue Twyman reported that the 3.0 Red team collected $1375 for Sunshine Acres Children’s Home.
Six tennis members took the tour of the facility and presented the check from VP Tennis Club.
Self-Rating Guidelines Two small changes were made to the Self Rating Document that was approved at last month’s Board Meeting.
1. Under “Who Self-rates? c)” A motion was made by Judy Farr and seconded by Mark Wittick
the wording be changed from: “more than 3” to “4 or more”. Motion passed.
2. Under “Self-raters” A motion was made by Mark Wittick and seconded by George Peck to
Change the wording from: “He or she may not self-rate again until the end of the second season following
his or her failed self-rating.” to “He or she may not self-rate again until the end of the season following
his or her failed self-rating season.” Motion passed.
New Business
Casino Night Judy Farr made a motion that monies collected at Casino Night be split equally between
Sunshine Acres Children’s Home and A and A Cottages. Diane Hudson seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
Motion to Adjourn made by George Peck with a 2nd by Karen Spencer-Barnes. Motion carried
Quorum roll call: All team captains & officers
Minutes of the last meeting December 9, 2008 Sue Twyman
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Expenditures & Current Status of Account
Other Comments
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Social calendar
Upcoming tournaments
Carriage Manor Christmas Tournament
Pick a Partner for Season End Tournaments
Player Position Sheets
Web Page
Court scheduling
Other Comments
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
Self-rater up-date
Other Comments
Committee and Other Item Reports
Old Business
VP vs VP
Christmas Family
Self – Rating Motion
New Business
Motion to Adjourn
The meeting was called to order by Jim Gerhardt, president. Those present included Clive MacRaild, Berna Morrison, Bev LaTrace, Dale Bowen, Pam Pelland (2.0W), Jim Ryder, Karen Spencer-Barnes, Craig Decker, Florence Wolfgang, George Peck, Ron Stewart, Elnora Morilon, Lowell Shrum, Betty Penney, Duane Dehne, Nancy Swanson, Ed DeWald, Diane Hudson, Dale Forbes, Betty Isabey, Anna Lorenzen (3.5G), Nancy Nicola, Marcine Williams and Sue Twyman, secretary.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
After one small change in the minutes (changing East courts to West courts in reference to a possible location for next year’s Breakfast in the Park) Ed DeWald moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. George Peck seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue announced that the January 12, 2009 General Meeting has been changed to January 19, 2009 and that the deadline for Agenda Items is January 12. Per request the changed Social Calendar will be sent to all Captains and Co-captains, up-dated calendars are to be posted at both courts and the Secretary will send an e-mail to all Captains in early January reminding them of the General Meeting date change and the deadline for agenda items.
Captains were given updated phone numbers for Betty Penney-5132 and Jim Ryder-2126
The use of Opposing Team Rosters was again stressed as Captains have been reporting problems with some opposing team captains and who they play where. Clive is updating roster information to captains as quickly as the information is made available to him. Current lists are at the EVSTL site. It is in your team’s best interest that you make sure all opponents belong to the team they are playing on.
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Berna reported that we now have 297 paid members for the 08-09 Season. We have a current balance of $4393.17 in our checking account. $$1301.14 is in the Langdon Sports Account, There is $280 in petty cash which gives us a total of $5974.31. This includes $568 in Social Event Overages.
Berna will be away from December 17, through January 7.
George Peck made a motion that we accept the Treasurer’s Report as read. Dale Forbes seconded the motion. Passed
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Tournaments: There has been excellent participation in tournaments this year with 207 different players participating.
VO Invitational: VP won: 49 ½ to 38 ½
Greenfield: We lost by 2 points
Due to the size of our club we have had to sit out half of our players for invitationals. A possible way to eliminate this problem would be to play a combined invitational against two parks.
2. Upcoming Events:
The Tennis Christmas Party, sponsored by the 3.5 Red Team is to be held on Thursday, December 11. Less than 200 tickets have been sold.
The 2.0 Red Team is hosting an Invitational with VDO this Saturday, December 13, 2008.
We have 10 teams signed up for the Carriage Christmas Tournament on Dec. 29, 30, 31.
Christmas Family: So far $663 has been donated from 8 teams. Teams have until December 12, 2008 to get any monies collected to Sue Twyman of the 3.0 Blue Team.
3. Player Position Sheets: All sheets but one have been turned in at this time. It is important to keep them updated as they are used for in-park and invitational tournaments.
4. Court cleaning: For clarification: when your team is assigned to court cleaning you can chose the time and day that works for your team within the week assigned.
5. Court Usage: Clive thanked the captains for going back to their teams with our concerns for court scheduling, noting that things will get worse in January and February. He asked that Captains read a directive to their teams that was passed 2 years ago which states:
For the months of January and February, if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 am – 2 pm, you cannot play again that day in primetime. You can sign up for court time for two times in the future but cannot book any more games until one of those games are played because you can only have two bookings on paper at one time in primetime.
He will e-mail it to all Captains and post it at both courts.
6. Web Site: Mark Wittick has done a phenomenal job with our web site. He has made it a living site and constantly updates it with current information and keeps us apprised as to what is going on at VP Tennis Club. Clive will send out the web address so everyone will have it.
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
Self-Raters: Currently we have 56 self-raters on the books. 44 are players who have moved up. Another 12 have moved in to the park. On December 8 it was determined that 3 women and 1 man had achieved their stats and became official members of their respective teams. 2 men were reassigned to teams at a lower level. Evaluations of self-raters will be an ongoing process as more players complete their 5 matches.
Make sure fun matches are scheduled for the second round.
When you have players playing up for league matches please try to use as many different people as possible.
Meeting with Cherie: When Cherie was asked about the possibility of patio lights and a sound system at the West Courts she was very agreeable. We will research needed equipment and have it in place by the end of the season so we’ll be set for next year.
Cherie is sensitive to non-tennis related items on our bulletin boards. They will be monitored and “want ad’s” etc. will be removed.
Jim is concerned that we don’t seem to have a process for meeting new people coming into the park and assigning them to teams
One of our teams was having a social at the West courts and had problems with sprinklers. In the future see Bobby Oakley. He can take care of the sprinklers.
Al Colter has set up a 2nd Skills Training Clinic for January 2-4 from noon to 3 PM at the East courts. This training is free of charge and open to new people or those who previously attended. The goal of the clinic is to standardize the approach, terminology and direction of tennis instruction here at VP.
Casino night and the Resort revue will be on our January agenda. Jim has asked us in the past to step forward and volunteer to help out in various ways in the park. We need to consider how we as tennis club members can help. With all that Cherie has done for us we need to give back.
Committee Reports:
Tennis Balls –Jack Kincaid reports that he has purchased and delivered enough tennis balls to get all teams well into January. He has spent $1571 so far for balls and feels he is right where he should be budget wise. He has been busy with the practice balls that have been left at the courts. He repopulated the ball machine the East courts 3 weeks ago, the West courts 1 week ago and is ready to do the East courts again. Please remind your people to put used practice balls in the receptacles at the courts and make sure they are still in their original containers.
Old Business
Get Fit-Stay Fit Sue Twyman reported we have 45 tennis members that signed up through her at the courts for Get Fit-Stat Fit, which is up from last year’s 14 people signing up. The program itself is up over 100 compared to last year at this time. She asked captains to again mention Get Fit-Stat Fit to team members that arrive in January.
Self-Rating Motion Keith Swanson spoke on behalf of his committee which includes: himself, Nancy Nicola, Ed DeWald, Max Kufelt, and Joyce Davis. He explained that the committee felt revisions to the original document were needed and that they had been working on the new document for the past two months.
Prior to the meeting the proposed new document was sent to all captains and co-captains along with a
Q and A sheet, thanks to Ed DeWald, which addressed questions members considering self-rating would ask. Keith went through the document explaining that along with tightening up some of the language there were really only two new sections that were added: 1. Under self-rater: At the discretion of the team Captain/Co-Captain, self-raters can play in the 1st and 2nd position. Successful playing at this level will be deemed “Special Circumstances”. See below. 2. Under All Players: Losing statistics will not count on the record of a player who is required to play a match with a self-rated player.
Dale Bowen made a motion to accept the document as read and to have it be retroactive to the beginning of the EVSTL 2008-2009 Tennis Season. Nancy Nicola seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. As this now goes to the General Meeting on January19, 2009 it was requested that all team Captains be sent this new document and Q and A sheet and have them inform their team members. The secretary will also post both documents at both courts advising tennis members that this will be voted on in January.
Dale also requested that a small error on page 2 of the Q and A be corrected before sending it out.
New Business
Dale Forbes addressed his concern that many VP tennis players do not like having to play other VP teams as part of the EVSTL and having it count. Nancy Nicola stated that there is no way she can schedule matches so that does not happen. Jim said he will contact the EVSTL and find out what their policy is on internal matches. If this issue does not conflict with the EVSTL, captains will go to their teams for input. We will revisit this issue at the January Board Meeting.
Jim Ryder spoke about the Star Tennis group, stating that their purpose is fun! Star would be willing to have players from teams fill in. It could be injured players working their way back, people who are moving down, or those who are struggling and wish to see what star is all about. Star philosophy is posted at both courts.
Note to scorekeepers: When keeping score make sure the RED numbers are directly over the words ViewPoint, and the BLACK numbers are directly over the word Visitor. This will eliminate any confusion as to which team has which score.
Gamesmanship: Please review gamesmanship with your team members including when it is appropriate to pick up balls on the court.
Motion to Adjourn made by George Peck with a 2nd by Marcine Williams. Motion carried
Monday, November 5, 2007, 7:00 P.M.
President Sue Byrnes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Sue welcomed all. She introduced the Viewpoint General Manager Cherri Dewarrat and Assistant General Manager Lupe Seeton and thanked them for their cooperation. New members Barbara and Steve Butcher and Jennifer and Mark Wittick were introduced and welcomed.
George Peck moved that we dispense with the reading of the minutes from the Nov. 1 board meeting and the minutes of the March 12 general meeting. Seconded and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Doug Amos reported that the Audit Report by Joe Morton indicated that all financial records are in order. He reported that we currently have a balance of $2,312.94 in the checking account.. The Budget for 07/08 is available for perusal.
Vice-President’s Report: Sue asked the many participants who played in the Venture Out tournament to stand and be recognized and she also thanked those who cheered them. Lee McDougal reported that the welcome back tournament on Nov. 3 involved 108 members playing 30 matches. He thanked Ralph Sharp for his help running the tournament and the 2.0 red team for the refreshments.
Venture Out will host an invitational on Nov. 17. Signup sheets will be posted until Monday, the 12th. Pairings will be posted on the 14th.
On Nov. 24 we will have a mixed level in park tournament. Signup sheets will be posted on the 14th.
Social Calendar: The Breakfast in the Park will be held Saturday, Nov. 10th at 9 a.m. Tickets will be on sale on Nov. 5th and 6th from 9 to 11 and from 11 to 1 on Nov. 7th. Tickets will cost $4. Those bringing casseroles will be reimbursed. Red Mt. Park requests that no glass containers be used at the park. Bring your own liquor and table service. Juice will be provided. Parking is free. Drivers should take the Brown entrance into the park.
President’s Report: Sue reminded members to read their newsletters for pertinent information. A follow up newsletter will be publlished January 1st and March 1st. Sue has prepared a new member handbook and will meet with new members as needed
Information such as minutes, rosters, etc. will be emailed to the Captains who will then email the items to their team members and/or provide hard copies for those who do not receive email.
Sue expressed thanks to the park for the painting and repainting the wall at theeast courts.
Sue reported a EVSTL by-law change regarding forfeits. Team not forfeiting will be declared the winner of the match.
Committee Reports:
Score Keepers: Dale Bowen reported that the club has 450 members and not enough score keepers. He will provide training on Nov. 14th at 5 PM at the East Courts. Please sign up.
Kitchen Committee: Judy DeWald reported that a food handlers test will be given in Dec. and those who work in the kitchen should sign up to take the test.
Star Team: Clare Feiereisel reported that the Star Team players will plan to meet this Friday at 12:30.
Welfare Donations: Clare asked all members to pick up the Fry’s and Bashas VIP Cards. When these card numbers are added to your store 1% will automatically be donated to Taft School when you pay for your groceries. These donations help provide breakfast and lunch for the 69% of children attending that school who are on welfare.
Sunshine Acres Benefit: Judy Farr announced that the park will have a yard sale on Nov. 17th. The tennis club will sell at several tables at the ballroom parking lot. If you would like to donate items to sell at these tables, all the proceeds will go to Sunshine Acres. Bring your for sale items to Judy at 4701.
Maintenance: Our thanks to Bobbie Oakley who worked very hard during the entire summer to improve our tennis courts. The park provided new wind screens, 6 new nets. Bobbie installed the new bulletin boards purchased by the club. A light will be installed at the
East Court
parking lot.
Old Business: Self rated players should play line 3 or 4 for the first matches. All players must win 40% of their games and 40% of the first 5 matches. If they do not they will be moved down one level immediately.
New Business:
Contract with Chris Langdon:
Al Coulter reported that Chris Langdon is available to provide individual lessons at Viewpoint Courts from 6:30 to 8 AM and after 3:30 PM. After 5 PM, clinics will be scheduled for every level: Six week sessions will be cost $60 or $15 each if paid individually. Sign-up sheets will be posted. Players may also contact Chris for lessons at other facilities. George Peck moved that we accept this contract to run from Nov. 6th to Oct. 31st, 2008. The motion was seconded and carried by show of hands.
Additional special events will be announced
Court Usage: Sue asked for volunteers to form a committee to study how best to use the courts during the months of January and February when the demand is great.
Bicycles at East Courts: Park bicycles in racks or next to court 1. Do not park bicycles on walks in front of other courts.
Holiday Banquet December 5th: Judy Farr urged all members to plan to attend this fun event.
Cam Ratcliff announced that ROVA meeting scheduled for Nov. 6th has been cancelled.
Larry Warnke moved that meeting be adjourned. Seconded and carried.
Next General Meeting will be January 14th, 2008.
Respectfully submitted,
Anna Lorenzen
The meeting was called to order by Jim Gerhardt, president.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
George Peck moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last general meeting.
Ed DeWald seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Berna reported that we have $5202.77 in our Wells Fargo account, $1800.14 in our Langdon account and $00.00 in petty
cash giving us a total balance of $7002.91. She commented that the balance is deceiving as it includes monies collected
for the Spring Fling Banquet. A motion was made by Carol Nordness with a second by Craig Decker to accept the treasurer’s report.
Motion passed.
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
1. Post Season Tournaments – We have over 100 players participating in the 3 end of the season tournaments,
with some duplication of players. The little slips that tell who’s playing are on the web site and also available at the East Courts
2. Spring Fling Banquet – is scheduled for March 20, 5:00 PM in the Ballroom. The cost is $15.00. The theme is
“Wild West Rodeo”, so dress casual or western. Food is to be provided by Taylor Ray’s.
Afterward there will be dancing to music provided by “Road Runner”. Our thanks to the 4.0 Team for hosting this event.
3. Clive thanked the Tournament Committee members: Ralph Sharp, Carol Nordness, Linda Decker,
and Ray Pelland for all their hard work setting up matches and the many hours they put in at the courts during all
of our In-park and Invitational tournaments this year.
4. Tournament Committee – Ralph Sharp thanked the tennis members for their support and participation this year.
We had 322 different club members participate this year in our Saturday tournaments. That’s right at 80% participation.
We scheduled 689 matches, which was 2756 players, 12 tournaments, 5 In-park, 5 Invitationals at VP and 5 Invitationals
out of park. In the USA vs. Canada Tournament the final score was USA – 45, Canada – 77. Keep in mind a number of
US citizens were adopted for the day.
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
1. Self-Rating: The first year we started self-rating we had 19 self-raters.
08 -09 we had 67 self-raters, 44 from within the park and 23 who moved in throughout the year.
49 have achieved ‘regular’ status, 9 were reassigned, and 1 left the park, with the remaining 8 re-self-rating
as they did not have time to complete the required 5 matches before the end of the 08-09 Season.
09-10 66 members have self-rated for next year, 40 W, 26M.
4.0 – 6 W
3.5 – 4 W, 6 M
3.0 – 15 W, 10 M
2.5 – 15 W, 10 M
Because of the number of self-raters we are adding a 4th 3.0 team and a 5th 3.5 team.
2. Engraving: Dottie Knickerbocker passed away in December. A name plate has been purchased with her name on it
and will be attached to the bench that was previously dedicated to her husband Bob. Also in memory of her husband
Dottie had purchased one of our 2 flag poles in his name.
3. EVSTL Board Issue: The issue of raising the age limit from 45 to 50 will be voted on at the EVSTL Board Meeting
later this month. At the March 3 Board Meeting the VP Board voted to support keeping the age at 45.
Our VP representatives will take our wishes to the EVSTL meeting.
Committee Reports :
Larry Warnke – Statistician – During the 08 – 09 tennis season we have played 28,500 games and won almost 52%;
a little over 3000 individual sets and won 54%; and almost 1600 individual matches, winning 54 1/2 %.
From a match point standpoint, there was a total of over 3600 match points, with 54% won; 200 team matches with 53% won,
and a total of 17 team ties. Out thanks to the 2.5 and 3.5 teams who carried us a bit.
Ruth Nelson – Historian A new Past President’s plaque, a Can/Am Tournament plaque and the plate for
Dottie Knickerbocker were all purchased through Alpha Creations, 4323 Broadway, Mesa.
Jack Kincaid – Ball management 3840 balls were purchased this year. New cans of balls are to be returned to Jack.
He will keep them in air conditioning and use them in the fall. Last practice balls are to be placed in the locked ball
containers at the courts. Jack thanked all the captains, co-captains and ball people for all their help this year.
Al Colter – Pro activities: It wasa good year.
1. Almost 200 members took some kind of lesson this season. That number has grown every year since we
started working with Chris.
2. Two trainer’s clinics were held this past season, one last fall and a second in December.
There were 26 graduates. There will be another trainer’s clinic this fall for new “trainers” and a more
advanced clinic will be held for repeaters. There is no charge for the clinic. Sign up sheets will be up next week.
3. The dates for the fall camp are Oct. 22 – 24. Sign up sheets will be up next week.
4. Winning at Your Level will receive a much needed boost next fall. Chris will visit teams at their
1st practice to find out what we want that would make the lessons better.
5. On Nov. 28 we will have a fun carnival. There will be prizes, food, and we will be out on the courts.
It will be totally free as the money to pay for it will come out of our Langdon Sports Account.
Judy DeWald – kitchen: Thanks to all who worked in our kitchens this year. You’re doing a fantastic job!
Bobby Oakley – Court Maintenance We’re trying to fix the West Courts. Bids need to be in by
August 1, however the work would not be done until 2010 or 2011 as Cherie’s main objective this year is the streets.
We’re looking at either a rubberized coating over the top of the courts or artificial grass with sand.
Hopefully it would be the rubberized surface. The cracks would be filled, the courts would then be covered
with mesh and then 4 or 5 layers (1 inch thick when done) of a rubberized coating would be applied (at $25000 a court).
It was noted that the artificial grass with sand is slippery and extremely dangerous if the sand is not kept wet.
We’re not sure the EVSTL would allow us to use the artificial grass courts for league play.
We also have 4 posts that need to be removed at $1200 a piece. Replacement of the posts is $360 a piece.
Two pickle ball courts will be put in west of the west courts that will run north/south.
Comment from the audience: the sound system is great on the west courts!
Mark Wittick – Web site It’s been fun doing the web site and we’re glad everyone is enjoying it.
Mark was thanked for the pictures on the site. They really add a lot to the site.
Judy Farr reported that $ 943 is going to Sunshine Acres, with the same amount going to A & A Cottages
as a result of Casino Night. Also, Judy and a group of tennis members will be manning a table in the parking lot
this Saturday for the park yard sale with proceeds going to Sunshine Acres.
They gratefully accept good quality donations. What is not sold will also go to Sunshine acres.
New Business
Al Colter – Election of Officers for 2009 – 2010. Al reviewed the guidelines for the nominating committee
and announced this year’s committee which consisted of himself, Jerry Farr, Ruth Kufeldt, and Carol Nordness.
The nominating committee was happy to recommend the following people for the Executive Board for 09 – 10: President:
Clive MacRaild; Vice-President: Ralph Sharp; Treasurer: Berna Morrison; and Secretary: Sue Twyman.
Al made a motion that his report be accepted by the membership and that the candidates be considered for these positions.
George Peck seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Motion to Adjourn made by George Peck with a 2nd by Ed DeWald. Motion carried
Call to Order
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
Minutes of the last General Meeting, January 19, 2009
Other Comments
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Expenditures & Current Status of Account
Other Comments
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Post Season Tournaments
Spring Fling Banquet
Tournament Committee – Ralph Sharp
Other Comments
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
Self-rating results for 08 – 09
Self-raters for 09 - 10
EVSTL – age 45 Issue
Other Comments
Committee and Other Item Reports
As needed
New Business
Election of Officers
The meeting was called to order by Jim Gerhardt, president. Those present included Clive MacRaild, Berna Morrison,
Dale Bowen, Maureen Wiebe, Jill Zagar, Jim Ryder (2.0), Ronda Shubert, Karen Spencer-Barnes, Craig Decker,
Florence Wolfgang, George Peck, Elnora Morilon, Lowell Shrum, Sandy Kincaid, Betty Penney, Bob Paige, Ed DeWald,
Dale Forbes, Sue Moreau, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Jim Ryder (for Marcine), and Sue Twyman, secretary.
Jerry Gowen and Judy Farr arrived after the start of the meeting.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
George Peck moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting.
Nancy Nicola seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
We currently have 411 paid members, one less than last year.
Berna reported that we have $2189.07 in our Wells Fargo account, $1800.14 in our Langdon account
and $505.00 in petty cash giving us a total balance of $4494.21.
A motion was made by Nancy Nicola with a second by Betty Penney to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion passed.
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
1. End of Season Tournaments – We have over 100 players participating in the end of the season tournaments.
There are 19 teams entered in the Farnsworth Mens/Womens doubles, plus a special category
with Gary Strength in a 4.5 exhibition match. 14 teams plus Gary will participate in the Mixed Doubles.
We are sending 4 teams to the Monte Vista Team event with teams at the 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and 4.0 levels.
2. Greenfield Invitational – was a big success with VP winning 56 – 42.
3. Spring Fling Tournament – Thanks ahead of time to the 2.5 Red Team for hosting the up coming tournament.
There are over 180 players. Lunch will be ‘Tacos in a Bag’.
4. Spring Fling Banquet – is scheduled for March 20, 5:00 PM in the Ballroom.
The cost is $15.00. The theme is “Wild West Rodeo”, with food by Taylor Ray’s.
Afterward there will be dancing to music provided by “Road Runner”.
Our thanks to the 4.0 Team for hosting this event.
5. 2009 Breakfast in the Park – Following a show of hands it was agreed to hold our Fall Breakfast
at Red Mountain Park. The suggestion of renting a generator was brought up and discussed.
6. Trilogy – Clive received a thank you note from Trilogy following our invitational with them.
Included with the thank you was a check for $200.00 for hosting the lunch for their members.
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
1. EVSTL Board Meeting Report:
a. New officers were announced for the upcoming season: Pres. Ken Wilmon, VP Doy Gillespie,
Sec/treas. Marty Lisor, and Scheduler Nancy Nicola.
b. Each club is to bring $10.00 for dues to the fall meeting.
c. The issue of raising the age limit from 45 to 50 in the EVSTL will be voted on at the
March 29 meeting of the EVSTL. Following a discussion a motion was made by Judy Farr
and seconded by Maureen Wiebe to keep the age at 45. Motion passed. This will be announced
at the General Meeting so everyone is aware of the Board’s decision.
d. Discussion continues regarding intraleague play and byes in our schedule.
Because of the many variables the scheduler is faced with we can expect intraleague play and byes
to continue until the EVSTL gets a computer program that can do the schedule.
e. Apache Wells and Val Vista have achieved full membership status in the EVSTL.
Jim’s thought – A park should be able to field teams from 2.0 through 3.5 in order to be a member
of the EVSTL.
f. Standard start time for matches is 9:00 AM. Resorts that start at a time different than that need
to notify the EVSTL so it can be posted as such.
2. Self-Rating:
a. 08 -09 We had 67 self-raters, 44 from within the park and 23 who moved in throughout the year.
49 have achieved ‘regular’ status, 9 were reassigned, and 1 left the park, with the remaining
8 re-self-rating as they did not have time to complete the required 5 matches before the end of
the 08-09 season.
b. 09-10 67 members have self-rated for next year, 40 W, 27M.
4.0 – 6 W
3.5 – 4 W, 6 M
3.0 – 15 W, 11 M
2.5 – 15 W, 10 M
Moving from 1.5 to 2.0 – 10 W, 15 M These members are not considered self-raters.
With the high numbers at the 3.0 level there is a strong possibility that we will add a 4th team.
c. Realignment date change – Due to a conflict with the Tuesday night dinner show a motion was
made by Dale Bowen and seconded by Bob Paige that we schedule the realignment meeting for Monday,
March 9, following the General Meeting. Motion passed.
d. Jim received a letter from Ken Wilmon, of CM asking for 3.5 men players to play on the
Carriage Manor team next year as they will be short of men. You do not have to live in the
park you play for at the 3.5 and 4.0 levels.
New Business
Player positions for next year - Captains worked together looking at the complete list of players at their level to
make sure they agreed that the players were ranked appropriately. Those rankings will be used next week at the
realignment meeting.
Hitting Wall –There was an inquiry about a hitting wall. Cinder block was suggested because of the noise factor.
The North wall of court 1or the East side of court 6 was suggested, as was the fact that it does not have to be
attached to a court and would be nice outside the court. It was noted that SSV has a hitting apparatus.
No vote was taken.
From the Floor
Casino Night $1946 was raised at Casino Night, with $1003 going to Sunshine Acres and $943 going to A &A Cottages.
Gold Leaf Advisors made a cash gift of $500 which paid for the prizes. The Park kicked in what would have been
their liquor profits.
A question was raised regarding new players that go to 1.5. They are moved to the appropriate level as soon as it is
determined what that level is.
Bobby Oakley is working with the park in regards to reconditioning Courts 7 – 10.
It was suggested that we purchase scorekeeping chairs with canopies at the approximate cost of $45.00 each.
The matter will be looked into.
George Peck suggested we install lights at the East Courts for the flags. Then they could be left up all the time.
We’ll have Bobby Oakley look into it this summer.
People are not turning the lights off on the East Courts in the evening when they are finished playing.
Motion to Adjourn made by George Peck with a 2nd by Nancy Nicola. Motion carried
Quorum roll call: All team captains & officers
Minutes of the last meeting February 10, 2009 Sue Twyman
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Expenditures & Current Status of Account
Other Comments
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Farnsworth Tournaments
Monte Vista Team Tournament
Spring Fling Tournament
Spring Fling Banquet
Greenfield Tournament
2009 Breakfast in the Park location – comments back from captains
Other Comments
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
EVSTL Board Meeting
Self-rating status 08 – 09
Requests for self-rating 09 – 10
Change of date for realignment meeting
Other Comments
Committee and Other Item Reports
Ball maintenance – Jack Kincaid
Others as necessary
New Business
Player positions for next year (meeting with same level captains)
Hitting Wall
Motion to Adjourn
The meeting was called to order by Jim Gerhardt, president. Those present included Clive MacRaild, Berna Morrison,
Dale Bowen, Maureen Wiebe, Jill Zagar, Karen Spencer-Barnes, Craig Decker, Florence Wolfgang, George Peck,
Elnora Morilon, Lowell Shrum, Sandy Kincaid, Betty Penney, Duane Dehne, Diane Hudson, Dale Forbes, Betty Isabey,
Sue Moreau, Nancy Nicola, and Sue Twyman, secretary. Jerry Gowen and Ed DeWald arrived after the start of the meeting.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
George Peck moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting.
Nancy Nicola seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
We currently have 391 paid members.
Berna reported having $2914.57 in our Wells Fargo account, $1800.14 in our Langdon account and $60. in petty cash
giving us a total balance of $4774.71. A motion was made by Lowell Shrum with a second by Betty Penney to accept the
treasurer’s report. Motion passed.
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
1. Farnsworth Tournaments - All VP final entries must be turned in by Feb. 18.
The men’s/women’s play-downs are complete. The mixed are in progress.
The men’s/women’s will be played at SVE from 3/9 – 3/14. Mixed will be at SSV from 3/16 – 3/21.
2. Monte Vista Team Tournament – While all posted entry forms are gone only one 3.5 team has
registered thus far. The deadline for entry is Mon. Feb.16. Forms must be turned into Clive.
Tourney dates are: Mar. 23 – Mar. 29.
3. Valentine Tournament – We have a full day of tennis with all the courts in use from 8:00 – 11:00,
and the East Courts in use until 2:00. In the event of rain lunch will be served in the multipurpose
room at North Point.
4. Greenfield Invitational – The 3.5W Team is hosting the event on Feb. 21.
5. Venture Out Fall Classic – Forms are up for the Fall Tournament.
The deadline for sign up is March 8. Don’t wait as once where are 168 teams it is closed to additional entries.
6. Directory – All changes to the directory must be turned into Clive by Mon., Feb. 16.
The Directory is available on line. Captains were sent the password.
Those who do not have a computer or printer may get a hard copy by calling Ed DeWald.
7. For those people having a hard time opening documents we send you, you can go to and
download this program that will allow you to do so.
8. Court Usage - We still have a number of people not abiding by the court usage rule.
Captains please pass the word on again.
9. Player Position Sheets – The final sheet including position and date due back of each member
is due in to Clive by Feb. 27. Please bring copies of your position sheet for fellow captains at your level
with you to the Board Meeting on March 7. Captains at each level will be working with the sheets to confirm
rankings to be ready for the redraw.
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
1. Pairings for Competition – All present were given the Guidelines for pairings. It was again stressed that:
Position #1 players may play #1 or #2
Position #2 players may play #1, #2, or #3
Position #3 players may play #2 or #3
2. Self-Rating Status:
Self-Rating requests for the ‘09 –‘10 Season are due, in writing, to Jim Gerhardt by Feb. 27. So far 12
requests have been turned in: 2 Men to 2.5, 4 Men, 4 Women to 3.0, and 2 Women to 4.0.
Of the 66 ‘08-‘09 Self-Raters 34 have been moved to “Regular” status, 8 have been reassigned, and 24 are still in limbo.
Committee Reports:
1.Nominating Committee: Carol Nordness reported for committee chair, Al Colter, that the nominating committee
consisting of: Al, Jerry Farr, Ruth Kufeldt, and Carol Nordness has completed it’s task and plans to present the
following slate of officers to the general membership to be voted on at the March 8, General Meeting.
President: Clive MacRaild
Vice-President: Ralph Sharp
Treasurer: Berna Morrison
Secretary: Sue Twyman
A copy of the committee’s report is to be posted at both courts.
2. Carol further reported for Al that a list of potential club members for committee work has been compiled.
3. Along with the USTA NTRP we now have a second column created by Chris Langdon to help clarify what skills
we need to be able to be successful at each level. This information is now available on our web site.
It is hoped that Captains can use this to help team members make informed decisions about whether or not to self-rate.
4. The Doubles Strategy Clinic and Seminar for those teams that qualified for Farnsworth will be held on
four consecutive Sundays from 2-3:30 starting on Feb. 15. Sign up now.
From the Floor
Remember Casino Night and The All Resort Revue are coming up and Judy Farr needs workers for both.
Motion to Adjourn made by George Peck with a 2nd by Elnora Morilon. Motion carried
Quorum roll call: All team captains & officers
Minutes of the last meeting January 6, 2009 Sue Twyman
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Expenditures & Current Status of Account
Other Comments
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Farnsworth Tournaments
Monte Vista Team Tournament
Valentine Tournament
Greenfield Tournament
20009 Player Directory
Court Usage Policy
Player Position sheets with position and return date by Feb. 27
2009 Breakfast in the Park location
Other Comments
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
EVSTL Board Meeting
Pairings for Competition
Self-rating status
Other Comments
Committee and Other Item Reports
Old Business
New Business
Hitting Wall
Motion to Adjourn
The meeting was called to order by Jim Gerhardt, president.
Jim welcomed new tennis members.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
Ed DeWald moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the November 3, 2008 General Meeting.
George Peck seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue reminded everyone that the deadline for agenda items for the next General Meeting is Tuesday, March 3, 2009.
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Berna reports we have 366 paid members at this time.
She thanked team treasurers and social events people for their patience in waiting to turn in money while she was away at Christmas.
We have a current balance of $5843.44 in our checking account, with $1680.14 in the Langdon Sports account,
and $3623.30 in available funds. There is currently $540 in petty cash.
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
. Carriage Manor Tournament: Eight teams participated in the Christmas Tournament at Carriage Manor.
Over all we were 10/8, winning every match played the first day. Three teams made it to the finals and
all earned silver medals: 8.0 Dee Bacci and Gary Strength, 5.0 Tom Rucker and Ali Garcia, and 4.5 Chuck Crane and Pat Stewart
Farnsworth: There are 31 men’s and women’s play down matches scheduled for Fri. thru Sun., Jan. 23 – 25 on the
East Courts.
The schedule is posted at the East Courts. The Star Group is hosting the three day event.
Sign up sheets for the Farnsworth Mixed Doubles Tournament are up until Wed. Jan. 21, 2009.
Play-downs will be Feb. 6-8.
Tournament Committee – Ralph Sharp:
So far this year we have had 3 in-park tournaments, 2 out of park Invitationals and 3 Invitationals here.
We have 2 remaining in-park tournaments here: the Valentine Tournament on Feb. 14 and the Spring Fling on Mar. 7.
We have 2 Invitationals left. There have been some changes in those dates.
On Jan. 31 we have an Invitational here against Trilogy and Venture Out. On Feb. 21 we will be hosting Greenfield.
So far we have had 429 matches with 1716 players from both our park and opposing parks.
265 different tennis club members have participated.
This past Saturday we hosted Monte Vista and lost 79 to 94.
To answer the questions: Who gets to play? How do you decide?
The following is the criteria and the order that the committee uses after they have spoken with the other park
and have an idea of how many teams, men, women, mixed we’ll need:
1. Did you sign up last time and not get to play?
2. Was your last match a VP vs VP match?
3. The order of sign up.
4. Elimination of a 2nd match.
5. When all else fails: drawing names.
As a reminder, the committee consists of Ralph, Ray Pelland, Linda Decker and Carol Nordness.
Thanks to Lee McDougal for helping with last weeks pairings.
Clive read the Court Scheduling Policy that was passed by the Board which read:
For the months of January and February, if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 am – 2 pm,
you cannot play again that day in primetime. You can sign up for court time for two times in the future
but cannot book any more games until one of those games are played because you can only have
two bookings on paper at one time in primetime.
A motion was made by George Peck to accept the proposal, with a second by Judy Farr. Motion passed.
During the discussion before the vote Prime Time was identified as 8:00am-2:00pm, 7 days a week.
It was suggested that when signing up please put a last name or phone # as it will make it easier for Clive
if he needs to reschedule a court.
Clive’s final comments:
Keep an eye on the social calendar as we have lots coming up.
Mark Wittick is doing a great job on the Web site.
Many thanks to Betty Penney for her great camera work.
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
Jim reported that we have 62 self-raters this year. 44 are move ups from within the club, and 18 are people who
moved into the park.
41 are women, 21 are men. As of Jan. 19, 2009, 28 members have attained “regular” status.
Self-rating requests are due in to Jim by midnight, Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2009 for the 2009-2010 Season.
Request forms are available on line. Sue will also put forms at East and West courts for those who do not have computers.
Committee Reports:
Kitchen – Judy DeWald reported that one of the tennis club roasters was borrowed over Christmas and was not returned.
She wants it back!
Nominating Committee – Al Coulter will be putting together the nominating committeewithin the next week.
They will be following the guidelines that were established last year and will be ready to make their
recommendations in early March.
If you are interested in being a member of the executive board or know of someone who would be contact Al Coulter.
East Valley Tennis Academy – Al Coulter
10% of all monies Chris Langdon takes in come back to VP Tennis Club and is used for special events
and training with board approval.
Sue will send info on Chris and lessons, etc. to Mark Wittick to be put on the Web.
3. The program scheduled with John McEnroe’s coach has been canceled due to the expense.
4. Winning at Your Level will have a change in format so that it coincides with the USTA Guidelines and will enable
participants to become proficient at skills at their level.
5. Farnsworth Training: A series of 4 Clinics on 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, and 3/8 from 2:00- 3:30 will be available for those
who will be participating the end of season tournaments, both doubles and mixed doubles.
The focus will be on strategy, playing out points and discussing ways to improve.
The cost would be $100 per player, with a $25 refund for those who attend all 4 clinics.
The sign up sheet will be posted from Feb. 8- Feb. 15.
Old Business
New Business
Amended Self-rating Guidelines: A motion was made by Mike Murphyand seconded by Dale Bowen
that we accept the amended Self-Rating Guidelines.
During the discussion that followed a motion was made by Judy Farr and seconded by Jennifer Wittick
that the word “guidelines” be changed to “rules”. Motion carried.
Following that vote a vote to accept the amended Self-Rating Rules was taken. Motion carried.
The Self-Rating Rules are to be retroactive to Nov. 3, 2008.
Motion to Adjourn was made by George Peck, with a 2nd by Judy DeWald. Motion carried.
Call to Order
Welcome new members
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
Minutes of the last General Meeting, November 3, 2008
Deadline for next General Meeting Agenda Items
Other Comments
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Expenditures & Current Status of Account
Other Comments
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Carriage Manor Christmas Tournament
Farnsworth Tournaments
Tournament Committee – Ralph Sharp
Court Scheduling Policy
Web Page/Directory
Social Calendar
Other Comments
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
Deadline for Self-rating
Date of next General Meeting
Other Comments
Committee and Other Item Reports
As needed
Old Business
New Business
Pro Activities – Al Colter
Amended Self-rating Guidelines
The meeting was called to order by Jim Gerhardt, president. Those present included Clive MacRaild, Dale Bowen,
Maureen Wiebe, Jill Zagar, Jim Ryder, Karen Spencer-Barnes, Craig Decker, Florence Wolfgang, George Peck,
Ron Stewart, Joe McKibben,Lowell Shrum, Sandy Kincaid, Betty Penney, Mark Wittick (3.5R), Ed DeWald, Diane Hudson,
Dale Forbes, Betty Isabey, Sue Moreau, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Jim Keating, and Sue Twyman, secretary.
Jerry Gowen and Judy Farr arrived after the start of the meeting.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
George Peck moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Ed DeWald seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Sue asked captains to remind their team members that any address, phone, e-mail etc. changes go to team treasurers,
then to Berna who sends them on to Ed DeWald, and then on to Larry Warnke as needed.
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
To date we have 207 paid members.
As Berna was not present it was decided to fore go the Treasurer’s Report until the General Meeting on Jan. 19, 2009.
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
1. Invitationals:
1. 3.0 White is hosting the 1/10/09 invitational against Leisure World and Carriage Manor. We will have 88 teams participating.
2. 3.5 Green hosts Monte Vista on 1/17/09
3. 3.5 Blue hosts Greenfield on 1/31/09
2. Just a reminder the General Meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 19, 2009 at 7 PM at North Point.
3 .End of the Year Tournaments:
1. Mens/Womens at SVE: The deadline for signing up is Jan. 14. Qualifying will take place from Jan. 22 – 24.
2. Mixed Doubles at SSV: The deadline for signing up is Jan. 21. Qualifying will take place from Feb. 5 -9.
This year there will be a 4.5 Men’s bracket. Potentially we have 3 men who could participate.
Participants need to have played in 4 EVSTL matches to be eligible to play. Teams will be seeded this year.
EVSTL will be asking for W/L records for teams seeded one and two.
A committee consisting of Clive MacRaild, Ralph Sharp, Carol Nordness, and Jim Gerhardt will oversee the
qualifying rounds.
3.Christmas Tournament: Eight teams participated in the Christmas Tournament at Carriage Manor.
Over all we were 10/8, winning every match played the first day.
Three teams made it to the finals and all earned silver medals :
8.0 Dee Bacci and Gary Strength, 5.0 Tom Rucker and Ali Garcia, and 4.5 Chuck Crane and Pat Stewart.
Betty Penney did a great job with here camera to capture the event.
4. Player Position Sheets: Please return updated sheets to Clive ASAP.
5. Web Site: Mark Wittick continues to do a phenomenal job with our web site.
We can now access the Directory at the site. Captains should have sent the link to their members.
6. Court Usage: The approved motion will be read at the General Meeting.
It reads: For the months of January and February, if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 am – 2 pm,
you cannot play again that day in primetime.
You can sign up for court time for two times in the future but cannot book any more games until one of those games
are played because you can only have two bookings on paper at one time in primetime.
7. Use of 5 courts for matches and possibly practices was discussed. Ed DeWald commented that with their late start due
to rain they were still able to get all of their matches in because they were able to use all of the East Courts.
He suggests that we reserve all courts until we know how many courts we will need and then release unneeded courts for
open tennis.
Clive will contact Tom Rucker and will reserve all 10 courts when 2 teams are in park ( 5 and 5) and 6 courts when 1
team is in park.
It is the captain’s responsibility to release courts as so as it is apparent that all the courts reserved will not be needed.
Captain wishing an extra court for practice should contact Clive well before the court is needed.
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
Self-Raters: Currently we have 58 self-raters on the books. 44 are players who have moved up.
Another 14 have moved in to the park. Currently we have 16 who made their stats based on board decision
(i.e. included matches that had been played in position #1 or #2),
3 who made stats playing position #3, and 5 who have been reassigned.
Positions: Captains are to remember:
#1 players can only play position #1 or #2.
#2 players can play #1, #2, or #3.
#3 players can play #2 or #3.
Match Logs: In match logs denote playing level if players are not playing at their own level (i.e. a 2.5 playing in a 3.0 match)
Defibrillator: It appears that the battery has expired and replacement cost is around $700.
Since we do not own the defibrillator Jim will pass this on to Cherie.
Committee Reports:
Nominating Committee: Al Colter has graciously accepted the role of Chair.
His complete committee is not yet in place but should be busy in about 10 days.
He is asking for names of people to fill the Officers positions. He is hoping for a pool of about 25 from which to choose.
If you know of someone that you think could fill one of the positions please contact Al at 4608.
Pro Activities: Al Colter It is that time of year to look over what we have done, see what works and look at those things
that need to be changed.
Many 3 and Me, 4 and Me, Semi and Private lessons have been held at Montessa which has freed up courts here.
A 2nd Skills Training clinic was just conducted, with one make up day being held Sun, Jan. 11. 26 different people
have now gone through the training. The list of Graduates will be placed in the file cabinet as the East Courts.
The Special event with John MacEnroe’s trainer has been cancelled due to the high cost of the event.
Captains please advise your team that Chris does not have lessons between 8:00 and 3:00 and also that 10% of monies
collected comes back to the club. Ed DeWald suggested that Al e-mail Sue an overview on Chris and in turn Sue can
send it to the captains.
Al put forth a proposal he wishes to take to the General Meeting. It included:
Winning at Your Level: Ask Chris to change the format a bit to design a program to coincide with the
USTA Guidelines which would enable participants to become proficient at skills needed to go to the next level.
Farnsworth Training: A series of 4 Clinics on 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, and 3/8 from 2:00- 3:30 for those who will be
participating the end of season tournaments, both doubles and mixed doubles. The focus would be on strategy,
playing out points and discussing ways to improve. The cost would be $100 per player,
with a $25 refund for those who attend all 4 clinics. The sign up sheet will be posted from Feb. 8- Feb. 15.
George Peck made a motion, seconded by Ed DeWald that Al Colter take his proposal to the General Meeting. Motion passed.
Committee Reports
Clothing – Patty Warnke You can purchase VP Tennis sweatshirts for $25 and tee shirts for $10. Patty needs 12 of an item to order.
If interested call Patty at 4718 or sign up at the East Courts.
Tennis Balls –Jack Kincaid reports that he feels he is right where he should be budget wise. In the process of repopulating
the ball machines he has discovered that some of our good balls have been replaced with generic, lesser quality balls.
Kitchen – Sue Twyman for Judy DeWald A number of items were brought up and it was suggested that they be posted at both kitchens.
1.5 Program – Jerry Gowen Currently there are 34 1.5 tennis players, with 8-9 trainers.
Last year the number reached 50+ and is expected to do the same this year.
Old Business
VP vs VP: After checking with the EVSTL it was determined that we can choose to not have VP vs VP matches count,
and that with scheduling constraints it is impossible to change the schedule so that we would not have to play each other.
Because of the above, the following motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by George Peck
(with a slight change proposed by Dale Bowen and seconded by Mark Wittick and passed)
Motion: When View Point plays View Point the captains are to meet prior to start of play to determine whether or not
the stats for the matches will count for EVSTL. If both captains agree that the matches should not count,
they will not count and stats will not be kept. If either captain wants the stats and matches to count, the matches will count.
Christmas Family Sue Twyman reported that the 3.0 Red team collected $1375 for Sunshine Acres Children’s Home.
Six tennis members took the tour of the facility and presented the check from VP Tennis Club.
Self-Rating Guidelines Two small changes were made to the Self Rating Document that was approved at last month’s Board Meeting.
1. Under “Who Self-rates? c)” A motion was made by Judy Farr and seconded by Mark Wittick
the wording be changed from: “more than 3” to “4 or more”. Motion passed.
2. Under “Self-raters” A motion was made by Mark Wittick and seconded by George Peck to
Change the wording from: “He or she may not self-rate again until the end of the second season following
his or her failed self-rating.” to “He or she may not self-rate again until the end of the season following
his or her failed self-rating season.” Motion passed.
New Business
Casino Night Judy Farr made a motion that monies collected at Casino Night be split equally between
Sunshine Acres Children’s Home and A and A Cottages. Diane Hudson seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
Motion to Adjourn made by George Peck with a 2nd by Karen Spencer-Barnes. Motion carried
Quorum roll call: All team captains & officers
Minutes of the last meeting December 9, 2008 Sue Twyman
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Expenditures & Current Status of Account
Other Comments
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Social calendar
Upcoming tournaments
Carriage Manor Christmas Tournament
Pick a Partner for Season End Tournaments
Player Position Sheets
Web Page
Court scheduling
Other Comments
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
Self-rater up-date
Other Comments
Committee and Other Item Reports
Old Business
VP vs VP
Christmas Family
Self – Rating Motion
New Business
Motion to Adjourn
The meeting was called to order by Jim Gerhardt, president. Those present included Clive MacRaild, Berna Morrison, Bev LaTrace, Dale Bowen, Pam Pelland (2.0W), Jim Ryder, Karen Spencer-Barnes, Craig Decker, Florence Wolfgang, George Peck, Ron Stewart, Elnora Morilon, Lowell Shrum, Betty Penney, Duane Dehne, Nancy Swanson, Ed DeWald, Diane Hudson, Dale Forbes, Betty Isabey, Anna Lorenzen (3.5G), Nancy Nicola, Marcine Williams and Sue Twyman, secretary.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
After one small change in the minutes (changing East courts to West courts in reference to a possible location for next year’s Breakfast in the Park) Ed DeWald moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. George Peck seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue announced that the January 12, 2009 General Meeting has been changed to January 19, 2009 and that the deadline for Agenda Items is January 12. Per request the changed Social Calendar will be sent to all Captains and Co-captains, up-dated calendars are to be posted at both courts and the Secretary will send an e-mail to all Captains in early January reminding them of the General Meeting date change and the deadline for agenda items.
Captains were given updated phone numbers for Betty Penney-5132 and Jim Ryder-2126
The use of Opposing Team Rosters was again stressed as Captains have been reporting problems with some opposing team captains and who they play where. Clive is updating roster information to captains as quickly as the information is made available to him. Current lists are at the EVSTL site. It is in your team’s best interest that you make sure all opponents belong to the team they are playing on.
Treasurer’s Report – Berna Morrison
Berna reported that we now have 297 paid members for the 08-09 Season. We have a current balance of $4393.17 in our checking account. $$1301.14 is in the Langdon Sports Account, There is $280 in petty cash which gives us a total of $5974.31. This includes $568 in Social Event Overages.
Berna will be away from December 17, through January 7.
George Peck made a motion that we accept the Treasurer’s Report as read. Dale Forbes seconded the motion. Passed
Vice President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Tournaments: There has been excellent participation in tournaments this year with 207 different players participating.
VO Invitational: VP won: 49 ½ to 38 ½
Greenfield: We lost by 2 points
Due to the size of our club we have had to sit out half of our players for invitationals. A possible way to eliminate this problem would be to play a combined invitational against two parks.
2. Upcoming Events:
The Tennis Christmas Party, sponsored by the 3.5 Red Team is to be held on Thursday, December 11. Less than 200 tickets have been sold.
The 2.0 Red Team is hosting an Invitational with VDO this Saturday, December 13, 2008.
We have 10 teams signed up for the Carriage Christmas Tournament on Dec. 29, 30, 31.
Christmas Family: So far $663 has been donated from 8 teams. Teams have until December 12, 2008 to get any monies collected to Sue Twyman of the 3.0 Blue Team.
3. Player Position Sheets: All sheets but one have been turned in at this time. It is important to keep them updated as they are used for in-park and invitational tournaments.
4. Court cleaning: For clarification: when your team is assigned to court cleaning you can chose the time and day that works for your team within the week assigned.
5. Court Usage: Clive thanked the captains for going back to their teams with our concerns for court scheduling, noting that things will get worse in January and February. He asked that Captains read a directive to their teams that was passed 2 years ago which states:
For the months of January and February, if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 am – 2 pm, you cannot play again that day in primetime. You can sign up for court time for two times in the future but cannot book any more games until one of those games are played because you can only have two bookings on paper at one time in primetime.
He will e-mail it to all Captains and post it at both courts.
6. Web Site: Mark Wittick has done a phenomenal job with our web site. He has made it a living site and constantly updates it with current information and keeps us apprised as to what is going on at VP Tennis Club. Clive will send out the web address so everyone will have it.
President’s Report – Jim Gerhardt
Self-Raters: Currently we have 56 self-raters on the books. 44 are players who have moved up. Another 12 have moved in to the park. On December 8 it was determined that 3 women and 1 man had achieved their stats and became official members of their respective teams. 2 men were reassigned to teams at a lower level. Evaluations of self-raters will be an ongoing process as more players complete their 5 matches.
Make sure fun matches are scheduled for the second round.
When you have players playing up for league matches please try to use as many different people as possible.
Meeting with Cherie: When Cherie was asked about the possibility of patio lights and a sound system at the West Courts she was very agreeable. We will research needed equipment and have it in place by the end of the season so we’ll be set for next year.
Cherie is sensitive to non-tennis related items on our bulletin boards. They will be monitored and “want ad’s” etc. will be removed.
Jim is concerned that we don’t seem to have a process for meeting new people coming into the park and assigning them to teams
One of our teams was having a social at the West courts and had problems with sprinklers. In the future see Bobby Oakley. He can take care of the sprinklers.
Al Colter has set up a 2nd Skills Training Clinic for January 2-4 from noon to 3 PM at the East courts. This training is free of charge and open to new people or those who previously attended. The goal of the clinic is to standardize the approach, terminology and direction of tennis instruction here at VP.
Casino night and the Resort revue will be on our January agenda. Jim has asked us in the past to step forward and volunteer to help out in various ways in the park. We need to consider how we as tennis club members can help. With all that Cherie has done for us we need to give back.
Committee Reports:
Tennis Balls –Jack Kincaid reports that he has purchased and delivered enough tennis balls to get all teams well into January. He has spent $1571 so far for balls and feels he is right where he should be budget wise. He has been busy with the practice balls that have been left at the courts. He repopulated the ball machine the East courts 3 weeks ago, the West courts 1 week ago and is ready to do the East courts again. Please remind your people to put used practice balls in the receptacles at the courts and make sure they are still in their original containers.
Old Business
Get Fit-Stay Fit Sue Twyman reported we have 45 tennis members that signed up through her at the courts for Get Fit-Stat Fit, which is up from last year’s 14 people signing up. The program itself is up over 100 compared to last year at this time. She asked captains to again mention Get Fit-Stat Fit to team members that arrive in January.
Self-Rating Motion Keith Swanson spoke on behalf of his committee which includes: himself, Nancy Nicola, Ed DeWald, Max Kufelt, and Joyce Davis. He explained that the committee felt revisions to the original document were needed and that they had been working on the new document for the past two months.
Prior to the meeting the proposed new document was sent to all captains and co-captains along with a
Q and A sheet, thanks to Ed DeWald, which addressed questions members considering self-rating would ask. Keith went through the document explaining that along with tightening up some of the language there were really only two new sections that were added: 1. Under self-rater: At the discretion of the team Captain/Co-Captain, self-raters can play in the 1st and 2nd position. Successful playing at this level will be deemed “Special Circumstances”. See below. 2. Under All Players: Losing statistics will not count on the record of a player who is required to play a match with a self-rated player.
Dale Bowen made a motion to accept the document as read and to have it be retroactive to the beginning of the EVSTL 2008-2009 Tennis Season. Nancy Nicola seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. As this now goes to the General Meeting on January19, 2009 it was requested that all team Captains be sent this new document and Q and A sheet and have them inform their team members. The secretary will also post both documents at both courts advising tennis members that this will be voted on in January.
Dale also requested that a small error on page 2 of the Q and A be corrected before sending it out.
New Business
Dale Forbes addressed his concern that many VP tennis players do not like having to play other VP teams as part of the EVSTL and having it count. Nancy Nicola stated that there is no way she can schedule matches so that does not happen. Jim said he will contact the EVSTL and find out what their policy is on internal matches. If this issue does not conflict with the EVSTL, captains will go to their teams for input. We will revisit this issue at the January Board Meeting.
Jim Ryder spoke about the Star Tennis group, stating that their purpose is fun! Star would be willing to have players from teams fill in. It could be injured players working their way back, people who are moving down, or those who are struggling and wish to see what star is all about. Star philosophy is posted at both courts.
Note to scorekeepers: When keeping score make sure the RED numbers are directly over the words ViewPoint, and the BLACK numbers are directly over the word Visitor. This will eliminate any confusion as to which team has which score.
Gamesmanship: Please review gamesmanship with your team members including when it is appropriate to pick up balls on the court.
Motion to Adjourn made by George Peck with a 2nd by Marcine Williams. Motion carried
Monday, November 5, 2007, 7:00 P.M.
President Sue Byrnes called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Sue welcomed all. She introduced the Viewpoint General Manager Cherri Dewarrat and Assistant General Manager Lupe Seeton and thanked them for their cooperation. New members Barbara and Steve Butcher and Jennifer and Mark Wittick were introduced and welcomed.
George Peck moved that we dispense with the reading of the minutes from the Nov. 1 board meeting and the minutes of the March 12 general meeting. Seconded and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Doug Amos reported that the Audit Report by Joe Morton indicated that all financial records are in order. He reported that we currently have a balance of $2,312.94 in the checking account.. The Budget for 07/08 is available for perusal.
Vice-President’s Report: Sue asked the many participants who played in the Venture Out tournament to stand and be recognized and she also thanked those who cheered them. Lee McDougal reported that the welcome back tournament on Nov. 3 involved 108 members playing 30 matches. He thanked Ralph Sharp for his help running the tournament and the 2.0 red team for the refreshments.
Venture Out will host an invitational on Nov. 17. Signup sheets will be posted until Monday, the 12th. Pairings will be posted on the 14th.
On Nov. 24 we will have a mixed level in park tournament. Signup sheets will be posted on the 14th.
Social Calendar: The Breakfast in the Park will be held Saturday, Nov. 10th at 9 a.m. Tickets will be on sale on Nov. 5th and 6th from 9 to 11 and from 11 to 1 on Nov. 7th. Tickets will cost $4. Those bringing casseroles will be reimbursed. Red Mt. Park requests that no glass containers be used at the park. Bring your own liquor and table service. Juice will be provided. Parking is free. Drivers should take the Brown entrance into the park.
President’s Report: Sue reminded members to read their newsletters for pertinent information. A follow up newsletter will be publlished January 1st and March 1st. Sue has prepared a new member handbook and will meet with new members as needed
Information such as minutes, rosters, etc. will be emailed to the Captains who will then email the items to their team members and/or provide hard copies for those who do not receive email.
Sue expressed thanks to the park for the painting and repainting the wall at theeast courts.
Sue reported a EVSTL by-law change regarding forfeits. Team not forfeiting will be declared the winner of the match.
Committee Reports:
Score Keepers: Dale Bowen reported that the club has 450 members and not enough score keepers. He will provide training on Nov. 14th at 5 PM at the East Courts. Please sign up.
Kitchen Committee: Judy DeWald reported that a food handlers test will be given in Dec. and those who work in the kitchen should sign up to take the test.
Star Team: Clare Feiereisel reported that the Star Team players will plan to meet this Friday at 12:30.
Welfare Donations: Clare asked all members to pick up the Fry’s and Bashas VIP Cards. When these card numbers are added to your store 1% will automatically be donated to Taft School when you pay for your groceries. These donations help provide breakfast and lunch for the 69% of children attending that school who are on welfare.
Sunshine Acres Benefit: Judy Farr announced that the park will have a yard sale on Nov. 17th. The tennis club will sell at several tables at the ballroom parking lot. If you would like to donate items to sell at these tables, all the proceeds will go to Sunshine Acres. Bring your for sale items to Judy at 4701.
Maintenance: Our thanks to Bobbie Oakley who worked very hard during the entire summer to improve our tennis courts. The park provided new wind screens, 6 new nets. Bobbie installed the new bulletin boards purchased by the club. A light will be installed at the
East Court
parking lot.
Old Business: Self rated players should play line 3 or 4 for the first matches. All players must win 40% of their games and 40% of the first 5 matches. If they do not they will be moved down one level immediately.
New Business:
Contract with Chris Langdon:
Al Coulter reported that Chris Langdon is available to provide individual lessons at Viewpoint Courts from 6:30 to 8 AM and after 3:30 PM. After 5 PM, clinics will be scheduled for every level: Six week sessions will be cost $60 or $15 each if paid individually. Sign-up sheets will be posted. Players may also contact Chris for lessons at other facilities. George Peck moved that we accept this contract to run from Nov. 6th to Oct. 31st, 2008. The motion was seconded and carried by show of hands.
Additional special events will be announced
Court Usage: Sue asked for volunteers to form a committee to study how best to use the courts during the months of January and February when the demand is great.
Bicycles at East Courts: Park bicycles in racks or next to court 1. Do not park bicycles on walks in front of other courts.
Holiday Banquet December 5th: Judy Farr urged all members to plan to attend this fun event.
Cam Ratcliff announced that ROVA meeting scheduled for Nov. 6th has been cancelled.
Larry Warnke moved that meeting be adjourned. Seconded and carried.
Next General Meeting will be January 14th, 2008.
Respectfully submitted,
Anna Lorenzen