MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2010
The meeting was called to order by President, Clive MacRaild. Clive welcomed 2010 - 2011 captains and co-captains and new officers, Ralph Sharp and Len Grant.
Ralph then thanked Clive for all of his hard work throughout the year. He looks forward to working with Len Grant and thanked Sue for agreeing to stay on for one more year.
Judy DeWald reported that the following people did not turn in kitchen keys: Eiler Eis, Deb Edwards, Steve Johnson, Larry Beres, Cyrene Moore, Berna Morrison, Carol Nordness, Nancy Nicola (2 keys).
Role call was taken.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, George Peck, Marlene Kangas, Don Foley, Polly Kays, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Jack Kincaid, Maureen Wiebe, Dolores Anderson, Dee Monk, Marilyn Catalano, Jill Zagar, Jim Gerhardt, Star Dillabaugh, Herb Howard, Leigh Howard, Duane Dehne, Joy Doubleday, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, John Coombs, Diane Hudson, Jerry Farr, Linda Decker, Greta Adams for Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vince Seaman, new President Ralph Sharp, new Vice –President Len Grant, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Treasurer Berna Morrison, Bev LaTrace, Diane Hudson, and Nancy Nicola were absent.
The meeting was co-chaired by Ralph and Clive.
Items discussed:
1. The MCI was handed out and those present checked for corrections. Corrections will be made and the MCI will be sent to the EVSTL. Clive explained how to contact other captains by going to the link from the VPTC website to the EVSTL website. The EVSTL website will be added to the VPTC website and directory on the cover page of the Captain’s Handbook.
2. Rosters were handed out so captains could make additions and corrections. Following the meeting all changes were to go back to Larry Warnke so he could update the rosters again.
3. Social Calendars: Captains were advised to look through the calendar to see what their team’s responsibilities would be for the up coming year.
4. Officers & Committees were distributed. Fred Soukup, 4816 will assist Jack Kincaid with tennis balls. Ralph is still looking for a Club photographer. He reminded us that small changes may be made before the start of the 2010 – 2011 Season.
5. How to play members of your team by level (pg. 6 pairings for competition guidelines). Once a month captains will be asked to rank all their players. Page 6 states that: A position #1 player should only play with other #1 players and when necessary with #2 players. A position #2 player should play with #2 players, and occasionally with #1 or #3 players. A position #3 and #4 player should play with #3 or #4 players. #3 and #4 players should not be paired with #1 or #2 players. Captains should not randomly pair players or schedule them to play with everyone on their teams. If teams are short players captains must contact other captains of their level before going to the level below to bring up players. You may not borrow a #1 player from the same level for any reason.
6. Self rating rules (pg. 44 & Q and A handout) were discussed. Clive suggested that captains read and reread pg. 44 and the Q and A so they will have a good understanding of the rules.
Players should notify their captains of their intentions to self rate. Also captains should have continued dialogue with their players about skills needed to be successful at the next level and even discuss who on the team should and shouldn’t self rate.
7. Web site ( The directory and the summer drop- in information have a separate address that is available to you from your team captain.
8. Reminder of annual captain’s elections: If your team has not had its annual election of captain and co-captain it should be done so immediately.
9. Staying in touch with team members in the off season: Please get your team members on your e-mail list and stay in touch with them through out the summer. If you find someone is ill or passes away the executive committee wants to know so we can respond to that. Also communicate any roster changes to Ralph.
10. How to prepare next year’s team handbook: Your captain’s handbook that you will receive in October contains materials that you may copy for your team. We have an account at the UPS Store on Main and Recker (NE corner) where you can go and make copies for team handbooks at no charge to you.
11. How to host a VP event with expense sheet (handout). The expense sheet is one of two forms to be filled out when your team hosts a VPTC event. The kitchen form helps teams hosting future events figure food and costs. Once it is filled out it is placed in the file box in the East courts kitchen. You receive a second form from the treasurer when you get the cash box and tickets. When hosting Invitational’s additional monies needed to cover costs come from the tennis club treasury. Conversely, surplus funds from Saturday lunches, banquets etc. go back to the club treasury.
12. West Courts: The committee is working diligently to get repairs under way. They continue to get bids and have come to realize that the cost will be about $110,000 for all four west courts. West courts will be closing at the end of March. Practice times, round robins and Stars will be on the schedule until then.
13. Practice times: It looks like practice times for next year will be the same. There is one 3.0 team that is looking into the possibility of changing their practice time. It will be addressed after the meeting. Ralph has received a proposal changing practices and round robins from Lee McDougall. It merits looking at throughout next season and possibly putting it into place for the following season.
During the season we kept court one available for teams playing matches on the West courts. We will continue to do this next season. If you don’t need court one let Len know so it can be released for open play.
14. Court cleaning duties: The schedule will be in your handbook. Please plan your cleaning time three weeks in advance so it can get on the schedule.
15. Next Board Meeting – Oct. 19, at 3:00 PM in NP Gathering Room
16. No pay, no play: Please do not allow a new team member to play in an EVSTL match until they have paid their dues.
17. How new players are assigned to teams. Two or three times a year same level captains will meet at the end of a board meeting. They will look at the balance of the teams and fill out new player placement sheets so that when new players join the club Ralph will know exactly to which team the player will be assigned.
Motion to Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by George Peck and seconded by Ted Sondej. Motion carried.
TUESDAY, March 2, 2010
The meeting was called to order by President, Clive MacRaild. Clive welcomed a few new captains and co-captains and thanked current captains and co-captains for the magnificent job they did this year.
Role call was taken.
Those present were: Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Dale Bowen, Loretta Jones, Polly Kays, Maureen Morton, Eiler Eis, Deb Schoeberl, Diane Wright, Judy Bradford, Sue Twyman, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Jim Gerhardt, Ramona Rees, Elnora Morilon, Audrey Jewitt, Ed DeWald, Diane Hudson, Betty Isabey, Bob Paige, Deanna Dugdale, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Jerry Gowen and Bev LaTrace arrived late. Don Foley, Ray Pelland, Jerry Farr, David Hill, and Vince Seaman were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
A motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Betty Isabey that we dispense with the reading of minutes of the February 9, 2010 meeting. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
Berna reported we have a balance of $5865.88 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1246.68 in the Langdon account for a total of $7112.56. She noted that our Wells Fargo account included $2400 that is being held for expenses for the Spring Fling.
We currently have 430 paid members in the VP Tennis Club.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Social Calendar and Upcoming Tournaments
East Valley season officially ends this Friday, March 5, 2010.
The in-park Spring Fling tournament is this Saturday. It starts at 8:00 and goes to 4:00. The morning matches will be on all ten courts with afternoon matches on courts 1- 6.
The General Meeting will be held Monday, March 8 at 7:00 PM in the multi-purpose room at North Point. We have a number of action items that we need to vote on and we must have a quorum which is 106 members. Tell your teams and friends about the meeting and ask them to please attend.
Farnsworth tournaments start next week with the men’s and women’s doubles starting on Monday. It is a two day start so first round matches will be played on Monday or Tuesday. The schedule for the first two days is posted at the East Courts. It will up dated so we can follow the play of our VP teams.
The following Monday, March 15 is the start date for the mixed doubles. We will get the schedule tomorrow. We have a large representation for the mixed as virtually all the teams we submitted were accepted.
Monte Vista Team Tournament play offs will be completed today. Three 3.0 teams are vying for the one spot with the final round starting at 5:00 PM. Since MV can only handle 8 teams at each level any levels with more than 8 teams will have to play off on Sunday, March 21. Teams that choose to not play off will have their entry money returned. Those who play off and don’t qualify will get half their money back.
Changes to next year’s social calendar:
2.5W – Christmas Party
3.5R - Breakfast in the Park (at Red Mountain Park)
3.5O – Regular assignment instead of Christmas Family
3.0B & 3.0G –Spring Fling
Executive Comm. – Christmas Family
Court cleaning: We asked for volunteers to help clean courts on Monday, March 8, West courts, 9:30, with Clive in charge and Monday, March 15, East courts with Ralph in charge. Most captains responded with the names of those who can help. Captains please remind their team members when and where they are supposed to be to help with the cleaning.
Saturday Tournament Participation Fees: We are not able to cover food costs for our Saturday in-park and invitational tournaments even though teams are turning in any extra money from the in-park tournaments to the general treasury.
Following a discussion a motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Maureen Wiebe to increase the Saturday participation fee for all Saturday Tournaments from $4.00 to $5.00. Motion carried.
Court Scheduling: Team practices, round robins and Star tennis will be on the schedule through the month of March. If teams do not need a practice time or all the courts at your practice please release courts for open tennis.
President’s Report: Clive MacRaild:
EVSTL: There has been a grievance filed by Venture Out against Greenfield which involved a 2.5 player who sexually harassed a female captain and threatened a scorekeeper with a weapon. We do not have a policy for that type of behavior should it occur here at View Point. Without a policy in place it will be difficult to deal with.
West Courts Update: We now have a West courts committee consisting of Clive, Dale Bowen, Al Colter, Bobby Oakley, and Jerry Gowen. They will be meeting with Cherrie on Wednesday. Cherrie has agreed in principle to fix the west courts and to add two more courts at the east courts. The west courts will remain open until the end of March.
Membership Directory: Changes have been turned in to Mark. The directory should now be up to date. If you do not have a computer or a printer please contact Clive so you can get a copy of the directory.
Summer Drop in Tennis: The summer drop in information is now on the web. Because of the sensitive information you need to access it through the same link as our directory.
Self-raters: We had 82 self-raters this year which included 67 club members and 15 new members. Sixty-one made their stats, five were required to move down. Sixteen self-raters will self-rate again next year as they were not able to play enough matches that counted toward their self-rating stats. We also had seven players who were required to move up based on EVSTL move up rules.
General Meeting: It is critical that we attend the General meeting. Please be there!
Committee and Other Item Reports
Nominating: Al Colter: Al presented the nominating committee’s report which included the members of the committee, the process the committee followed, and the recommendations of the committee for the following slate of officers for the 2010 – 2011 tennis season:
President – Ralph Sharp
Vice President – Len Grant
Treasurer – Diane Hudson
Secretary – Sue Twyman
A motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Betty Isabey that the Board accept the report and the recommendations for the slate of officers. Motion carried. A copy of the report will be posted at the West and East courts and the slate of officers will be voted on at the General meeting.
Clive thanked Al and the nominating committee for their hard work.
Pro Program: Al Colter: Al presented a draft of the Pro program for the 2010 – 2011 season. Next year the program will not be as aggressive. There will be a new Fall program called Boot Camp which will run from Oct. 14 – 16. The program will run each day from 8 – 11 AM with open tennis and a pizza party the evening of the 16th. Participants will work with the same pro all 3 days. This way the pro can look at each participant’s game and customize instruction. The sign up sheet for the Fall Boot Camp will be posted at the East courts on March 9.
Individual and group instruction as well as racket stringing will still be available.
Old Business
Clive read a proposal that was made and tabled at our February meeting. It read:
Move Down Criteria Proposal:
Regular Player
A VP player who has played at positions other than the #1 and/or #2 positions, has played at least six (6) matches, and was unable to sustain a game winning percentage of at least 35% for the season, MUST be moved down to the next lower level of play.
Self Raters
Self raters must win 40% of their first five (5) matches and 35% of their games or they will be moved down to the next lower level of play.
A motion was made by Maureen Morton and seconded by Dale Bowen that we accept this proposal. Following a discussion a vote was taken. The results were: 8 Yes, 12 No. The motion was defeated and the move down criteria remained at 40% games.
New Business:
Ruth Nelson stated that many feel the price of the Spring Fling tickets are too high, at $17.00, and suggested that we help reduce the price of the tickets by paying the bar set up and bartenders’ fees of $200. After a discussion it was agreed that it was not appropriate to use our treasury in this manner.
Nancy Nicola reminded everyone that the 2010 -2011 season starts on Monday, November 1.
Motion to adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Eiler Eis with a second by Diane Hudson. Motion carried.
TUESDAY, March 2, 2010
The meeting was called to order by President, Clive MacRaild. Clive welcomed a few new captains and co-captains and thanked current captains and co-captains for the magnificent job they did this year.
Role call was taken.
Those present were: Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Dale Bowen, Loretta Jones, Polly Kays, Maureen Morton, Eiler Eis, Deb Schoeberl, Diane Wright, Judy Bradford, Sue Twyman, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Jim Gerhardt, Ramona Rees, Elnora Morilon, Audrey Jewitt, Ed DeWald, Diane Hudson, Betty Isabey, Bob Paige, Deanna Dugdale, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Jerry Gowen and Bev LaTrace arrived late. Don Foley, Ray Pelland, Jerry Farr, David Hill, and Vince Seaman were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
A motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Betty Isabey that we dispense with the reading of minutes of the February 9, 2010 meeting. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
Berna reported we have a balance of $5865.88 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1246.68 in the Langdon account for a total of $7112.56. She noted that our Wells Fargo account included $2400 that is being held for expenses for the Spring Fling.
We currently have 430 paid members in the VP Tennis Club.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Social Calendar and Upcoming Tournaments
East Valley season officially ends this Friday, March 5, 2010.
The in-park Spring Fling tournament is this Saturday. It starts at 8:00 and goes to 4:00. The morning matches will be on all ten courts with afternoon matches on courts 1- 6.
The General Meeting will be held Monday, March 8 at 7:00 PM in the multi-purpose room at North Point. We have a number of action items that we need to vote on and we must have a quorum which is 106 members. Tell your teams and friends about the meeting and ask them to please attend.
Farnsworth tournaments start next week with the men’s and women’s doubles starting on Monday. It is a two day start so first round matches will be played on Monday or Tuesday. The schedule for the first two days is posted at the East Courts. It will up dated so we can follow the play of our VP teams.
The following Monday, March 15 is the start date for the mixed doubles. We will get the schedule tomorrow. We have a large representation for the mixed as virtually all the teams we submitted were accepted.
Monte Vista Team Tournament play offs will be completed today. Three 3.0 teams are vying for the one spot with the final round starting at 5:00 PM. Since MV can only handle 8 teams at each level any levels with more than 8 teams will have to play off on Sunday, March 21. Teams that choose to not play off will have their entry money returned. Those who play off and don’t qualify will get half their money back.
Changes to next year’s social calendar:
2.5W – Christmas Party
3.5R - Breakfast in the Park (at Red Mountain Park)
3.5O – Regular assignment instead of Christmas Family
3.0B & 3.0G –Spring Fling
Executive Comm. – Christmas Family
Court cleaning: We asked for volunteers to help clean courts on Monday, March 8, West courts, 9:30, with Clive in charge and Monday, March 15, East courts with Ralph in charge. Most captains responded with the names of those who can help. Captains please remind their team members when and where they are supposed to be to help with the cleaning.
Saturday Tournament Participation Fees: We are not able to cover food costs for our Saturday in-park and invitational tournaments even though teams are turning in any extra money from the in-park tournaments to the general treasury.
Following a discussion a motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Maureen Wiebe to increase the Saturday participation fee for all Saturday Tournaments from $4.00 to $5.00. Motion carried.
Court Scheduling: Team practices, round robins and Star tennis will be on the schedule through the month of March. If teams do not need a practice time or all the courts at your practice please release courts for open tennis.
President’s Report: Clive MacRaild:
EVSTL: There has been a grievance filed by Venture Out against Greenfield which involved a 2.5 player who sexually harassed a female captain and threatened a scorekeeper with a weapon. We do not have a policy for that type of behavior should it occur here at View Point. Without a policy in place it will be difficult to deal with.
West Courts Update: We now have a West courts committee consisting of Clive, Dale Bowen, Al Colter, Bobby Oakley, and Jerry Gowen. They will be meeting with Cherrie on Wednesday. Cherrie has agreed in principle to fix the west courts and to add two more courts at the east courts. The west courts will remain open until the end of March.
Membership Directory: Changes have been turned in to Mark. The directory should now be up to date. If you do not have a computer or a printer please contact Clive so you can get a copy of the directory.
Summer Drop in Tennis: The summer drop in information is now on the web. Because of the sensitive information you need to access it through the same link as our directory.
Self-raters: We had 82 self-raters this year which included 67 club members and 15 new members. Sixty-one made their stats, five were required to move down. Sixteen self-raters will self-rate again next year as they were not able to play enough matches that counted toward their self-rating stats. We also had seven players who were required to move up based on EVSTL move up rules.
General Meeting: It is critical that we attend the General meeting. Please be there!
Committee and Other Item Reports
Nominating: Al Colter: Al presented the nominating committee’s report which included the members of the committee, the process the committee followed, and the recommendations of the committee for the following slate of officers for the 2010 – 2011 tennis season:
President – Ralph Sharp
Vice President – Len Grant
Treasurer – Diane Hudson
Secretary – Sue Twyman
A motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Betty Isabey that the Board accept the report and the recommendations for the slate of officers. Motion carried. A copy of the report will be posted at the West and East courts and the slate of officers will be voted on at the General meeting.
Clive thanked Al and the nominating committee for their hard work.
Pro Program: Al Colter: Al presented a draft of the Pro program for the 2010 – 2011 season. Next year the program will not be as aggressive. There will be a new Fall program called Boot Camp which will run from Oct. 14 – 16. The program will run each day from 8 – 11 AM with open tennis and a pizza party the evening of the 16th. Participants will work with the same pro all 3 days. This way the pro can look at each participant’s game and customize instruction. The sign up sheet for the Fall Boot Camp will be posted at the East courts on March 9.
Individual and group instruction as well as racket stringing will still be available.
Old Business
Clive read a proposal that was made and tabled at our February meeting. It read:
Move Down Criteria Proposal:
Regular Player
A VP player who has played at positions other than the #1 and/or #2 positions, has played at least six (6) matches, and was unable to sustain a game winning percentage of at least 35% for the season, MUST be moved down to the next lower level of play.
Self Raters
Self raters must win 40% of their first five (5) matches and 35% of their games or they will be moved down to the next lower level of play.
A motion was made by Maureen Morton and seconded by Dale Bowen that we accept this proposal. Following a discussion a vote was taken. The results were: 8 Yes, 12 No. The motion was defeated and the move down criteria remained at 40% games.
New Business:
Ruth Nelson stated that many feel the price of the Spring Fling tickets are too high, at $17.00, and suggested that we help reduce the price of the tickets by paying the bar set up and bartenders’ fees of $200. After a discussion it was agreed that it was not appropriate to use our treasury in this manner.
Nancy Nicola reminded everyone that the 2010 -2011 season starts on Monday, November 1.
Motion to adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Eiler Eis with a second by Diane Hudson. Motion carried.
The meeting was called to order by President, Clive MacRaild.
Role call was taken.
Those present were: Carol Chapin, Loretta Jones, Polly Kays, Maureen Morton, Eiler Eis, Deb Schoeberl, David Hill, Diane Wright, Sue Twyman, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Jim Gerhardt, Ramona Rees, Elnora Morilon, Audrey Jewitt, Diane Hudson, Sharon Smith (for Jerry Farr), Betty Isabey, Bob Paige, Deanna Dugdale, Lee McDougal, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Jerry Gowen and Ed DeWald arrived late. Bev LaTrace, Jim Ryder, Dale Bowen, Don Foley, Ray Pelland, Judy Bradford, Jerry Farr, Ruth Nelson, and Vince Seaman were absent.
Before agenda items were addressed we had a presentation from Ron Stewart, of the 2010 -2011 recognition committee. The committee is proposing a change in how we recognize people in our organization. They are proposing that we install 3 plaques on the wall of the East Courts; one for Presidents, past present and future; one for Founders and a third for Builders (which would be voted on each year). Ron also mentioned that next year will be the 25th year for the tennis club and that it would be a good year to do something special. Discussion followed. The group was in favor of the idea reminding Ron that we already have a plaque that hangs in the East courts kitchen. Ron will do what he can to incorporate that plaque into his plan and will get back to us with a cost estimate.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
A motion was made by Betty Isabey and seconded by Dave Hill that we dispense with the reading of minutes of the January 5, 2010 meeting. Motion carried.
Sue reported that due to concerns that the defibrillator battery pack was past the expiration date she met with Joe McGrath. While there Joe spoke to Wally on the phone. The following points came out of that meeting.
1. Wally stated all fire and emergency equipment had been recently checked and the battery packs were fully charged. He recently purchased replacement packs and would check the defibrillator at the east courts himself. Clive will talk to Cherie. *(The pack has since been changed)
2. Joe (and he believes Cherie) was under the impression that we had defibrillators at both courts. He is very concerned and said he would talk to Cherie about getting on for the West courts.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
Berna reported we have a balance of $4534.32 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1663.68 in the Langdon account, and $140 in petty cash for a total of $5738.
Berna then read a thank you note from Sunshine Acres for the cash donation that was made from the yard sale and the Christmas collection from tennis members.
Clive then reminded every one about the All Resort Review and to please buy tickets. Also, the dumpsters at the maintenance yard do not need to be manned by volunteers.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Ralph read a note from Randy Steadman, President of Trilogy Tennis Club thanking us for our hospitality and expressing the hope that we will continue to include them in the future. This is the 4th year they have participated in a combined invitational with Venture Out.
Social Calendar and Upcoming Tournaments
Feb. 13: Valentine Tournament will run from 8:00 – 5:00 with 90 matches.
Feb. 19: Deadline for both submitting a self-rating request OR removing your request. Clive will send an e-mail to captains as a reminder.
Feb. 20: Invitational with Greenfield
Feb. 26 – 28: 3.0 play-offs for Monte Vista Team Tournament. At this time the proposed match times are Fri. 3:30, Sat. 9:30, and Sun. 9:30.
March 15: Captain’s meeting for all new and returning captains
March 19: Spring Fling Banquet: Deb Edwards. The banquet is being hosted by the 2.5R and 3.5W teams. The theme for the banquet is Mardi Gras. Tickets are $17.00 a person. The price includes dinner, a DJ, a mask and beads. The price is higher as we now have to absorb a $200 fee for the set up and the bartenders.
They are hoping to have a small float parade in the ballroom using bikes, wheel barrows, golf carts etc. If your team is interested please contact Gil or Rhonda Shubert at 0400. Deb will e-mail all the information to Clive and he will send it out to the captains.
Farnsworth Mens / Womens play offs are complete except for the 4.0 level
Monte Vista Team Tournament: Since MV can only handle 8 teams at each level any levels with more than 8 teams will have to play off on March 21. Teams that choose to not play off will have their entry money returned. Those who play off and don’t qualify will get half their money back.
Breakfast in the Park: Where do we want to do it? Desert: problems with entry fee and electricity. Park: problems with electricity. The Ramada at VP near the post office is a possibility. Ralph will look into it and see if that area is available.
Court Cleaning Schedule
Things are going well. Jerry Gowen and the 1.5 team are scheduled for the 1st week in March. The following 2 weeks we’re are looking for volunteers to clean courts.
March 8-14 West
March 15-21 East
We are hoping to get one volunteer from each team for each of the 2 weeks. Captains please ask your team members if they can volunteer and then e-mail the names to Ralph. ASAP
2010 – 2011 Social Calendar
Ralph distributed a draft of the 2010 – 2011 calendar so captains could look it over and see proposed responsibilities for next season.
Court Scheduling: Captains are asked to check the schedule when at the
East Court
to make sure practice, match and court cleaning times are correct.
President’s Report: Clive MacRaild:
1. Warm ups should not exceed 10 minutes, including practice serves.
2. Tie breaker: Hopefully everyone now understands the change. The players who win a tiebreaker are awarded an additional game in their stats.
3. All completed matches and those games in those matches count in the event the full schedule of matches cannot be completed, both for team and individual stats.
4. Tabled item by EVSTL: Should lower level 2.0’s be allowed to play at the 1.5 level in the event that there are not enough 1.5’s to play? Poll: Yes
5. Tabled item by EVSTL: When one team plays another team in the park should those results be recorded?
West Courts Update: We are working with Cherie and will be looking at all options for improving the West courts. Something will be done after the end of our season.
Proposed VP Bylaws changes and clarification:
The following six items were brought before the board and voted on. Five items were approved. One did not require a vote. The five items will be discussed and voted on at the March 8 General Meeting.
1. A player who is required to move up to next level due to the recent EVSTL bylaws changes will be considered a regular member of the team they are going to and will not have to self rate.
2. When a player from a lower level is brought up to play with a regular member of a team (not a self rater) the results of that match count for both the team and the regular member.
3. Can item # 2 be a fun match? No action taken as a result of the vote on number 2.
4. When a player from a lower level is brought up to play with a regular member of a team the results of that match , win or lose, will not be recorded for the lower level player.
5. A regular player who is required to move down due to not achieving 40% winning game percentage in the #3 and #4 positions over the season must stay at the lower level for one complete season before self rating.
6. A self rater may not go to the STAR Team during the season and then self rate to that same level again at the end of that season.
Ed DeWald will update these proposed changes and get them to the captains so we can discuss these with our teams.
Please have ranking sheets in to Ralph by March 2. Captains will be meeting after the General Meeting, on March 8, to place move ups, move downs and self raters on teams for next year. This way the 2010-11 teams can elect their captains before the captain’s meeting on March 15.
Captains please make players aware if they are on the bubble with their game percentage!
Eighteen people have self rated so far for next year.
Item from the Floor:
Bob Paige made a motion that we change the game percentage for #3 and #4 players from 40% to 35% to be in line with the EVSTL. The motion was tabled until the March 2, board meeting so that we could gather information.
Motion to adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Elnora Morilon with a second by Jim Gerhardt. Motion carried.
The meeting was called to order by Clive MacRaild, president.
live welcomed four new tennis club members.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
Ed DeWald moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last general meeting. Carol Nordness seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Sue apologized for the mix up at the UPS Store. Copies were available and the clerk could not seem to locate them.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
We currently have $105. in petty cash, a balance of $4684.37 in our Wells Fargo account, and an additional $1398.98 in the Langdon account for a total of $6188.35.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
End of Season tournaments
Farnsworth, Men’s/ Women’s play offs will be held from Jan. 22 – 24 and with the Star Team hosting the event. Any category with more than 4 teams will have teams playing off for the 4th spot before qualifying weekend. A number of levels could use more participants and it is hoped that more teams will sign up before the sheet comes down on the 12th. The tournament committee consisting of Ralph, Ray Pelland, and Carol Nordness will be meeting to decide the play off match ups on Friday, Jan. 15 at 4:00 PM. All are welcome to attend.
Mixed doubles sign up sheets come down at noon on Monday, Jan. 18. It is a same level tournament. Draws for play offs will be decided on Jan. 29. The 1.5 team will host the play offs which will be held Feb. 5 – Feb. 7.
Monte Vista Team Tournament which consists of a team of 4 men and 4 women runs from Sunday, March 21 – Sunday, March 28.
Important dates:
Jan. 30: Invitational here against VO and Trilogy, hosted by the 3.0W team.
Court cleaning: Jan. 17, 3.0B, Judy Bradford, followed by
3.0W, Elnora Morilon
3.0R Jim Gerhardt
3.5W Lee McDougal
Tennis Balls: There are lots of missing balls. Remember the balls are used for a home match, then, are used for a team practice, then go to RR co-coordinators, and then they are put in the designated cans to repopulate the ball machines. If you have personal balls that you will no longer use Jack will take them and either use them here or take them to the Mesa Market.
Court Sign Up: It is January and the prime time rule is now in effect. For the months of January, February, and the first week in March, if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., you cannot play again that day in primetime. You can sign up for court times for two times in the future but cannot book any more games until one of those games are played because you can only have two bookings on paper at one time in primetime. Primetime runs from Monday through Sunday.
When you sign out a court remember to put a phone number down on the sign-up sheets.
An individual can sign up only one court per time slot. If a group wants to sign up multiple courts for the same time you need one person per court to sign up.
Tournament Committee: Carol Nordness reported that we are at the half way point and are undefeated in our Saturday tournaments. This Saturday we will play our last out of park invitational at Monte Vista. Results from last Saturday were: VP 26 – LW 20, VP 13 – CM 10.
The committee (Carol, Allie, Norma, and Linda) is receiving a lot of special requests. Please limit them to only when really necessary as it makes it difficult to do the scheduling.
When scheduling a Saturday tournament the committee’s first consideration goes to people who did not play or did not get to play in the previous tournament; then they look at the sign up order with the exception that if some one has signed up twice they will eliminate some people from playing twice so that others who signed up can play.
President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
EVSTL Report and Guidelines:
Since we did not have a quorum proposed changes that would align our wording with the EVSTL was tabled until the March General Meeting.
The EVSTL is reminding captains, team members and spectators that coaching is not allowed during East Valley matches.
West Courts Update: We are not getting sand and carpet courts. Clive and Ralph are meeting with Cherri tomorrow regarding the West courts and the need for additional courts at the West courts.
Self-rating Update: The deadline for self-rating for the 2010 -2011 season is Feb. 19. Request forms can be found at our web site and must be turned in to Clive by that date. Sue will make a few copies for those who do not have computers or printers and post them at the East Courts. Please down load your copy and save the hard copies for those who need them. Point of information: self-rater matches from one year do not carry over from one tennis season to the next. Anyone who does not get enough matches in to successfully self-rate must start over at the beginning of the next tennis season.
Age 75 League is getting started. See Don Foley for more information
Summer drop-in Tennis – Dave Foley is trying to compile a list of open doubles tennis around the US and Canada where visitors can stop and have a friendly game of tennis. Captains have a sheet for you to add your information.
Defibrillator training – There were 42 tennis members at the defibrillator/CPR training. We hope the team representatives will go back to their teams and share their new found knowledge.
Key points were:
1. Call 911 immediately and have the AED standing by.
2. Never use the AED on a conscious victim.
3. The AED is fool proof. You can not make a mistake.
4. After lifting the head and neck, compressions alone are fine until the rescue squad arrives.
5. Dehydration is the biggest concern for our heart. We should start drinking water the day before we play tennis.
6. Two issues for Joe McGrath:
a. AED’s are locked. The code to unlock the AED’s is 911.
b. Permission to have security bring AED’s where needed.
7. Sue has red emergency sheets for our tennis bags. She will put them in the second drawer in the East courts file cabinet. Members who want a sheet should contact their captains.
Committee Reports:
Nominating Committee: Al Colter is asking for tennis club members to come forward to volunteer to be on the nominating committee, and also he is asking for anyone who wishes to hold an office next year to step forward. The process includes early discussions with the president and vice-president. Those interested go through an interviewing process with the committee. It is hoped to have this process completed one month before the annual meeting when the committee will make its formal report. The suggested slate is then posted at the East and West courts, well in advance of the meeting. It is still possible to nominate from the floor, but it is appreciated to contact the committee ahead of time so as to have those candidates go through the same process as those named on the slate.
Pro Plan: Al Colter: The carnival was a huge success with approximately 150 participants. The plan is to do something like that every two to three years.
Updated lesson prices are on the pro board.
Winning at your level is going well this year. One problem that persists is that people show up for the clinics without signing up ahead of time. This makes it difficult to know how many pros are needed.
Motion to Adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Betty Isabey. Judy DeWald seconded. Motion passed.
The meeting was called to order by President, Clive MacRaild.
Role call was taken.
Those present were:, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Dale Bowen, Loretta Jones, Polly Kays, Maureen Morton, Deb Schoeberl, Diane Wright, Judy Bradford, Sue Twyman, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Jim Gerhardt, Ramona Rees, Elnora Morilon, Audrey Jewitt, Diane Hudson, Betty Isabey, Deanna Dugdale, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Jerry Gowen and Ed DeWald arrived late. Bev LaTrace, Don Foley, Ray Pelland, Eiler Eis, David Hill, Jerry Farr, Bob Paige and Vince Seaman were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
The reading of minutes of the December 8, 2009 meeting was waived.
Forty-one tennis members attended the CPR/Defibrillator training on Tuesday, Jan. 5 in the multi-purpose room at North Point. The trainer was very informative. Two important things that came out of the meeting were: 1. Call 911 immediately, as the operator can assist you until the rescue squad arrives. 2. The AED (defibrillator) is fool proof and takes you step by step through the process. It is hoped that those who participated will go back to their teams and share what they got out of the training. Sue will put together an information sheet and send it to captains. She will also follow up on a couple of emergency issues with Joe McGrath.
Sue read two thank you notes from Duane Dehne and his family. The funeral service bulletin for Judy will be posted at the East Courts.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
Berna reported we have a balance of $5159.81 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1398.98 in the Langdon account for a total of $6558.79.
Berna announced that $1391 was collected by the 2.0 Red team from all our tennis teams and was added to the $955.48 from the community wide yard sale. A total of $2346.48 was given to Sunshine Acres
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Holiday tournament at SVE: View Point was well represented with 10 mixed teams participating. Five teams remained on the final day of the tournament, 3 in the Championship section and two in the Consolation. After some excellent play, at the end of the tournament the 3.0 team of Ron Stewart and Star Dillabaugh were crowned consolation winners.
Social Calendar and Upcoming Tournaments
This Saturday we are invited to LW/CM.
Monday, Jan. 11, is the deadline for sign ups for Farnsworth Mens /Ladies tournament.
Monday, Jan. 11, is our General Meeting at 7:00 PM in the MP Room at North point.
Saturday, Jan. 16, is an invitational at Monte Vista.
Monday, Jan. 18, is the deadline for sign ups for the end of season mixed doubles tournament at SSV.
Jan. 22 – 24, is the Mens / Ladies qualifying, hosted by the Star team.
Jan. 25 is the deadline for the team tournament at MV. More information to come shortly.
Court cleaning schedule
We are all set through the 17th. Next up are Elnora, Jim, and Lee. Please contact Ralph as soon as you have chosen a time.
Court sign-up procedures:
Three sign up procedures to be aware of:
The Jan. – Feb. prime time rule is now in effect. For the months of January and February, if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., you cannot play again that day in primetime. You can sign up for court times for two times in the future but cannot book any more games until one of those games are played because you can only have two bookings on paper at one time in primetime. Primetime runs from Monday through Sunday.
When you sign out a court remember to put a phone number down on the sign-up sheets.
An individual can sign up only one court per time slot. If a group wants to sign up multiple courts for the same time you need one person per court to sign up.
Ralph will be posting this information in the sign up area at the East Courts.
Tennis Balls Rotation:
We seem to be missing tennis balls for the ball machines and baskets. Remember the balls are used for a home match, then, are used for a team practice, then go to RR co-coordinators, and then they are put in the designated cans to repopulate the ball machines.
Player Ranking Sheets:
At the end of each month when you send the player ranking sheets to Carol Nordness would you please send a copy to Ralph as he will need them when he helps set up teams for Farnsworth.
President’s Report: Clive MacRaild:
EVSTL: Please advise spectators that they are NOT to say anything to players that could be considered coaching.
West Courts Update: We are not getting sand courts. Nothing will be done until after the end of our season when a major job will be completed.
Self-rating Update: The deadline for self-rating for the 2010 -2011 season is Feb. 19. Request forms can be found at our web site and must be turned in to Clive by that date. Sue will make a few copies for those who do not have computers or printers and post them at the East Courts. Please down load your copy and save the hard copies for those who need them.
As of today, of the original 67 self-raters, 22 have already made their stats and 2 players have moved down.
General Meeting: Co-captains are asked to help set up chairs at 6:40 on Monday.
Questions from the Floor:
Ed DeWald requested that the board meetings begin at 3:30 so that those who help coach the 1.5’s could be there for the entire meeting. His request was retracted when he realized that by moving the time it would impact 3.0 practice times.
Dale Bowen had a question regarding the nominating committee and was told that Al Colter will be addressing the nominating process at the general meeting on Monday.
The ice machine at the East Courts is fixed.
Motion to adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Diane Hudson with a second by Nancy Nicola. Motion carried.
2.0 – 3.5 captains and co-captains were to meet following the meeting to complete new player sheets so Clive would know the order in which teams would get new players.
The meeting was called to order by President, Clive MacRaild.
Role call was taken.
Those present were:, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Dale Bowen, Loretta Jones, Don Foley, Maureen Morton, Eiler Eis, Deb Schoeberl, David Hill, Diane Wright, Judy Bradford, Sue Twyman, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Jim Gerhardt, Michelle Faerge, Elnora Morilon, Audrey Jewitt, Jack Jewitt, Ed DeWald, Greta Adams, Jerry Farr, Betty Isabey, Deanna Dugdale, Lee McDougal, Nancy Nicola, Larry Beres, Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Bob Paige arrived late. Jerry Gowen, Bev LaTrace, Darlene Houle, Ray Pelland, Ruth Nelson, Trish Bowers and Ted Sondej were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
Ed DeWald made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the November 10, 2009 meeting. Nancy Nicola seconded the motion. Motion carried.
CPR/Defibrillator training is set for Tuesday, Jan. 5 in the multi-purpose room at North Point at 1:00. Captains have sent Sue the names of team members who will be attending. We have 50 people. Any additional people interested in attending need to sign up at the Activity Office for the second session that day.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
Berna read a letter from Judy Farr in reference to the Yard Sale. $955.48 was collected during the community wide yard sale for Sunshine Acres. The money will be added to the Christmas Family money being collected by the 2.0 Red team and presented to Sunshine Acres. Remaining items were taken to Sunshine Acres for their Boutique. The sale required a lot of help and man(woman) hours. Judy wanted to thank all those who donated items and anyone who helped in any way.
We currently have 285 paid members. We have a balance of $6947.46 in our Wells Fargo account, $1678.00 in petty cash, with an additional $1398.98 in the Langdon account for a total of $8,625.46. With monies subtracted for the Holiday dinner and sunshine Acres in the amount of $3828.48, our working balance is $4796.89
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Social Calendar and Upcoming Tournaments
Jerry and Jim’s teams are hosting the Holiday Dinner Dance this Thursday at 5:00. It’s well organized and they’re ready to go!
This Saturday we are invited to VDO for a Saturday tournament and lunch. If you haven’t played on their new courts this will be a good experience for you.
The CM/SVE Holiday Tournament is set. We have nine teams participating at SVE. The match ups can be found on the website. There are eight teams in each bracket. All teams will play on the 28tt and 29th with the finals on the 30th.
Our next Board Meeting is Jan. 5.
On Jan. 9 we have an invitational at Leisure World
Starting Jan. 11 people start picking partners for the end of the season tournaments.
Also on Jan. 11 is our next General Meeting.
Casino night, Thurs. Jan. 21 and Resort Revue, Thurs., Feb. 18 needs workers. Contact Judy Farr at 4701 if you can help.
Court cleaning schedule – Please select the day of the week you plan to clean courts and notify Ralph at least one week in advance. He will contact Tom to get it on the schedule.
Dec. 13, 2.5B, East
Dec. 14 – 20 3.5O West
Dec. 21 – 27 3.0G East
Dec.28 – Jan.3 4.0 West
Teams scheduled over the holiday break will need some help as most of their players are gone. Patio areas will need to be done, but courts can be done on an as needed basis. Captains are asked to say something to team members about helping out the 3.0G and 4.0 teams.
Court sign-up procedures:
People are doing a good job of putting a phone number down on the sign-up sheets.
As per a discussion with Cherie: An individual can sign up only one court per time slot. If a group wants to sign up multiple courts for the same time you need one person per court to sign up.
Tennis Balls Rotation:
Ralph hasn’t heard from RR coordinators lately so they must be getting enough balls.
President’s Report: Clive MacRaild:
EVSTL Meeting Update: The Dec. 1 meeting resulted in some important changes effective immediately. The letter with all the details will be posted at both courts. The most important points were:
Any player who has met all of the criteria MUST be moved to the next higher level.
When a player FIRST meets the criteria the stats are frozen. The player has the choice of moving up at the time the stats are made or at the beginning of the next season.
If a team has a bye, first position players from the “bye” team may not be borrowed.
Any manipulations by a captain or player to avoid “moving up” MUST NOT be tolerated.
In an effort to not allow other teams to hide players VP representatives plan to go to the next meeting and make a motion that #1 and #2 players be tracked for the season.
Also coming out of the EVSTL meeting was the following VP Rule change: A motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Bob Paige that A)the title “Self-Rating Rules” (found on page 44 in the Captain’s Handbook) be changed to “Self-Rating Rules and Move Down Criteria”, and that B) again on page 44, under “Special Circumstances, Note:” that the wording be replaced with, “A player may not move down to a lower level for any reason other than health issues, disabilities due to the aging process, or as required due to the self rating policy.” Motion passed. This rule change will be presented at the General Meeting on Jan. 11, for approval.
West Courts Update: Bobby and the contractor can not seem to make connections. The repair work will only take a couple of hours but needs to be done in the morning. Bobby also asked us to spread the word that when using the ball machine, DO NOT RUN OVER THE ELECTRIC CORD WITH THE BALL PICKER UPPER. It is cutting the cord. Ralph will follow up on this.
Self-rating Update: As of today, of the original 64 self-raters, 9 have already made their stats and only one player has moved down. Captains, please go over page 44 with your players so they understand the self-rating rules.
Summer Drop-in Forms: Summer drop-in forms were given out again to all captains. Please get team member input and return sheets to Clive by the end of January.
Please note when your officers will be gone!
Clive: Dec. 12 – Jan. 3
Ralph: Dec. 12 – Dec. 30
Berna: Dec. 12 – Jan. 4 (George Peck will be treasurer in her absence)
Sue: Dec. 20 – Dec. 22
Sue says to save all your problems until January!
Motion to adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Ed DeWald with a second by Don Foley. Motion carried.
The meeting was then called to order by President, Clive MacRaild.
Role call was taken.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, Dale Bowen, George Peck (2.0 R), Carol Chapin, Dale Bowen, Ray Pelland, Eiler Eis, Deb Schoeberl, David Hill, Diane Wright, Clyde Bradford, Judy Bradford, Jim Gerhardt, Michelle Faerge, Elnora Morilon, Audrey Jewitt, Jack Jewitt, Ed DeWald, Greta Adams, Betty Isabey, Steve Johnson, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Nancy Nicola, Larry Beres, Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman.
Bev LaTrace, Darlene Houle, Maureen Morton, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Carol Skiles, Jerry Farr, Deanna Dugdale, Ted Sondej were absent. Don Foley arrived late.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
Ed DeWald made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the October 20, 2009 meeting. David Hill seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue handed out the remaining MCI’s to the captains. Included in the packet of MCI’s are names and phone numbers of all opposing captains and co-captains from the other resorts.
Also handed out were the ranking sheets from the March 2009 redraw. These player rankings are meant to help captains place players on the appropriate lines as the captains evaluate players this year. Captain’s rankings of players are due in to Ralph Sharp by the 1st of December.
We are looking into CPR/Defibrillator training. It was determined that the Red Cross Training is too long and too costly. The local fire departments offer a 1½ hour training in CPR, defibrillator, and general emergency procedures at no cost to us. Sue will look into this further and will meet with Joe McGrath to co-ordinate the training as Joe has also contacted the fire department resource person and we do not want to duplicate the training request.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
We currently have 177 paid members. We have a balance of $3435.47 in our Wells Fargo account, $75.00 in petty cash, with an additional $2140.20 in the Langdon account for a total of $5650.67
This balance includes a check for $500 that Greta sent as a deposit for the team shirts. Berna explained that Greta has turned in $1200 and that an additional $600 check is needed to pay the remainder of the shirt order which actually brings our total down to $5,050.67.
Greta took 37 orders for shirts last Saturday. She will have all the sample shirts out at the Carnival on Nov. 28, or you can call her at #2840. There are still some of the old shirts left and are being sold for $15. Greta sold 8 hats on Saturday so she is down to 2 hats for $10 each.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Our in-park tournament was hosted by the 4.0 Team. They provided coffee and muffins as well as a delicious lunch. We played 47 matches, from 2.0 -4.0 levels, with 188 players, some of whom did play twice. The actual number of players was around 150 which was very good for the first in-park tournament of the season.
Our next Saturday tournament is at Venture Out on Nov. 21. Please note that the sign up sheets will be posted one day earlier and will come down one day earlier (Monday), at V O’s request. Play will consist of 5 game sets.
The Fun Carnival will be on Nov. 28.
We have another invitational at Greenfield on Dec. 5.
Holiday Tournament sign-up sheets are up. It is a mixed men’s/women’s tournament and can also be mixed levels. They will only take 3 teams at each level so sign up soon! We will be playing our matches at SVE. Please note the dates are: Dec. 28 – 30, M – W, with Dec. 30, Thursday, as a rain date.
The Pot Luck at North Point, hosted by the 3.5 Red Team was a huge success. We had upwards of 142 people. We may need to consider the Ballroom another year.
Court cleaning schedule – Please select the day of the week you plan to clean courts and notify Ralph one week in advance. He will contact Tom.
Nov. 16 – 22, 2.0B, West
Nov. 23 – 29, 2.0R, East
Nov. 30 – Dec. 6, 2.5 W, West
Dec. 7 – 13, 2.5B, East
Tennis Balls: In park tournament tennis balls usually go to Round Robin coordinators. Because of the limited number of in-park tournaments captains are asked that after team balls are used for a match and a practice that they be given to the round robin coordinator at their team’s level.
President’s Report: Clive MacRaild:
EVSTL Update: The EVSTL has challenged 4 of our 3.5 players, Steve Johnson, Greta Adams, Betty Isabey, and Ted Thee, stating that based on last year’s performance they SHOULD move up to 4.0. We asked the EVSTL to audit the stats across the valley and we were the resort that stood out. There is a special meeting on Dec. 1 to discuss this issue. In the mean time we are dealing with this in a positive manner and are giving our players choices and we’re supporting them.
Self-rating overview: Self-rating Q and A sheets were handed out to the captains. The Q and A sheet should answer most of your questions dealing with your self-raters. It is also available on the web. If you still have questions give Clive a call.
Pro program sign up sheets are now posted on the Pro Board. The skills to be covered at each session will be posted with the sign up sheets.
New equipment and west courts update: They have started putting the bond on Court 7 and it looks good. Cherie has okayed 4 benches for the courts and will probably give us another 4 after January 1. We will also be getting some more plastic chairs.
Advertising and selling of products and services at club events and bulletin boards/website: The answer to all of the above is no. There is to be no selling, advertising or web sponsorship.
Motion to adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Ed DeWald with a second by Steve Johnson. Motion carried.
The meeting was called to order by Clive MacRaild, president.
Clive welcomed everyone back.
Karen Spencer – Barnes commented on many of the illnesses and injuries in our tennis community. The hope for this season is that you are filled with new and renewed friendships, good health and great play.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
Ed DeWald moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last general meeting. Larry Warnke seconded the motion. Motion passed.
MCI’s were passed out to those captains who were present.
Agenda items for the next general meeting need to be in writing to Sue Twyman (1836) by Monday, Jan. 4, 2010. If you have questions, concerns or suggestions let your captain know and those issues can be addressed at one of the monthly board meetings.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
We currently have $547. in petty cash, a balance of $440.61 in our Wells Fargo account, and an additional $2140.20 in the Langdon account for a total of $3127.81.
Directory updates go to Berna and then they go to Mark Wittick and Larry Warnke, if necessary. Any changes in player information must be reported so that changes can be made. This includes level changes.
Please get dues money in ASAP. We will are low on funds and have a lot of start up expenses.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Venture Out Fall Classic - We sent 15 teams to the VO Fall Classic. Six teams made the finals. Way to go View Point! Deena Burns thanked all of the VP spectators who spent many hours in the freezing cold and blazing sun cheering everyone on. It really meant a lot to the players.
Practice times and team game schedule are on the web. Captains please keep you team members up to date.
3.5 home matches: Since we have five 3.5 teams, every other week we will be having a triple header at VP. Starting times are: 8:00 and 9:30 east courts and 9:30 on the west courts.
Important dates:
Nov. 7, In-park tournament, 4.0 Team will host. Ginger Yoder will be selling used clothing under her new tarp.
Nov. 7, Pot Luck at North Point, 3.5 Red Team to host
Nov. 14, Breakfast in the Park, 2.5B & 2.0B Teams will host. Tickets are $5.
Social Calendar: The dates for the CM/SVE Holiday Tournament are incorrect. They should be M – W, Dec. 28 – 30. Our matches will be played at SVE.
Tournament Committee: Carol Nordness announced the Saturday tournaments committee. It is comprised of Carol, Linda Decker, Allie Garcia, and Norma Boa. There will be 10 Saturday tournaments this season, 5 in-park and 5 out of park. Sign up sheets are posted on Wednesdays and taken down the following Tuesday. Match times are posted on Thursdays. If you pay for lunch and do not play you are entitled to a refund if you chose to no eat the lunch.
Court cleaning schedule
Nov. 2 – 8, Star, West
Nov. 9 – 15, 2.0W, East
Nov. 16 – 22, 2.0B, West
Nov. 23 – 29, 2.0R, East
Signing up for courts – When you sign up for a court and put down the 4 names please put down one telephone number. This is because there may be times when East Valley matches go well over their scheduled time and players will need to be notified.
President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Recognition: Clive recognized a number of year round VP people who are working when we’re not here. They included Bobby Oakley for all the improvements he tackles in the summer; George Peck who keeps up the financials when Berna is gone; Larry Warnke for the endless hour he puts in on his computer keeping everything up to date; Joe Morton who audits our books; Mark Wittick for keeping our web site up and keeping us informed; and Nancy Nicola who singlehandedly puts together the EVSTL schedule.
EVSTL Meeting:
Cell phones – are to be silenced on the courts.
Tournaments – During the winter any tournaments we play in are separate with no affiliation with the EVSTL.
Age Update – Last spring the EVSTL passed the rule that you must be 50 years of age to play in the EVSTL. Those who are younger than 50 and have played in the East Valley are grandfathered in.
Defibrillator training –We are in the process of setting up defibrillator/CPR training. We encourage you to attend and hope to have 2 representatives from each team participating in the training. We are looking into training that stresses the compression method.
New Courts: SV and VDO have new courts.
Summer drop-in Tennis – Dave Foley is requesting that captains ask their team members about summer tennis programs that they are involved in around the US and Canada. That way as people travel during the summer they will know where people are playing tennis and would be able to drop-in. He will check back with captains in January when more players are here.
Committee Reports:
Kitchen - Judy DeWald: Judy introduced her kitchen committee which consists of herself, Pat Bowen, Marie McDougal, Ramona Rees, Pat Gerhardt, Gail Murphy, and Pat Young.
Court Maintenance - Bobby Oakley:
The cracks at the West Courts should have been filled in and painted this week. The plan is to grind a V shape and fill it with filler and then paint it. We have some new chairs and are trying to get some additional benches. Cacti have been planted by courts 1 and 2. The palms that were there are now by the new pickle ball courts. Screens are not up yet, as Bobby is recovering from rotator-cuff surgery. We have new misting system at the East Courts, and a tarp between the kitchen and storage building for Ginger for her clothing sales. A stretching machine on a new cement pad is being installed, also at the East Courts. The posts on courts 3 and 4 have been replaced and new rings were installed to hold the nets in place. We have larger trash receptacles.
We now have one key that fits both kitchens and the storage building at the East Courts. Captains and team kitchen persons need to see Judy for the new key.
When asked for comments:
1. We need a shovel to remove the debris by the edge of the sidewalk on the East Courts.
2. There’s an ant problem at the
West Court kitchen.
3. Ct. 6 ball machine keeps jamming.
Scorekeepers - Lee McDougal
We are always in need of scorekeepers. Please encourage your team members to take the scorekeeping training and keep score. Scorekeeping training is to be held on Wed., Nov. 11 at 5:00 P.M. on Court 1. Current scorekeepers note on the scorekeeping sheet those days you can not keep score.
Team apparel - Greta Adams:
Greta Adams (2840) reports we have 20 VP Tennis shirts left that are for sale for $15 each and also 10 hats left for sale at $10 each. She has samples of our new shirts that are made of a dry weave material. They come in Men’s and Ladies sizes and sell for $30 and $32, which includes having your name embroidered below the new logo.
Greta will set up a booth at on Nov. 7, when players can see the shirts and try them on.
Team apparel - Patty Warnke
Patty Warnke (4718) is selling VP Tennis T shirts for $10 and sweatshirts for $25. She also has one cookbook left for $12.
Langdon Sports - Al Colter:
The Fall Trainers Clinic - We now have about 50 people who have gone through the training.
The Fall Camp numbers were down with only 25 people participating. Everyone had a good time and a good work out.
There is information on the Pro Board regarding a variety of lessons. We can sign up for 3 & me, 4 & me, private and semi-private lessons. With so little time available for lessons here, signing up for lessons at Montessa after 3:00 is a possibility.
Chris put on a clinic today for the 4.0’s and worked them hard. It’s a new experiment and if it works we may consider doing it at other levels. We’re looking for feedback from the 4.0’s.
Winning at Your Level – The objective is to let people work on skills to have more fun playing at their level. Chris or Al will come and meet with your team during a team meeting to discuss the program. They are asking for input in an effort to make the program better. One suggestion was to post the program and let people know what things are planned on what days so people can sign up accordingly.
Fun Carnival – Nov. 28 is the date of this free event. We will be using 6 courts and have 6 pros that day. There will be fun things to do with prizes on 3 courts. The other 3 courts will be used for people to play games and have a good time. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, hosted by the 2.5 White team. The sign up sheet should be up the end of the first week in November. 120 participants are expected. Al plans to honor Chris that day as it is his 5th anniversary this year.
At the last board meeting the board approved Chris Langdon’s contract for another year.
Last year we provided each captain with a copy of the East Valley academy/ USTA rating guide. It is also posted at both courts. It lists what you need to be proficient at your current level or what you need to move to the next level.
Thanks to all for supporting the Langdon program for the past 4 – 4 ½ years. Our results are starting to show.
Motion to Adjourn was made by George Peck and seconded by Larry Warnke. Motion carried.
Clive MacRaild welcomed everyone and thanked them for volunteering.
The meeting was then called to order by the President.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, Dale Bowen, Don Foley, George Peck (2.0 R), Maureen Morton, Ray Pelland, Jack Kincaid (2.5R), David Hill, Diane Wright, Clyde Bradford, Judy Bradford, Jerry Colter (3.0G), Jim Gerhardt, Michelle Faerge, Elnora Morilon, Ed DeWald, Larry Warnke (3.5 O), Steve Johnson, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Don Gould (Star), Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Carol Skiles arrived late. Bev LaTrace, Eiler Eis, Deb Schoeberl, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Audrey Jewitt, Jack Jewitt, Diane Hudson, Jerry Farr, Betty Isabey, Deanna Dugdale, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
Ed DeWald made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the March 3, 2009 minutes. George Peck seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue passed out handbooks to all captains and co-captains. She informed them that the VPTC web address and directory address are on the cover page of the handbook. She advised captains that much the information in the handbook is also available at our web site, such as match play logs and score sheets. They are also available in the file cabinet in the storage building at the East Courts.
EVSTL team rosters are available at the EVSTL web site. We have a link from our site to the EVSTL site.
Arrangements have been made for captains to make copies for team handbooks at the UPS Store at Main and Recker. There is no cost to the captains. Simply tell them you are from VP Tennis. Captains are responsible for their own copying.
Throughout the season, agenda items for General meetings must be turned in to Sue Twyman by the Monday before the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
We currently have a balance of $1498.06 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $2140.20 in the Langdon account with a total of $3638.20.
There will be a Treasurer’s meeting next Wednesday, Oct. 28 at 11:00 at the East Courts for all team treasurers. Procedures will be discussed and paperwork will be handed out. Captains are asked to make sure some one is there from their team.
Directory updates go to Berna and then they go to Mark Wittick and Larry Warnke, if necessary. Any changes in player information must be reported so that changes can be made. This includes level changes.
Please get dues money in ASAP. We will be spending lots of money in the next few weeks on tennis balls and kitchen supplies. Dues are $30 for the year, with $20 going to the club and $10 staying with the team.
Committee Reports:
Tennis Balls - Jack Kincaid: Dunlop tennis balls will be used this season. Jack will be getting enough balls early next week to get us through the first half of the season. He will be calling captains when they are in so that he can get them out to the various teams.
He will put out the collection cans for our match play balls after the first week of play. Remember, those balls are used to repopulate the ball machines.
We have 3 large baskets of balls that can be used for team practice.
Court Maintenance - Bobby Oakley: We have new misters, a tarp to be put up between the kitchen and storage building, and a stretching machine at the East Courts.
The cracks at the West Courts should be filled in and painted this week. It is a temporary fix to get us through this season.
Bobby has a larger storage shed where the old pickle ball courts used to be if we need to store anything.
Kitchen - Judy DeWald: Thanks to Bobby Oakley we now have one key that fits both kitchens and the storage building at the East Courts. Each team captain and kitchen person will get a new key. See Judy if you have not gotten your key.
East Courts kitchen and patio area are clean and ready to use. Judy’s committee will do supply shopping and clean the West Courts kitchen on Oct. 24.
Langdon Sports - Al Colter: The Fall Trainers Clinic saw about 40 people over the 2 day period. The Fall Camp is scheduled for this Thurs – Sat.
There is information on the Pro Board regarding a variety of lessons. We can sign up for 3 & me, 4 & me, private and semi-private lessons. With so little time available for lessons here, signing up for lessons at Montessa after 3:00 is a possibility.
Winning at Your Level – Captains can invite Chris and Al to a team meeting to discuss the program. They are asking for input in an effort to make the program better.
Farnsworth Training – Things didn’t work out in the past as they had hoped. Al is still looking at what to do if anything.
Racket Stringing – Chris will have a stringer here at our in-park events starting with our first in-park tournament on Nov. 7.
Fun Carnival – Nov. 28 is the date of this free event. There will be games and prizes using all 6 courts at the East Courts. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, hosted by the 2.5 White team.
USTA rating guide is posted at both courts. It lists what you need to be proficient at your current level or what you need to move to the next level.
ASU girls now have a policy of only returning to a resort once every ten years! We are on their waiting list!!!
A motion was made by Dale Bowen and seconded by Larry Warnke to renew our contract with Chris Langdon. Motion carried.
We now have a video system available to see ourselves as we play tennis. We can actually video tape a match.
Team apparel - Greta Adams:
Greta Adams (2840) reports we have 20 VP Tennis shirts left that are for sale for $20 each and also 10 hats left for sale. She had a sample of a shirt that was made of a dry weave material. They come in Men’s and Ladies sizes and sell for $29, which includes having your name embroidered on it below the new logo.
A motion was made by George Peck with a second by Maureen Morton to authorize Greta to get more samples and go with the new fabric and logo. Motion passed.
Greta will set up a booth at on Nov. 7, when players can see the shirts and try them on.
Team apparel - Patty Warnke
Patty Warnke (4718) is selling VP Tennis T shirts for $10 and sweatshirts for $25. She has posted a sign-up sheet at the East Courts and will be sending in an order this Thursday.
President’s note* A number of people have approached Clive with concerns for how players look on the courts.
Scorekeepers - Lee McDougal
We are always in need of scorekeepers. Please encourage your team members to take the scorekeeping training and keep score. Scorekeeping training is to be held on Wed., Nov. 11 at 5:00 P.M. on Court 1.
Statistician - Larry Warnke
Match play logs should be brought to Larry (4718) as soon after your match as possible. Larry has up dated his software and is willing to put it on your computer. It can do summary sheets for your team, for individual players, print match play logs, now for 8 or 10 matches as well as score sheets. If you wish to do it the old fashion way there are match play logs and score sheets in the file cabinet in the East Courts storage building.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
We are sending 15 teams to the VO Fall Classic. Match times are posted on the VPTC web site. Ralph will put hard copies up at the East Courts.
Important dates:
Nov. 2, General Meeting, 7:00 North Point
Nov. 7, In-park tournament, 4.0 Team will host
Pot Luck at North Point, 3.5 Red Team to host
Nov. 10, Board Meeting in Card Room #1
Nov. 14, Breakfast in the Park, 2.5B & 2.0B Teams to host
Court cleaning schedule – Please select the day of the week you plan to clean courts and notify Ralph one week in advance. He will contact Tom.
Nov. 2 – 8, Star, West
Nov. 9 – 15, 2.0W, East
Nov. 16 – 22, 2.0B, West
Nov. 23 – 29, 2.0R, East
Lunch tickets – Players may have a refund if they pay for lunch and then find they are not scheduled to play in a Saturday tournament.
Saturday matches – Participants must be members of the VPTC
Practice times and team game schedule are on the web. Captains please keep you team members up to date.
Monthly Ranking Sheets – need to be turned in to Ralph at the end of each month, even if there are no changes from the month before. Ralph will e-mail the captains and then they can send them back.
Signing up for courts – When you sign up for a court and put down the 4 names please put down one telephone number. This is because there may be times when East Valley matches go well over their scheduled time and players will need to be notified.
President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Players/Spouses – Pat Bowen is our sunshine lady. Please let her and know about any club members or their spouses who have illnesses, surgeries, etc. A copy of the form is on page 19 in your handbook. Hard copies are also available at the East Courts.
EVSTL Age Update – Last spring the EVSTL passed the rule that “You must be 50 years of age to play in the EVSTL. Those who are younger than 50 and have played in the East Valley are grandfathered in.
Defibrillator training – It has been a while since we have had defibrillator training. Do we have anyone here at VP that can do it? Dale Bowen said we must be careful who we get to train us as the new training method is much more effective and saves more lives than the old method. He said the Red Cross or the fire department would do it.
Play your players at the right level!
Players ranked # 1 should ONLY be paired with # 1 or when necessary with #2 players.
Players ranked #2 should be paired with #2 players and occasionally with # 1 or #3
players. Players who are #4 should be paired with#4 or # 3 players. Players ranked # 3
& #4 should NOT be paired with #1 or #2 players. Captains are not to randomly pair or
schedule all players to play with everyone on the team. This does not conform to the
EVSTL scheduling guidelines or the Viewpoint scheduling guidelines.
Self – raters – Do what you can to give your self-raters the opportunity to win. Support those players who move down and acknowledge those who make their stats.
VP vs. VP – When View Point plays View Point the captains are to meet prior to the start of play to determine whether or not the stats for the matches will count for EVSTL. If both captains agree that the matches should not count, they will not count and stats will not be kept. If either captain wants the stats and matches to count, the matches will count. (approved 1/6/09)
New Players – New players self-rate themselves. If they ask for help have them come to a team practice or a Round Robin to help them decide.
Video – ELS is shooting video at the courts Monday, Oct. 26 at 9:00 AM. It would be great if the courts were all busy. Dress spiffy!
Summer drop-in Tennis – Dave Foley is requesting that captains ask their team members about summer tennis programs that they are involved in around the US and Canada. That way as people travel during the summer they will know where people are playing tennis and would be able to drop-in.
A motion to adjourn was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Steve Johnson. Motion carried.
Following the meeting team captains or their representatives met at each level 2.0 – 3.5 to determine the order new players would be assigned to teams.
MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2010
The meeting was called to order by President, Clive MacRaild. Clive welcomed 2010 - 2011 captains and co-captains and new officers, Ralph Sharp and Len Grant.
Ralph then thanked Clive for all of his hard work throughout the year. He looks forward to working with Len Grant and thanked Sue for agreeing to stay on for one more year.
Judy DeWald reported that the following people did not turn in kitchen keys: Eiler Eis, Deb Edwards, Steve Johnson, Larry Beres, Cyrene Moore, Berna Morrison, Carol Nordness, Nancy Nicola (2 keys).
Role call was taken.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, George Peck, Marlene Kangas, Don Foley, Polly Kays, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Jack Kincaid, Maureen Wiebe, Dolores Anderson, Dee Monk, Marilyn Catalano, Jill Zagar, Jim Gerhardt, Star Dillabaugh, Herb Howard, Leigh Howard, Duane Dehne, Joy Doubleday, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, John Coombs, Diane Hudson, Jerry Farr, Linda Decker, Greta Adams for Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vince Seaman, new President Ralph Sharp, new Vice –President Len Grant, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Treasurer Berna Morrison, Bev LaTrace, Diane Hudson, and Nancy Nicola were absent.
The meeting was co-chaired by Ralph and Clive.
Items discussed:
1. The MCI was handed out and those present checked for corrections. Corrections will be made and the MCI will be sent to the EVSTL. Clive explained how to contact other captains by going to the link from the VPTC website to the EVSTL website. The EVSTL website will be added to the VPTC website and directory on the cover page of the Captain’s Handbook.
2. Rosters were handed out so captains could make additions and corrections. Following the meeting all changes were to go back to Larry Warnke so he could update the rosters again.
3. Social Calendars: Captains were advised to look through the calendar to see what their team’s responsibilities would be for the up coming year.
4. Officers & Committees were distributed. Fred Soukup, 4816 will assist Jack Kincaid with tennis balls. Ralph is still looking for a Club photographer. He reminded us that small changes may be made before the start of the 2010 – 2011 Season.
5. How to play members of your team by level (pg. 6 pairings for competition guidelines). Once a month captains will be asked to rank all their players. Page 6 states that: A position #1 player should only play with other #1 players and when necessary with #2 players. A position #2 player should play with #2 players, and occasionally with #1 or #3 players. A position #3 and #4 player should play with #3 or #4 players. #3 and #4 players should not be paired with #1 or #2 players. Captains should not randomly pair players or schedule them to play with everyone on their teams. If teams are short players captains must contact other captains of their level before going to the level below to bring up players. You may not borrow a #1 player from the same level for any reason.
6. Self rating rules (pg. 44 & Q and A handout) were discussed. Clive suggested that captains read and reread pg. 44 and the Q and A so they will have a good understanding of the rules.
Players should notify their captains of their intentions to self rate. Also captains should have continued dialogue with their players about skills needed to be successful at the next level and even discuss who on the team should and shouldn’t self rate.
7. Web site ( The directory and the summer drop- in information have a separate address that is available to you from your team captain.
8. Reminder of annual captain’s elections: If your team has not had its annual election of captain and co-captain it should be done so immediately.
9. Staying in touch with team members in the off season: Please get your team members on your e-mail list and stay in touch with them through out the summer. If you find someone is ill or passes away the executive committee wants to know so we can respond to that. Also communicate any roster changes to Ralph.
10. How to prepare next year’s team handbook: Your captain’s handbook that you will receive in October contains materials that you may copy for your team. We have an account at the UPS Store on Main and Recker (NE corner) where you can go and make copies for team handbooks at no charge to you.
11. How to host a VP event with expense sheet (handout). The expense sheet is one of two forms to be filled out when your team hosts a VPTC event. The kitchen form helps teams hosting future events figure food and costs. Once it is filled out it is placed in the file box in the East courts kitchen. You receive a second form from the treasurer when you get the cash box and tickets. When hosting Invitational’s additional monies needed to cover costs come from the tennis club treasury. Conversely, surplus funds from Saturday lunches, banquets etc. go back to the club treasury.
12. West Courts: The committee is working diligently to get repairs under way. They continue to get bids and have come to realize that the cost will be about $110,000 for all four west courts. West courts will be closing at the end of March. Practice times, round robins and Stars will be on the schedule until then.
13. Practice times: It looks like practice times for next year will be the same. There is one 3.0 team that is looking into the possibility of changing their practice time. It will be addressed after the meeting. Ralph has received a proposal changing practices and round robins from Lee McDougall. It merits looking at throughout next season and possibly putting it into place for the following season.
During the season we kept court one available for teams playing matches on the West courts. We will continue to do this next season. If you don’t need court one let Len know so it can be released for open play.
14. Court cleaning duties: The schedule will be in your handbook. Please plan your cleaning time three weeks in advance so it can get on the schedule.
15. Next Board Meeting – Oct. 19, at 3:00 PM in NP Gathering Room
16. No pay, no play: Please do not allow a new team member to play in an EVSTL match until they have paid their dues.
17. How new players are assigned to teams. Two or three times a year same level captains will meet at the end of a board meeting. They will look at the balance of the teams and fill out new player placement sheets so that when new players join the club Ralph will know exactly to which team the player will be assigned.
Motion to Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by George Peck and seconded by Ted Sondej. Motion carried.
TUESDAY, March 2, 2010
The meeting was called to order by President, Clive MacRaild. Clive welcomed a few new captains and co-captains and thanked current captains and co-captains for the magnificent job they did this year.
Role call was taken.
Those present were: Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Dale Bowen, Loretta Jones, Polly Kays, Maureen Morton, Eiler Eis, Deb Schoeberl, Diane Wright, Judy Bradford, Sue Twyman, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Jim Gerhardt, Ramona Rees, Elnora Morilon, Audrey Jewitt, Ed DeWald, Diane Hudson, Betty Isabey, Bob Paige, Deanna Dugdale, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Jerry Gowen and Bev LaTrace arrived late. Don Foley, Ray Pelland, Jerry Farr, David Hill, and Vince Seaman were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
A motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Betty Isabey that we dispense with the reading of minutes of the February 9, 2010 meeting. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
Berna reported we have a balance of $5865.88 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1246.68 in the Langdon account for a total of $7112.56. She noted that our Wells Fargo account included $2400 that is being held for expenses for the Spring Fling.
We currently have 430 paid members in the VP Tennis Club.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Social Calendar and Upcoming Tournaments
East Valley season officially ends this Friday, March 5, 2010.
The in-park Spring Fling tournament is this Saturday. It starts at 8:00 and goes to 4:00. The morning matches will be on all ten courts with afternoon matches on courts 1- 6.
The General Meeting will be held Monday, March 8 at 7:00 PM in the multi-purpose room at North Point. We have a number of action items that we need to vote on and we must have a quorum which is 106 members. Tell your teams and friends about the meeting and ask them to please attend.
Farnsworth tournaments start next week with the men’s and women’s doubles starting on Monday. It is a two day start so first round matches will be played on Monday or Tuesday. The schedule for the first two days is posted at the East Courts. It will up dated so we can follow the play of our VP teams.
The following Monday, March 15 is the start date for the mixed doubles. We will get the schedule tomorrow. We have a large representation for the mixed as virtually all the teams we submitted were accepted.
Monte Vista Team Tournament play offs will be completed today. Three 3.0 teams are vying for the one spot with the final round starting at 5:00 PM. Since MV can only handle 8 teams at each level any levels with more than 8 teams will have to play off on Sunday, March 21. Teams that choose to not play off will have their entry money returned. Those who play off and don’t qualify will get half their money back.
Changes to next year’s social calendar:
2.5W – Christmas Party
3.5R - Breakfast in the Park (at Red Mountain Park)
3.5O – Regular assignment instead of Christmas Family
3.0B & 3.0G –Spring Fling
Executive Comm. – Christmas Family
Court cleaning: We asked for volunteers to help clean courts on Monday, March 8, West courts, 9:30, with Clive in charge and Monday, March 15, East courts with Ralph in charge. Most captains responded with the names of those who can help. Captains please remind their team members when and where they are supposed to be to help with the cleaning.
Saturday Tournament Participation Fees: We are not able to cover food costs for our Saturday in-park and invitational tournaments even though teams are turning in any extra money from the in-park tournaments to the general treasury.
Following a discussion a motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Maureen Wiebe to increase the Saturday participation fee for all Saturday Tournaments from $4.00 to $5.00. Motion carried.
Court Scheduling: Team practices, round robins and Star tennis will be on the schedule through the month of March. If teams do not need a practice time or all the courts at your practice please release courts for open tennis.
President’s Report: Clive MacRaild:
EVSTL: There has been a grievance filed by Venture Out against Greenfield which involved a 2.5 player who sexually harassed a female captain and threatened a scorekeeper with a weapon. We do not have a policy for that type of behavior should it occur here at View Point. Without a policy in place it will be difficult to deal with.
West Courts Update: We now have a West courts committee consisting of Clive, Dale Bowen, Al Colter, Bobby Oakley, and Jerry Gowen. They will be meeting with Cherrie on Wednesday. Cherrie has agreed in principle to fix the west courts and to add two more courts at the east courts. The west courts will remain open until the end of March.
Membership Directory: Changes have been turned in to Mark. The directory should now be up to date. If you do not have a computer or a printer please contact Clive so you can get a copy of the directory.
Summer Drop in Tennis: The summer drop in information is now on the web. Because of the sensitive information you need to access it through the same link as our directory.
Self-raters: We had 82 self-raters this year which included 67 club members and 15 new members. Sixty-one made their stats, five were required to move down. Sixteen self-raters will self-rate again next year as they were not able to play enough matches that counted toward their self-rating stats. We also had seven players who were required to move up based on EVSTL move up rules.
General Meeting: It is critical that we attend the General meeting. Please be there!
Committee and Other Item Reports
Nominating: Al Colter: Al presented the nominating committee’s report which included the members of the committee, the process the committee followed, and the recommendations of the committee for the following slate of officers for the 2010 – 2011 tennis season:
President – Ralph Sharp
Vice President – Len Grant
Treasurer – Diane Hudson
Secretary – Sue Twyman
A motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Betty Isabey that the Board accept the report and the recommendations for the slate of officers. Motion carried. A copy of the report will be posted at the West and East courts and the slate of officers will be voted on at the General meeting.
Clive thanked Al and the nominating committee for their hard work.
Pro Program: Al Colter: Al presented a draft of the Pro program for the 2010 – 2011 season. Next year the program will not be as aggressive. There will be a new Fall program called Boot Camp which will run from Oct. 14 – 16. The program will run each day from 8 – 11 AM with open tennis and a pizza party the evening of the 16th. Participants will work with the same pro all 3 days. This way the pro can look at each participant’s game and customize instruction. The sign up sheet for the Fall Boot Camp will be posted at the East courts on March 9.
Individual and group instruction as well as racket stringing will still be available.
Old Business
Clive read a proposal that was made and tabled at our February meeting. It read:
Move Down Criteria Proposal:
Regular Player
A VP player who has played at positions other than the #1 and/or #2 positions, has played at least six (6) matches, and was unable to sustain a game winning percentage of at least 35% for the season, MUST be moved down to the next lower level of play.
Self Raters
Self raters must win 40% of their first five (5) matches and 35% of their games or they will be moved down to the next lower level of play.
A motion was made by Maureen Morton and seconded by Dale Bowen that we accept this proposal. Following a discussion a vote was taken. The results were: 8 Yes, 12 No. The motion was defeated and the move down criteria remained at 40% games.
New Business:
Ruth Nelson stated that many feel the price of the Spring Fling tickets are too high, at $17.00, and suggested that we help reduce the price of the tickets by paying the bar set up and bartenders’ fees of $200. After a discussion it was agreed that it was not appropriate to use our treasury in this manner.
Nancy Nicola reminded everyone that the 2010 -2011 season starts on Monday, November 1.
Motion to adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Eiler Eis with a second by Diane Hudson. Motion carried.
TUESDAY, March 2, 2010
The meeting was called to order by President, Clive MacRaild. Clive welcomed a few new captains and co-captains and thanked current captains and co-captains for the magnificent job they did this year.
Role call was taken.
Those present were: Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Dale Bowen, Loretta Jones, Polly Kays, Maureen Morton, Eiler Eis, Deb Schoeberl, Diane Wright, Judy Bradford, Sue Twyman, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Jim Gerhardt, Ramona Rees, Elnora Morilon, Audrey Jewitt, Ed DeWald, Diane Hudson, Betty Isabey, Bob Paige, Deanna Dugdale, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Jerry Gowen and Bev LaTrace arrived late. Don Foley, Ray Pelland, Jerry Farr, David Hill, and Vince Seaman were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
A motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Betty Isabey that we dispense with the reading of minutes of the February 9, 2010 meeting. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
Berna reported we have a balance of $5865.88 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1246.68 in the Langdon account for a total of $7112.56. She noted that our Wells Fargo account included $2400 that is being held for expenses for the Spring Fling.
We currently have 430 paid members in the VP Tennis Club.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Social Calendar and Upcoming Tournaments
East Valley season officially ends this Friday, March 5, 2010.
The in-park Spring Fling tournament is this Saturday. It starts at 8:00 and goes to 4:00. The morning matches will be on all ten courts with afternoon matches on courts 1- 6.
The General Meeting will be held Monday, March 8 at 7:00 PM in the multi-purpose room at North Point. We have a number of action items that we need to vote on and we must have a quorum which is 106 members. Tell your teams and friends about the meeting and ask them to please attend.
Farnsworth tournaments start next week with the men’s and women’s doubles starting on Monday. It is a two day start so first round matches will be played on Monday or Tuesday. The schedule for the first two days is posted at the East Courts. It will up dated so we can follow the play of our VP teams.
The following Monday, March 15 is the start date for the mixed doubles. We will get the schedule tomorrow. We have a large representation for the mixed as virtually all the teams we submitted were accepted.
Monte Vista Team Tournament play offs will be completed today. Three 3.0 teams are vying for the one spot with the final round starting at 5:00 PM. Since MV can only handle 8 teams at each level any levels with more than 8 teams will have to play off on Sunday, March 21. Teams that choose to not play off will have their entry money returned. Those who play off and don’t qualify will get half their money back.
Changes to next year’s social calendar:
2.5W – Christmas Party
3.5R - Breakfast in the Park (at Red Mountain Park)
3.5O – Regular assignment instead of Christmas Family
3.0B & 3.0G –Spring Fling
Executive Comm. – Christmas Family
Court cleaning: We asked for volunteers to help clean courts on Monday, March 8, West courts, 9:30, with Clive in charge and Monday, March 15, East courts with Ralph in charge. Most captains responded with the names of those who can help. Captains please remind their team members when and where they are supposed to be to help with the cleaning.
Saturday Tournament Participation Fees: We are not able to cover food costs for our Saturday in-park and invitational tournaments even though teams are turning in any extra money from the in-park tournaments to the general treasury.
Following a discussion a motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Maureen Wiebe to increase the Saturday participation fee for all Saturday Tournaments from $4.00 to $5.00. Motion carried.
Court Scheduling: Team practices, round robins and Star tennis will be on the schedule through the month of March. If teams do not need a practice time or all the courts at your practice please release courts for open tennis.
President’s Report: Clive MacRaild:
EVSTL: There has been a grievance filed by Venture Out against Greenfield which involved a 2.5 player who sexually harassed a female captain and threatened a scorekeeper with a weapon. We do not have a policy for that type of behavior should it occur here at View Point. Without a policy in place it will be difficult to deal with.
West Courts Update: We now have a West courts committee consisting of Clive, Dale Bowen, Al Colter, Bobby Oakley, and Jerry Gowen. They will be meeting with Cherrie on Wednesday. Cherrie has agreed in principle to fix the west courts and to add two more courts at the east courts. The west courts will remain open until the end of March.
Membership Directory: Changes have been turned in to Mark. The directory should now be up to date. If you do not have a computer or a printer please contact Clive so you can get a copy of the directory.
Summer Drop in Tennis: The summer drop in information is now on the web. Because of the sensitive information you need to access it through the same link as our directory.
Self-raters: We had 82 self-raters this year which included 67 club members and 15 new members. Sixty-one made their stats, five were required to move down. Sixteen self-raters will self-rate again next year as they were not able to play enough matches that counted toward their self-rating stats. We also had seven players who were required to move up based on EVSTL move up rules.
General Meeting: It is critical that we attend the General meeting. Please be there!
Committee and Other Item Reports
Nominating: Al Colter: Al presented the nominating committee’s report which included the members of the committee, the process the committee followed, and the recommendations of the committee for the following slate of officers for the 2010 – 2011 tennis season:
President – Ralph Sharp
Vice President – Len Grant
Treasurer – Diane Hudson
Secretary – Sue Twyman
A motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Betty Isabey that the Board accept the report and the recommendations for the slate of officers. Motion carried. A copy of the report will be posted at the West and East courts and the slate of officers will be voted on at the General meeting.
Clive thanked Al and the nominating committee for their hard work.
Pro Program: Al Colter: Al presented a draft of the Pro program for the 2010 – 2011 season. Next year the program will not be as aggressive. There will be a new Fall program called Boot Camp which will run from Oct. 14 – 16. The program will run each day from 8 – 11 AM with open tennis and a pizza party the evening of the 16th. Participants will work with the same pro all 3 days. This way the pro can look at each participant’s game and customize instruction. The sign up sheet for the Fall Boot Camp will be posted at the East courts on March 9.
Individual and group instruction as well as racket stringing will still be available.
Old Business
Clive read a proposal that was made and tabled at our February meeting. It read:
Move Down Criteria Proposal:
Regular Player
A VP player who has played at positions other than the #1 and/or #2 positions, has played at least six (6) matches, and was unable to sustain a game winning percentage of at least 35% for the season, MUST be moved down to the next lower level of play.
Self Raters
Self raters must win 40% of their first five (5) matches and 35% of their games or they will be moved down to the next lower level of play.
A motion was made by Maureen Morton and seconded by Dale Bowen that we accept this proposal. Following a discussion a vote was taken. The results were: 8 Yes, 12 No. The motion was defeated and the move down criteria remained at 40% games.
New Business:
Ruth Nelson stated that many feel the price of the Spring Fling tickets are too high, at $17.00, and suggested that we help reduce the price of the tickets by paying the bar set up and bartenders’ fees of $200. After a discussion it was agreed that it was not appropriate to use our treasury in this manner.
Nancy Nicola reminded everyone that the 2010 -2011 season starts on Monday, November 1.
Motion to adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Eiler Eis with a second by Diane Hudson. Motion carried.
The meeting was called to order by President, Clive MacRaild.
Role call was taken.
Those present were: Carol Chapin, Loretta Jones, Polly Kays, Maureen Morton, Eiler Eis, Deb Schoeberl, David Hill, Diane Wright, Sue Twyman, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Jim Gerhardt, Ramona Rees, Elnora Morilon, Audrey Jewitt, Diane Hudson, Sharon Smith (for Jerry Farr), Betty Isabey, Bob Paige, Deanna Dugdale, Lee McDougal, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Jerry Gowen and Ed DeWald arrived late. Bev LaTrace, Jim Ryder, Dale Bowen, Don Foley, Ray Pelland, Judy Bradford, Jerry Farr, Ruth Nelson, and Vince Seaman were absent.
Before agenda items were addressed we had a presentation from Ron Stewart, of the 2010 -2011 recognition committee. The committee is proposing a change in how we recognize people in our organization. They are proposing that we install 3 plaques on the wall of the East Courts; one for Presidents, past present and future; one for Founders and a third for Builders (which would be voted on each year). Ron also mentioned that next year will be the 25th year for the tennis club and that it would be a good year to do something special. Discussion followed. The group was in favor of the idea reminding Ron that we already have a plaque that hangs in the East courts kitchen. Ron will do what he can to incorporate that plaque into his plan and will get back to us with a cost estimate.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
A motion was made by Betty Isabey and seconded by Dave Hill that we dispense with the reading of minutes of the January 5, 2010 meeting. Motion carried.
Sue reported that due to concerns that the defibrillator battery pack was past the expiration date she met with Joe McGrath. While there Joe spoke to Wally on the phone. The following points came out of that meeting.
1. Wally stated all fire and emergency equipment had been recently checked and the battery packs were fully charged. He recently purchased replacement packs and would check the defibrillator at the east courts himself. Clive will talk to Cherie. *(The pack has since been changed)
2. Joe (and he believes Cherie) was under the impression that we had defibrillators at both courts. He is very concerned and said he would talk to Cherie about getting on for the West courts.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
Berna reported we have a balance of $4534.32 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1663.68 in the Langdon account, and $140 in petty cash for a total of $5738.
Berna then read a thank you note from Sunshine Acres for the cash donation that was made from the yard sale and the Christmas collection from tennis members.
Clive then reminded every one about the All Resort Review and to please buy tickets. Also, the dumpsters at the maintenance yard do not need to be manned by volunteers.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Ralph read a note from Randy Steadman, President of Trilogy Tennis Club thanking us for our hospitality and expressing the hope that we will continue to include them in the future. This is the 4th year they have participated in a combined invitational with Venture Out.
Social Calendar and Upcoming Tournaments
Feb. 13: Valentine Tournament will run from 8:00 – 5:00 with 90 matches.
Feb. 19: Deadline for both submitting a self-rating request OR removing your request. Clive will send an e-mail to captains as a reminder.
Feb. 20: Invitational with Greenfield
Feb. 26 – 28: 3.0 play-offs for Monte Vista Team Tournament. At this time the proposed match times are Fri. 3:30, Sat. 9:30, and Sun. 9:30.
March 15: Captain’s meeting for all new and returning captains
March 19: Spring Fling Banquet: Deb Edwards. The banquet is being hosted by the 2.5R and 3.5W teams. The theme for the banquet is Mardi Gras. Tickets are $17.00 a person. The price includes dinner, a DJ, a mask and beads. The price is higher as we now have to absorb a $200 fee for the set up and the bartenders.
They are hoping to have a small float parade in the ballroom using bikes, wheel barrows, golf carts etc. If your team is interested please contact Gil or Rhonda Shubert at 0400. Deb will e-mail all the information to Clive and he will send it out to the captains.
Farnsworth Mens / Womens play offs are complete except for the 4.0 level
Monte Vista Team Tournament: Since MV can only handle 8 teams at each level any levels with more than 8 teams will have to play off on March 21. Teams that choose to not play off will have their entry money returned. Those who play off and don’t qualify will get half their money back.
Breakfast in the Park: Where do we want to do it? Desert: problems with entry fee and electricity. Park: problems with electricity. The Ramada at VP near the post office is a possibility. Ralph will look into it and see if that area is available.
Court Cleaning Schedule
Things are going well. Jerry Gowen and the 1.5 team are scheduled for the 1st week in March. The following 2 weeks we’re are looking for volunteers to clean courts.
March 8-14 West
March 15-21 East
We are hoping to get one volunteer from each team for each of the 2 weeks. Captains please ask your team members if they can volunteer and then e-mail the names to Ralph. ASAP
2010 – 2011 Social Calendar
Ralph distributed a draft of the 2010 – 2011 calendar so captains could look it over and see proposed responsibilities for next season.
Court Scheduling: Captains are asked to check the schedule when at the
East Court
to make sure practice, match and court cleaning times are correct.
President’s Report: Clive MacRaild:
1. Warm ups should not exceed 10 minutes, including practice serves.
2. Tie breaker: Hopefully everyone now understands the change. The players who win a tiebreaker are awarded an additional game in their stats.
3. All completed matches and those games in those matches count in the event the full schedule of matches cannot be completed, both for team and individual stats.
4. Tabled item by EVSTL: Should lower level 2.0’s be allowed to play at the 1.5 level in the event that there are not enough 1.5’s to play? Poll: Yes
5. Tabled item by EVSTL: When one team plays another team in the park should those results be recorded?
West Courts Update: We are working with Cherie and will be looking at all options for improving the West courts. Something will be done after the end of our season.
Proposed VP Bylaws changes and clarification:
The following six items were brought before the board and voted on. Five items were approved. One did not require a vote. The five items will be discussed and voted on at the March 8 General Meeting.
1. A player who is required to move up to next level due to the recent EVSTL bylaws changes will be considered a regular member of the team they are going to and will not have to self rate.
2. When a player from a lower level is brought up to play with a regular member of a team (not a self rater) the results of that match count for both the team and the regular member.
3. Can item # 2 be a fun match? No action taken as a result of the vote on number 2.
4. When a player from a lower level is brought up to play with a regular member of a team the results of that match , win or lose, will not be recorded for the lower level player.
5. A regular player who is required to move down due to not achieving 40% winning game percentage in the #3 and #4 positions over the season must stay at the lower level for one complete season before self rating.
6. A self rater may not go to the STAR Team during the season and then self rate to that same level again at the end of that season.
Ed DeWald will update these proposed changes and get them to the captains so we can discuss these with our teams.
Please have ranking sheets in to Ralph by March 2. Captains will be meeting after the General Meeting, on March 8, to place move ups, move downs and self raters on teams for next year. This way the 2010-11 teams can elect their captains before the captain’s meeting on March 15.
Captains please make players aware if they are on the bubble with their game percentage!
Eighteen people have self rated so far for next year.
Item from the Floor:
Bob Paige made a motion that we change the game percentage for #3 and #4 players from 40% to 35% to be in line with the EVSTL. The motion was tabled until the March 2, board meeting so that we could gather information.
Motion to adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Elnora Morilon with a second by Jim Gerhardt. Motion carried.
The meeting was called to order by Clive MacRaild, president.
live welcomed four new tennis club members.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
Ed DeWald moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last general meeting. Carol Nordness seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Sue apologized for the mix up at the UPS Store. Copies were available and the clerk could not seem to locate them.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
We currently have $105. in petty cash, a balance of $4684.37 in our Wells Fargo account, and an additional $1398.98 in the Langdon account for a total of $6188.35.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
End of Season tournaments
Farnsworth, Men’s/ Women’s play offs will be held from Jan. 22 – 24 and with the Star Team hosting the event. Any category with more than 4 teams will have teams playing off for the 4th spot before qualifying weekend. A number of levels could use more participants and it is hoped that more teams will sign up before the sheet comes down on the 12th. The tournament committee consisting of Ralph, Ray Pelland, and Carol Nordness will be meeting to decide the play off match ups on Friday, Jan. 15 at 4:00 PM. All are welcome to attend.
Mixed doubles sign up sheets come down at noon on Monday, Jan. 18. It is a same level tournament. Draws for play offs will be decided on Jan. 29. The 1.5 team will host the play offs which will be held Feb. 5 – Feb. 7.
Monte Vista Team Tournament which consists of a team of 4 men and 4 women runs from Sunday, March 21 – Sunday, March 28.
Important dates:
Jan. 30: Invitational here against VO and Trilogy, hosted by the 3.0W team.
Court cleaning: Jan. 17, 3.0B, Judy Bradford, followed by
3.0W, Elnora Morilon
3.0R Jim Gerhardt
3.5W Lee McDougal
Tennis Balls: There are lots of missing balls. Remember the balls are used for a home match, then, are used for a team practice, then go to RR co-coordinators, and then they are put in the designated cans to repopulate the ball machines. If you have personal balls that you will no longer use Jack will take them and either use them here or take them to the Mesa Market.
Court Sign Up: It is January and the prime time rule is now in effect. For the months of January, February, and the first week in March, if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., you cannot play again that day in primetime. You can sign up for court times for two times in the future but cannot book any more games until one of those games are played because you can only have two bookings on paper at one time in primetime. Primetime runs from Monday through Sunday.
When you sign out a court remember to put a phone number down on the sign-up sheets.
An individual can sign up only one court per time slot. If a group wants to sign up multiple courts for the same time you need one person per court to sign up.
Tournament Committee: Carol Nordness reported that we are at the half way point and are undefeated in our Saturday tournaments. This Saturday we will play our last out of park invitational at Monte Vista. Results from last Saturday were: VP 26 – LW 20, VP 13 – CM 10.
The committee (Carol, Allie, Norma, and Linda) is receiving a lot of special requests. Please limit them to only when really necessary as it makes it difficult to do the scheduling.
When scheduling a Saturday tournament the committee’s first consideration goes to people who did not play or did not get to play in the previous tournament; then they look at the sign up order with the exception that if some one has signed up twice they will eliminate some people from playing twice so that others who signed up can play.
President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
EVSTL Report and Guidelines:
Since we did not have a quorum proposed changes that would align our wording with the EVSTL was tabled until the March General Meeting.
The EVSTL is reminding captains, team members and spectators that coaching is not allowed during East Valley matches.
West Courts Update: We are not getting sand and carpet courts. Clive and Ralph are meeting with Cherri tomorrow regarding the West courts and the need for additional courts at the West courts.
Self-rating Update: The deadline for self-rating for the 2010 -2011 season is Feb. 19. Request forms can be found at our web site and must be turned in to Clive by that date. Sue will make a few copies for those who do not have computers or printers and post them at the East Courts. Please down load your copy and save the hard copies for those who need them. Point of information: self-rater matches from one year do not carry over from one tennis season to the next. Anyone who does not get enough matches in to successfully self-rate must start over at the beginning of the next tennis season.
Age 75 League is getting started. See Don Foley for more information
Summer drop-in Tennis – Dave Foley is trying to compile a list of open doubles tennis around the US and Canada where visitors can stop and have a friendly game of tennis. Captains have a sheet for you to add your information.
Defibrillator training – There were 42 tennis members at the defibrillator/CPR training. We hope the team representatives will go back to their teams and share their new found knowledge.
Key points were:
1. Call 911 immediately and have the AED standing by.
2. Never use the AED on a conscious victim.
3. The AED is fool proof. You can not make a mistake.
4. After lifting the head and neck, compressions alone are fine until the rescue squad arrives.
5. Dehydration is the biggest concern for our heart. We should start drinking water the day before we play tennis.
6. Two issues for Joe McGrath:
a. AED’s are locked. The code to unlock the AED’s is 911.
b. Permission to have security bring AED’s where needed.
7. Sue has red emergency sheets for our tennis bags. She will put them in the second drawer in the East courts file cabinet. Members who want a sheet should contact their captains.
Committee Reports:
Nominating Committee: Al Colter is asking for tennis club members to come forward to volunteer to be on the nominating committee, and also he is asking for anyone who wishes to hold an office next year to step forward. The process includes early discussions with the president and vice-president. Those interested go through an interviewing process with the committee. It is hoped to have this process completed one month before the annual meeting when the committee will make its formal report. The suggested slate is then posted at the East and West courts, well in advance of the meeting. It is still possible to nominate from the floor, but it is appreciated to contact the committee ahead of time so as to have those candidates go through the same process as those named on the slate.
Pro Plan: Al Colter: The carnival was a huge success with approximately 150 participants. The plan is to do something like that every two to three years.
Updated lesson prices are on the pro board.
Winning at your level is going well this year. One problem that persists is that people show up for the clinics without signing up ahead of time. This makes it difficult to know how many pros are needed.
Motion to Adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Betty Isabey. Judy DeWald seconded. Motion passed.
The meeting was called to order by President, Clive MacRaild.
Role call was taken.
Those present were:, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Dale Bowen, Loretta Jones, Polly Kays, Maureen Morton, Deb Schoeberl, Diane Wright, Judy Bradford, Sue Twyman, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Jim Gerhardt, Ramona Rees, Elnora Morilon, Audrey Jewitt, Diane Hudson, Betty Isabey, Deanna Dugdale, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Jerry Gowen and Ed DeWald arrived late. Bev LaTrace, Don Foley, Ray Pelland, Eiler Eis, David Hill, Jerry Farr, Bob Paige and Vince Seaman were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
The reading of minutes of the December 8, 2009 meeting was waived.
Forty-one tennis members attended the CPR/Defibrillator training on Tuesday, Jan. 5 in the multi-purpose room at North Point. The trainer was very informative. Two important things that came out of the meeting were: 1. Call 911 immediately, as the operator can assist you until the rescue squad arrives. 2. The AED (defibrillator) is fool proof and takes you step by step through the process. It is hoped that those who participated will go back to their teams and share what they got out of the training. Sue will put together an information sheet and send it to captains. She will also follow up on a couple of emergency issues with Joe McGrath.
Sue read two thank you notes from Duane Dehne and his family. The funeral service bulletin for Judy will be posted at the East Courts.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
Berna reported we have a balance of $5159.81 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1398.98 in the Langdon account for a total of $6558.79.
Berna announced that $1391 was collected by the 2.0 Red team from all our tennis teams and was added to the $955.48 from the community wide yard sale. A total of $2346.48 was given to Sunshine Acres
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Holiday tournament at SVE: View Point was well represented with 10 mixed teams participating. Five teams remained on the final day of the tournament, 3 in the Championship section and two in the Consolation. After some excellent play, at the end of the tournament the 3.0 team of Ron Stewart and Star Dillabaugh were crowned consolation winners.
Social Calendar and Upcoming Tournaments
This Saturday we are invited to LW/CM.
Monday, Jan. 11, is the deadline for sign ups for Farnsworth Mens /Ladies tournament.
Monday, Jan. 11, is our General Meeting at 7:00 PM in the MP Room at North point.
Saturday, Jan. 16, is an invitational at Monte Vista.
Monday, Jan. 18, is the deadline for sign ups for the end of season mixed doubles tournament at SSV.
Jan. 22 – 24, is the Mens / Ladies qualifying, hosted by the Star team.
Jan. 25 is the deadline for the team tournament at MV. More information to come shortly.
Court cleaning schedule
We are all set through the 17th. Next up are Elnora, Jim, and Lee. Please contact Ralph as soon as you have chosen a time.
Court sign-up procedures:
Three sign up procedures to be aware of:
The Jan. – Feb. prime time rule is now in effect. For the months of January and February, if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., you cannot play again that day in primetime. You can sign up for court times for two times in the future but cannot book any more games until one of those games are played because you can only have two bookings on paper at one time in primetime. Primetime runs from Monday through Sunday.
When you sign out a court remember to put a phone number down on the sign-up sheets.
An individual can sign up only one court per time slot. If a group wants to sign up multiple courts for the same time you need one person per court to sign up.
Ralph will be posting this information in the sign up area at the East Courts.
Tennis Balls Rotation:
We seem to be missing tennis balls for the ball machines and baskets. Remember the balls are used for a home match, then, are used for a team practice, then go to RR co-coordinators, and then they are put in the designated cans to repopulate the ball machines.
Player Ranking Sheets:
At the end of each month when you send the player ranking sheets to Carol Nordness would you please send a copy to Ralph as he will need them when he helps set up teams for Farnsworth.
President’s Report: Clive MacRaild:
EVSTL: Please advise spectators that they are NOT to say anything to players that could be considered coaching.
West Courts Update: We are not getting sand courts. Nothing will be done until after the end of our season when a major job will be completed.
Self-rating Update: The deadline for self-rating for the 2010 -2011 season is Feb. 19. Request forms can be found at our web site and must be turned in to Clive by that date. Sue will make a few copies for those who do not have computers or printers and post them at the East Courts. Please down load your copy and save the hard copies for those who need them.
As of today, of the original 67 self-raters, 22 have already made their stats and 2 players have moved down.
General Meeting: Co-captains are asked to help set up chairs at 6:40 on Monday.
Questions from the Floor:
Ed DeWald requested that the board meetings begin at 3:30 so that those who help coach the 1.5’s could be there for the entire meeting. His request was retracted when he realized that by moving the time it would impact 3.0 practice times.
Dale Bowen had a question regarding the nominating committee and was told that Al Colter will be addressing the nominating process at the general meeting on Monday.
The ice machine at the East Courts is fixed.
Motion to adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Diane Hudson with a second by Nancy Nicola. Motion carried.
2.0 – 3.5 captains and co-captains were to meet following the meeting to complete new player sheets so Clive would know the order in which teams would get new players.
The meeting was called to order by President, Clive MacRaild.
Role call was taken.
Those present were:, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Dale Bowen, Loretta Jones, Don Foley, Maureen Morton, Eiler Eis, Deb Schoeberl, David Hill, Diane Wright, Judy Bradford, Sue Twyman, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Jim Gerhardt, Michelle Faerge, Elnora Morilon, Audrey Jewitt, Jack Jewitt, Ed DeWald, Greta Adams, Jerry Farr, Betty Isabey, Deanna Dugdale, Lee McDougal, Nancy Nicola, Larry Beres, Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Bob Paige arrived late. Jerry Gowen, Bev LaTrace, Darlene Houle, Ray Pelland, Ruth Nelson, Trish Bowers and Ted Sondej were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
Ed DeWald made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the November 10, 2009 meeting. Nancy Nicola seconded the motion. Motion carried.
CPR/Defibrillator training is set for Tuesday, Jan. 5 in the multi-purpose room at North Point at 1:00. Captains have sent Sue the names of team members who will be attending. We have 50 people. Any additional people interested in attending need to sign up at the Activity Office for the second session that day.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
Berna read a letter from Judy Farr in reference to the Yard Sale. $955.48 was collected during the community wide yard sale for Sunshine Acres. The money will be added to the Christmas Family money being collected by the 2.0 Red team and presented to Sunshine Acres. Remaining items were taken to Sunshine Acres for their Boutique. The sale required a lot of help and man(woman) hours. Judy wanted to thank all those who donated items and anyone who helped in any way.
We currently have 285 paid members. We have a balance of $6947.46 in our Wells Fargo account, $1678.00 in petty cash, with an additional $1398.98 in the Langdon account for a total of $8,625.46. With monies subtracted for the Holiday dinner and sunshine Acres in the amount of $3828.48, our working balance is $4796.89
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Social Calendar and Upcoming Tournaments
Jerry and Jim’s teams are hosting the Holiday Dinner Dance this Thursday at 5:00. It’s well organized and they’re ready to go!
This Saturday we are invited to VDO for a Saturday tournament and lunch. If you haven’t played on their new courts this will be a good experience for you.
The CM/SVE Holiday Tournament is set. We have nine teams participating at SVE. The match ups can be found on the website. There are eight teams in each bracket. All teams will play on the 28tt and 29th with the finals on the 30th.
Our next Board Meeting is Jan. 5.
On Jan. 9 we have an invitational at Leisure World
Starting Jan. 11 people start picking partners for the end of the season tournaments.
Also on Jan. 11 is our next General Meeting.
Casino night, Thurs. Jan. 21 and Resort Revue, Thurs., Feb. 18 needs workers. Contact Judy Farr at 4701 if you can help.
Court cleaning schedule – Please select the day of the week you plan to clean courts and notify Ralph at least one week in advance. He will contact Tom to get it on the schedule.
Dec. 13, 2.5B, East
Dec. 14 – 20 3.5O West
Dec. 21 – 27 3.0G East
Dec.28 – Jan.3 4.0 West
Teams scheduled over the holiday break will need some help as most of their players are gone. Patio areas will need to be done, but courts can be done on an as needed basis. Captains are asked to say something to team members about helping out the 3.0G and 4.0 teams.
Court sign-up procedures:
People are doing a good job of putting a phone number down on the sign-up sheets.
As per a discussion with Cherie: An individual can sign up only one court per time slot. If a group wants to sign up multiple courts for the same time you need one person per court to sign up.
Tennis Balls Rotation:
Ralph hasn’t heard from RR coordinators lately so they must be getting enough balls.
President’s Report: Clive MacRaild:
EVSTL Meeting Update: The Dec. 1 meeting resulted in some important changes effective immediately. The letter with all the details will be posted at both courts. The most important points were:
Any player who has met all of the criteria MUST be moved to the next higher level.
When a player FIRST meets the criteria the stats are frozen. The player has the choice of moving up at the time the stats are made or at the beginning of the next season.
If a team has a bye, first position players from the “bye” team may not be borrowed.
Any manipulations by a captain or player to avoid “moving up” MUST NOT be tolerated.
In an effort to not allow other teams to hide players VP representatives plan to go to the next meeting and make a motion that #1 and #2 players be tracked for the season.
Also coming out of the EVSTL meeting was the following VP Rule change: A motion was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Bob Paige that A)the title “Self-Rating Rules” (found on page 44 in the Captain’s Handbook) be changed to “Self-Rating Rules and Move Down Criteria”, and that B) again on page 44, under “Special Circumstances, Note:” that the wording be replaced with, “A player may not move down to a lower level for any reason other than health issues, disabilities due to the aging process, or as required due to the self rating policy.” Motion passed. This rule change will be presented at the General Meeting on Jan. 11, for approval.
West Courts Update: Bobby and the contractor can not seem to make connections. The repair work will only take a couple of hours but needs to be done in the morning. Bobby also asked us to spread the word that when using the ball machine, DO NOT RUN OVER THE ELECTRIC CORD WITH THE BALL PICKER UPPER. It is cutting the cord. Ralph will follow up on this.
Self-rating Update: As of today, of the original 64 self-raters, 9 have already made their stats and only one player has moved down. Captains, please go over page 44 with your players so they understand the self-rating rules.
Summer Drop-in Forms: Summer drop-in forms were given out again to all captains. Please get team member input and return sheets to Clive by the end of January.
Please note when your officers will be gone!
Clive: Dec. 12 – Jan. 3
Ralph: Dec. 12 – Dec. 30
Berna: Dec. 12 – Jan. 4 (George Peck will be treasurer in her absence)
Sue: Dec. 20 – Dec. 22
Sue says to save all your problems until January!
Motion to adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Ed DeWald with a second by Don Foley. Motion carried.
The meeting was then called to order by President, Clive MacRaild.
Role call was taken.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, Dale Bowen, George Peck (2.0 R), Carol Chapin, Dale Bowen, Ray Pelland, Eiler Eis, Deb Schoeberl, David Hill, Diane Wright, Clyde Bradford, Judy Bradford, Jim Gerhardt, Michelle Faerge, Elnora Morilon, Audrey Jewitt, Jack Jewitt, Ed DeWald, Greta Adams, Betty Isabey, Steve Johnson, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Nancy Nicola, Larry Beres, Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman.
Bev LaTrace, Darlene Houle, Maureen Morton, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Carol Skiles, Jerry Farr, Deanna Dugdale, Ted Sondej were absent. Don Foley arrived late.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
Ed DeWald made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the October 20, 2009 meeting. David Hill seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue handed out the remaining MCI’s to the captains. Included in the packet of MCI’s are names and phone numbers of all opposing captains and co-captains from the other resorts.
Also handed out were the ranking sheets from the March 2009 redraw. These player rankings are meant to help captains place players on the appropriate lines as the captains evaluate players this year. Captain’s rankings of players are due in to Ralph Sharp by the 1st of December.
We are looking into CPR/Defibrillator training. It was determined that the Red Cross Training is too long and too costly. The local fire departments offer a 1½ hour training in CPR, defibrillator, and general emergency procedures at no cost to us. Sue will look into this further and will meet with Joe McGrath to co-ordinate the training as Joe has also contacted the fire department resource person and we do not want to duplicate the training request.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
We currently have 177 paid members. We have a balance of $3435.47 in our Wells Fargo account, $75.00 in petty cash, with an additional $2140.20 in the Langdon account for a total of $5650.67
This balance includes a check for $500 that Greta sent as a deposit for the team shirts. Berna explained that Greta has turned in $1200 and that an additional $600 check is needed to pay the remainder of the shirt order which actually brings our total down to $5,050.67.
Greta took 37 orders for shirts last Saturday. She will have all the sample shirts out at the Carnival on Nov. 28, or you can call her at #2840. There are still some of the old shirts left and are being sold for $15. Greta sold 8 hats on Saturday so she is down to 2 hats for $10 each.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Our in-park tournament was hosted by the 4.0 Team. They provided coffee and muffins as well as a delicious lunch. We played 47 matches, from 2.0 -4.0 levels, with 188 players, some of whom did play twice. The actual number of players was around 150 which was very good for the first in-park tournament of the season.
Our next Saturday tournament is at Venture Out on Nov. 21. Please note that the sign up sheets will be posted one day earlier and will come down one day earlier (Monday), at V O’s request. Play will consist of 5 game sets.
The Fun Carnival will be on Nov. 28.
We have another invitational at Greenfield on Dec. 5.
Holiday Tournament sign-up sheets are up. It is a mixed men’s/women’s tournament and can also be mixed levels. They will only take 3 teams at each level so sign up soon! We will be playing our matches at SVE. Please note the dates are: Dec. 28 – 30, M – W, with Dec. 30, Thursday, as a rain date.
The Pot Luck at North Point, hosted by the 3.5 Red Team was a huge success. We had upwards of 142 people. We may need to consider the Ballroom another year.
Court cleaning schedule – Please select the day of the week you plan to clean courts and notify Ralph one week in advance. He will contact Tom.
Nov. 16 – 22, 2.0B, West
Nov. 23 – 29, 2.0R, East
Nov. 30 – Dec. 6, 2.5 W, West
Dec. 7 – 13, 2.5B, East
Tennis Balls: In park tournament tennis balls usually go to Round Robin coordinators. Because of the limited number of in-park tournaments captains are asked that after team balls are used for a match and a practice that they be given to the round robin coordinator at their team’s level.
President’s Report: Clive MacRaild:
EVSTL Update: The EVSTL has challenged 4 of our 3.5 players, Steve Johnson, Greta Adams, Betty Isabey, and Ted Thee, stating that based on last year’s performance they SHOULD move up to 4.0. We asked the EVSTL to audit the stats across the valley and we were the resort that stood out. There is a special meeting on Dec. 1 to discuss this issue. In the mean time we are dealing with this in a positive manner and are giving our players choices and we’re supporting them.
Self-rating overview: Self-rating Q and A sheets were handed out to the captains. The Q and A sheet should answer most of your questions dealing with your self-raters. It is also available on the web. If you still have questions give Clive a call.
Pro program sign up sheets are now posted on the Pro Board. The skills to be covered at each session will be posted with the sign up sheets.
New equipment and west courts update: They have started putting the bond on Court 7 and it looks good. Cherie has okayed 4 benches for the courts and will probably give us another 4 after January 1. We will also be getting some more plastic chairs.
Advertising and selling of products and services at club events and bulletin boards/website: The answer to all of the above is no. There is to be no selling, advertising or web sponsorship.
Motion to adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Ed DeWald with a second by Steve Johnson. Motion carried.
The meeting was called to order by Clive MacRaild, president.
Clive welcomed everyone back.
Karen Spencer – Barnes commented on many of the illnesses and injuries in our tennis community. The hope for this season is that you are filled with new and renewed friendships, good health and great play.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
Ed DeWald moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last general meeting. Larry Warnke seconded the motion. Motion passed.
MCI’s were passed out to those captains who were present.
Agenda items for the next general meeting need to be in writing to Sue Twyman (1836) by Monday, Jan. 4, 2010. If you have questions, concerns or suggestions let your captain know and those issues can be addressed at one of the monthly board meetings.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
We currently have $547. in petty cash, a balance of $440.61 in our Wells Fargo account, and an additional $2140.20 in the Langdon account for a total of $3127.81.
Directory updates go to Berna and then they go to Mark Wittick and Larry Warnke, if necessary. Any changes in player information must be reported so that changes can be made. This includes level changes.
Please get dues money in ASAP. We will are low on funds and have a lot of start up expenses.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Venture Out Fall Classic - We sent 15 teams to the VO Fall Classic. Six teams made the finals. Way to go View Point! Deena Burns thanked all of the VP spectators who spent many hours in the freezing cold and blazing sun cheering everyone on. It really meant a lot to the players.
Practice times and team game schedule are on the web. Captains please keep you team members up to date.
3.5 home matches: Since we have five 3.5 teams, every other week we will be having a triple header at VP. Starting times are: 8:00 and 9:30 east courts and 9:30 on the west courts.
Important dates:
Nov. 7, In-park tournament, 4.0 Team will host. Ginger Yoder will be selling used clothing under her new tarp.
Nov. 7, Pot Luck at North Point, 3.5 Red Team to host
Nov. 14, Breakfast in the Park, 2.5B & 2.0B Teams will host. Tickets are $5.
Social Calendar: The dates for the CM/SVE Holiday Tournament are incorrect. They should be M – W, Dec. 28 – 30. Our matches will be played at SVE.
Tournament Committee: Carol Nordness announced the Saturday tournaments committee. It is comprised of Carol, Linda Decker, Allie Garcia, and Norma Boa. There will be 10 Saturday tournaments this season, 5 in-park and 5 out of park. Sign up sheets are posted on Wednesdays and taken down the following Tuesday. Match times are posted on Thursdays. If you pay for lunch and do not play you are entitled to a refund if you chose to no eat the lunch.
Court cleaning schedule
Nov. 2 – 8, Star, West
Nov. 9 – 15, 2.0W, East
Nov. 16 – 22, 2.0B, West
Nov. 23 – 29, 2.0R, East
Signing up for courts – When you sign up for a court and put down the 4 names please put down one telephone number. This is because there may be times when East Valley matches go well over their scheduled time and players will need to be notified.
President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Recognition: Clive recognized a number of year round VP people who are working when we’re not here. They included Bobby Oakley for all the improvements he tackles in the summer; George Peck who keeps up the financials when Berna is gone; Larry Warnke for the endless hour he puts in on his computer keeping everything up to date; Joe Morton who audits our books; Mark Wittick for keeping our web site up and keeping us informed; and Nancy Nicola who singlehandedly puts together the EVSTL schedule.
EVSTL Meeting:
Cell phones – are to be silenced on the courts.
Tournaments – During the winter any tournaments we play in are separate with no affiliation with the EVSTL.
Age Update – Last spring the EVSTL passed the rule that you must be 50 years of age to play in the EVSTL. Those who are younger than 50 and have played in the East Valley are grandfathered in.
Defibrillator training –We are in the process of setting up defibrillator/CPR training. We encourage you to attend and hope to have 2 representatives from each team participating in the training. We are looking into training that stresses the compression method.
New Courts: SV and VDO have new courts.
Summer drop-in Tennis – Dave Foley is requesting that captains ask their team members about summer tennis programs that they are involved in around the US and Canada. That way as people travel during the summer they will know where people are playing tennis and would be able to drop-in. He will check back with captains in January when more players are here.
Committee Reports:
Kitchen - Judy DeWald: Judy introduced her kitchen committee which consists of herself, Pat Bowen, Marie McDougal, Ramona Rees, Pat Gerhardt, Gail Murphy, and Pat Young.
Court Maintenance - Bobby Oakley:
The cracks at the West Courts should have been filled in and painted this week. The plan is to grind a V shape and fill it with filler and then paint it. We have some new chairs and are trying to get some additional benches. Cacti have been planted by courts 1 and 2. The palms that were there are now by the new pickle ball courts. Screens are not up yet, as Bobby is recovering from rotator-cuff surgery. We have new misting system at the East Courts, and a tarp between the kitchen and storage building for Ginger for her clothing sales. A stretching machine on a new cement pad is being installed, also at the East Courts. The posts on courts 3 and 4 have been replaced and new rings were installed to hold the nets in place. We have larger trash receptacles.
We now have one key that fits both kitchens and the storage building at the East Courts. Captains and team kitchen persons need to see Judy for the new key.
When asked for comments:
1. We need a shovel to remove the debris by the edge of the sidewalk on the East Courts.
2. There’s an ant problem at the
West Court kitchen.
3. Ct. 6 ball machine keeps jamming.
Scorekeepers - Lee McDougal
We are always in need of scorekeepers. Please encourage your team members to take the scorekeeping training and keep score. Scorekeeping training is to be held on Wed., Nov. 11 at 5:00 P.M. on Court 1. Current scorekeepers note on the scorekeeping sheet those days you can not keep score.
Team apparel - Greta Adams:
Greta Adams (2840) reports we have 20 VP Tennis shirts left that are for sale for $15 each and also 10 hats left for sale at $10 each. She has samples of our new shirts that are made of a dry weave material. They come in Men’s and Ladies sizes and sell for $30 and $32, which includes having your name embroidered below the new logo.
Greta will set up a booth at on Nov. 7, when players can see the shirts and try them on.
Team apparel - Patty Warnke
Patty Warnke (4718) is selling VP Tennis T shirts for $10 and sweatshirts for $25. She also has one cookbook left for $12.
Langdon Sports - Al Colter:
The Fall Trainers Clinic - We now have about 50 people who have gone through the training.
The Fall Camp numbers were down with only 25 people participating. Everyone had a good time and a good work out.
There is information on the Pro Board regarding a variety of lessons. We can sign up for 3 & me, 4 & me, private and semi-private lessons. With so little time available for lessons here, signing up for lessons at Montessa after 3:00 is a possibility.
Chris put on a clinic today for the 4.0’s and worked them hard. It’s a new experiment and if it works we may consider doing it at other levels. We’re looking for feedback from the 4.0’s.
Winning at Your Level – The objective is to let people work on skills to have more fun playing at their level. Chris or Al will come and meet with your team during a team meeting to discuss the program. They are asking for input in an effort to make the program better. One suggestion was to post the program and let people know what things are planned on what days so people can sign up accordingly.
Fun Carnival – Nov. 28 is the date of this free event. We will be using 6 courts and have 6 pros that day. There will be fun things to do with prizes on 3 courts. The other 3 courts will be used for people to play games and have a good time. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, hosted by the 2.5 White team. The sign up sheet should be up the end of the first week in November. 120 participants are expected. Al plans to honor Chris that day as it is his 5th anniversary this year.
At the last board meeting the board approved Chris Langdon’s contract for another year.
Last year we provided each captain with a copy of the East Valley academy/ USTA rating guide. It is also posted at both courts. It lists what you need to be proficient at your current level or what you need to move to the next level.
Thanks to all for supporting the Langdon program for the past 4 – 4 ½ years. Our results are starting to show.
Motion to Adjourn was made by George Peck and seconded by Larry Warnke. Motion carried.
Clive MacRaild welcomed everyone and thanked them for volunteering.
The meeting was then called to order by the President.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, Dale Bowen, Don Foley, George Peck (2.0 R), Maureen Morton, Ray Pelland, Jack Kincaid (2.5R), David Hill, Diane Wright, Clyde Bradford, Judy Bradford, Jerry Colter (3.0G), Jim Gerhardt, Michelle Faerge, Elnora Morilon, Ed DeWald, Larry Warnke (3.5 O), Steve Johnson, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Don Gould (Star), Vice –President Ralph Sharp, Treasurer Berna Morrison, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Carol Skiles arrived late. Bev LaTrace, Eiler Eis, Deb Schoeberl, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Audrey Jewitt, Jack Jewitt, Diane Hudson, Jerry Farr, Betty Isabey, Deanna Dugdale, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
Ed DeWald made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the March 3, 2009 minutes. George Peck seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue passed out handbooks to all captains and co-captains. She informed them that the VPTC web address and directory address are on the cover page of the handbook. She advised captains that much the information in the handbook is also available at our web site, such as match play logs and score sheets. They are also available in the file cabinet in the storage building at the East Courts.
EVSTL team rosters are available at the EVSTL web site. We have a link from our site to the EVSTL site.
Arrangements have been made for captains to make copies for team handbooks at the UPS Store at Main and Recker. There is no cost to the captains. Simply tell them you are from VP Tennis. Captains are responsible for their own copying.
Throughout the season, agenda items for General meetings must be turned in to Sue Twyman by the Monday before the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report - Berna Morrison:
We currently have a balance of $1498.06 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $2140.20 in the Langdon account with a total of $3638.20.
There will be a Treasurer’s meeting next Wednesday, Oct. 28 at 11:00 at the East Courts for all team treasurers. Procedures will be discussed and paperwork will be handed out. Captains are asked to make sure some one is there from their team.
Directory updates go to Berna and then they go to Mark Wittick and Larry Warnke, if necessary. Any changes in player information must be reported so that changes can be made. This includes level changes.
Please get dues money in ASAP. We will be spending lots of money in the next few weeks on tennis balls and kitchen supplies. Dues are $30 for the year, with $20 going to the club and $10 staying with the team.
Committee Reports:
Tennis Balls - Jack Kincaid: Dunlop tennis balls will be used this season. Jack will be getting enough balls early next week to get us through the first half of the season. He will be calling captains when they are in so that he can get them out to the various teams.
He will put out the collection cans for our match play balls after the first week of play. Remember, those balls are used to repopulate the ball machines.
We have 3 large baskets of balls that can be used for team practice.
Court Maintenance - Bobby Oakley: We have new misters, a tarp to be put up between the kitchen and storage building, and a stretching machine at the East Courts.
The cracks at the West Courts should be filled in and painted this week. It is a temporary fix to get us through this season.
Bobby has a larger storage shed where the old pickle ball courts used to be if we need to store anything.
Kitchen - Judy DeWald: Thanks to Bobby Oakley we now have one key that fits both kitchens and the storage building at the East Courts. Each team captain and kitchen person will get a new key. See Judy if you have not gotten your key.
East Courts kitchen and patio area are clean and ready to use. Judy’s committee will do supply shopping and clean the West Courts kitchen on Oct. 24.
Langdon Sports - Al Colter: The Fall Trainers Clinic saw about 40 people over the 2 day period. The Fall Camp is scheduled for this Thurs – Sat.
There is information on the Pro Board regarding a variety of lessons. We can sign up for 3 & me, 4 & me, private and semi-private lessons. With so little time available for lessons here, signing up for lessons at Montessa after 3:00 is a possibility.
Winning at Your Level – Captains can invite Chris and Al to a team meeting to discuss the program. They are asking for input in an effort to make the program better.
Farnsworth Training – Things didn’t work out in the past as they had hoped. Al is still looking at what to do if anything.
Racket Stringing – Chris will have a stringer here at our in-park events starting with our first in-park tournament on Nov. 7.
Fun Carnival – Nov. 28 is the date of this free event. There will be games and prizes using all 6 courts at the East Courts. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, hosted by the 2.5 White team.
USTA rating guide is posted at both courts. It lists what you need to be proficient at your current level or what you need to move to the next level.
ASU girls now have a policy of only returning to a resort once every ten years! We are on their waiting list!!!
A motion was made by Dale Bowen and seconded by Larry Warnke to renew our contract with Chris Langdon. Motion carried.
We now have a video system available to see ourselves as we play tennis. We can actually video tape a match.
Team apparel - Greta Adams:
Greta Adams (2840) reports we have 20 VP Tennis shirts left that are for sale for $20 each and also 10 hats left for sale. She had a sample of a shirt that was made of a dry weave material. They come in Men’s and Ladies sizes and sell for $29, which includes having your name embroidered on it below the new logo.
A motion was made by George Peck with a second by Maureen Morton to authorize Greta to get more samples and go with the new fabric and logo. Motion passed.
Greta will set up a booth at on Nov. 7, when players can see the shirts and try them on.
Team apparel - Patty Warnke
Patty Warnke (4718) is selling VP Tennis T shirts for $10 and sweatshirts for $25. She has posted a sign-up sheet at the East Courts and will be sending in an order this Thursday.
President’s note* A number of people have approached Clive with concerns for how players look on the courts.
Scorekeepers - Lee McDougal
We are always in need of scorekeepers. Please encourage your team members to take the scorekeeping training and keep score. Scorekeeping training is to be held on Wed., Nov. 11 at 5:00 P.M. on Court 1.
Statistician - Larry Warnke
Match play logs should be brought to Larry (4718) as soon after your match as possible. Larry has up dated his software and is willing to put it on your computer. It can do summary sheets for your team, for individual players, print match play logs, now for 8 or 10 matches as well as score sheets. If you wish to do it the old fashion way there are match play logs and score sheets in the file cabinet in the East Courts storage building.
Vice-President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
We are sending 15 teams to the VO Fall Classic. Match times are posted on the VPTC web site. Ralph will put hard copies up at the East Courts.
Important dates:
Nov. 2, General Meeting, 7:00 North Point
Nov. 7, In-park tournament, 4.0 Team will host
Pot Luck at North Point, 3.5 Red Team to host
Nov. 10, Board Meeting in Card Room #1
Nov. 14, Breakfast in the Park, 2.5B & 2.0B Teams to host
Court cleaning schedule – Please select the day of the week you plan to clean courts and notify Ralph one week in advance. He will contact Tom.
Nov. 2 – 8, Star, West
Nov. 9 – 15, 2.0W, East
Nov. 16 – 22, 2.0B, West
Nov. 23 – 29, 2.0R, East
Lunch tickets – Players may have a refund if they pay for lunch and then find they are not scheduled to play in a Saturday tournament.
Saturday matches – Participants must be members of the VPTC
Practice times and team game schedule are on the web. Captains please keep you team members up to date.
Monthly Ranking Sheets – need to be turned in to Ralph at the end of each month, even if there are no changes from the month before. Ralph will e-mail the captains and then they can send them back.
Signing up for courts – When you sign up for a court and put down the 4 names please put down one telephone number. This is because there may be times when East Valley matches go well over their scheduled time and players will need to be notified.
President’s Report – Clive MacRaild
Players/Spouses – Pat Bowen is our sunshine lady. Please let her and know about any club members or their spouses who have illnesses, surgeries, etc. A copy of the form is on page 19 in your handbook. Hard copies are also available at the East Courts.
EVSTL Age Update – Last spring the EVSTL passed the rule that “You must be 50 years of age to play in the EVSTL. Those who are younger than 50 and have played in the East Valley are grandfathered in.
Defibrillator training – It has been a while since we have had defibrillator training. Do we have anyone here at VP that can do it? Dale Bowen said we must be careful who we get to train us as the new training method is much more effective and saves more lives than the old method. He said the Red Cross or the fire department would do it.
Play your players at the right level!
Players ranked # 1 should ONLY be paired with # 1 or when necessary with #2 players.
Players ranked #2 should be paired with #2 players and occasionally with # 1 or #3
players. Players who are #4 should be paired with#4 or # 3 players. Players ranked # 3
& #4 should NOT be paired with #1 or #2 players. Captains are not to randomly pair or
schedule all players to play with everyone on the team. This does not conform to the
EVSTL scheduling guidelines or the Viewpoint scheduling guidelines.
Self – raters – Do what you can to give your self-raters the opportunity to win. Support those players who move down and acknowledge those who make their stats.
VP vs. VP – When View Point plays View Point the captains are to meet prior to the start of play to determine whether or not the stats for the matches will count for EVSTL. If both captains agree that the matches should not count, they will not count and stats will not be kept. If either captain wants the stats and matches to count, the matches will count. (approved 1/6/09)
New Players – New players self-rate themselves. If they ask for help have them come to a team practice or a Round Robin to help them decide.
Video – ELS is shooting video at the courts Monday, Oct. 26 at 9:00 AM. It would be great if the courts were all busy. Dress spiffy!
Summer drop-in Tennis – Dave Foley is requesting that captains ask their team members about summer tennis programs that they are involved in around the US and Canada. That way as people travel during the summer they will know where people are playing tennis and would be able to drop-in.
A motion to adjourn was made by Ed DeWald and seconded by Steve Johnson. Motion carried.
Following the meeting team captains or their representatives met at each level 2.0 – 3.5 to determine the order new players would be assigned to teams.