FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011
The meeting was called to order by President, Ralph Sharp. Ralph welcomed the 2011-2012 captains and co-captains and was happy to see a lot of new faces. He encouraged the new captains to get a copy of the Constitution and By-laws of the tennis club and EVSTL. They should become familiar with the information and be prepared to answer questions from their teams. He asked the new captains to listen to their teams and understand the desires of the players to be able to successfully match partners. He stated that everyone needs to feel like they are treated fairly, being listened to and have their questions answered.
Ralph turned the meeting over to Joe Morton. Joe told the captains that he is already receiving calls from member with questions and issues. He will refer issues back to the captains to resolve, but will provide guidance and get involved if needed.
Roll call was taken.
Those present were: Don Foley, Sue Twyman, George Peck, Lloyd Juhala, Harvey Wolfe, Ken Gamble, Vera Hull, Gil Shubert, Jim Gerhardt, Maureen Sharp, Bob Wright, Diane Wright, Ron Stewart, Kathy Johnson, Steve Johnson, Linda Decker, Carl Morton, Marie McDougal, new President Joe Morton, new Vice-President Del Stitt, new Secretary Jennifer Wittick, Treasurer Diane Hudson. Dale Bowen arrived late. Betty Dawson, Lyle Johnson, Ali Garcia, Gene Rees, Dolores Anderson, Marlene Kangas, Jacque Carey, Jerry Farr, John Coombs, Judy Tucker, Nancy Nicola and Ted Sondej were absent.
Diane Hudson reported that the year ended with 419 paid members. There is $5,841.93 in the bank account and $1,794.31 in the Langdon account. All bills need to be submitted and paid as soon as possible since the books will be going to audit.
Del Stitt is responsible for the social calendar and court scheduling. Any problems with court scheduling should be reported to Del.
Items discussed:
The MCI was handed out and captains checked for corrections.
2. Rosters – Joe has a preliminary version. Captains names will be input by Larry for a finalized version. However, it is always subject to change. Any corrections to the roster should be given to Diane or Joe.
3. Social Calendar – Copies were distributed. Some items may still be subject to change as we are awaiting confirmation of meeting rooms.
4. Officers and Committees – Copies were distributed. Corrections were submitted and an updated version will be posted to the website. . Further corrections should be submitted to Del. A coordinator is needed for the Men’s/Women’s SVE Tournament 2012.
5. Communication during the summer – Joe asked the new captains to remind team members to keep in contact during the summer and notify the captain of any changes. If any member will not return due to illness, moving, or other reason, please notify a board member.
6. Preparing your team handbook – Each captain will receive a handbook in the fall. Captains can use as much information as they wish to create team handbooks. An account will be established at UPS to charge copies and supplies. There will be more discussion at the first meeting in the fall to help new captains compile the information.
7. Kitchen keys – Judy DeWald was not present. Any remaining keys should be turned into Judy. She will distribute new keys in the fall.
8. Other
Monte Vista Tournament – Reminder that we are the rain make-up park. Players may have to give up their court time if courts are needed for the tournament.
Breakfast in the Park – Proposals for changes to the location and format were discussed. Vera Hull will follow-up on suggestions.
Spring Fling – A proposal was made to change the date of the Spring Fling Banquet, which conflicts with the SVE tournament matches. Several dates were discussed. Joe will check with the Viewpoint office to see if other dates are available for the Ballroom.
Recognition committee – Ron Stewart asked for captains to relate any funny anecdotes to him that would be used later in the year for recognition.
Court Clean-up – The last court clean-up date is March 20 at 3:30.
9. Next Board Meeting – Tuesday, October 18 – North Point Gathering Room
Motion to Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by George Peck, and seconded by Steve Johnson. Motion carried.
President Ralph Sharp read a letter from Sunshine Acres given to him by Judy Farr thanking Judy and the VPTC for the $2266 donation from Casino Night.
The meeting was then called to order by President Ralph Sharp.
Ed Dewald reported that we did not have a quorum.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the January 10, 2011 minutes. Clive MacRaild seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson
We have 419 paid members. The balance in our Wells Fargo account is $5981.82, with an additional $1794.31 in the Langdon account, for a total of $7776.13.
Diane reported that with all the In-parks, invitational’s and the Christmas Banquet we saw a $1688 profit. Thanks to those who worked on any of those functions.
Diane thanked Greta Adams for all her hard work. Greta handled all the invitational’s dealing with tickets, cash box etc. Without Greta’s help we probably would not have Diane as treasurer.
If you need a check or have money for Diane please remember she will be away from View Point from March 11 – 18 and will be leaving for home on April 3.
Vice-President’s Report – Joe Morton
Social Calendar:
March 11, Spring Fling Banquet starts with cocktails at 5:00 with dinner at 5:45. Over 230 people will be attending. This year the 3.0B and 3.0G are hosting. Ann McLeod is the chairperson.
March 7 – 12, SVE Mens/Womens Doubles Tournament is under way. VP had 7 teams playing on this the first day. We had 5 wins, and 2 losses. Play continues all week with 8 more VP teams starting play on Tuesday. A special thanks for all those who came out to watch.
March 14 – 19 SSV Mixed Tournament. Teams, opponents and schedule are coming soon.
March 20 – 27, Monte Vista Team Event
2011 Venture Out Fall Classic – Ralph has applications for anyone interested. The deadline is March 15.
A big thank you goes to the tournament committee. Ali Garcia and Norma Boa did a great job this year, with helpers Deb Schoeberl, Rhonda Shubert, and Carol Chapin. There were 9 in-park and invitationals this year with over 200 participants at each event. Congratulations for your outstanding efforts and the excellent job this year.
Also recognized were coordinators of the larger out of park tournaments. They were: VO, Ralph Sharp; Christmas Tournament, Clive MacRaild; SVE, Carol Nordness; SSV, Len Grant; and MV Team, Ray Pelland.
Thanks to the people behind the scenes:
Thanks to our repair crew for their many hours. They included Bobby Oakley, Doug Wiebe and Tom Barton. Also to Tom Rucker who is responsible for preparing and posting the schedules each week.
Court Cleaning: There are two voluntary court cleaning days, Sunday, March 13, 3:30, West Courts and Sunday, March 20, 3:30, East Courts. The 20th will be a clean up and a put away session. Judy and her kitchen crew will be there cleaning the kitchens at that time. Volunteers are needed. Please help.
Committee Reports
Nominating Committee: Carol Nordness Carol thanked the members of the nominating committee. They were Carol, Linda Decker, Lorne McLeod, and Dale Bowen. The committee report was approved at the last board meeting and was posted at the East courts. The slate of officers included:
President – Joe Morton
Vice-President – Del Stitt
Treasurer - Diane Hudson
Secretary – Jennifer Wittick
Ralph asked for advisory vote since we did not have a quorum. He then appointed Jo, Del, Diane and Jenifer to the offices to which they were nominated. The new officers will not be official until a vote is taken at the November General meeting. Carol thanked the incoming officers and the current board for volunteering their time. She then recommended that we all volunteer in some capacity next year.
Pro contract: Al Colter Al reported that the pro plan for next year came out of meeting with Chris, Al and Ted Sondej. Al reminded us that a percentage of fees paid to Chris for lessons, racket stringing, and sales goes back to the club. That money is used to help us play better tennis and have fun! Al also wanted to recognize the 50+ people who volunteered throughout the year helping to coach teams from 1.5 and up.
We had another successful year working with Chris. Our two boot camps saw more than 70 people participating. The following are proposed activities planned for the 11 -12 season:
Boot camps: Oct. 20 – 22, Dec. 29 – 31, following the same format as last year.
Video Camp (new version of Winning at Your Level) starting the week of Nov. 7 for 6 weeks at a cost of $110. There will be an opening week self video and an ending video for comparison. If it works we’ll do it again during the season.
(New this year) are Captains and Co-captains Information Sessions to “Help your Team with the Basics”. It will give captains a chance to get useful materials and also give feedback. They will be held on Nov. 9, 5:00 PM and Jan. 4, 5:00 PM East Courts.
Individual and small group lessons – fees posted at the East courts
Racket stringing – Amount of stringing has doubled this year!
Special Event, Feb. 4 – Fun Day: Play with the Pro Day, Demo Days, with prizes and free luncheon. This event will be paid for from the Langdon account.
Training session to train trainers – as requested by the 1.5 personnel as Jerry and Bev are both stepping down after many years. Anyone can be trained and get involved.
After 6 years Al is stepping down. Ted Sondej will be the new liaison between VPTC and Chris Langdon. Ted looks forward to his new role and asks that anyone with questions or input please contact him.
The question was raised whether we could get the ASU girls back again. Al responded that they go to different clubs throughout the East Valley and clubs are lucky if they can get them every 4 – 5 years, but they’ll try.
Stats: Larry Warnke
78 people scored at least one match
50 scored five or more
20 scored ten or more
5 scored twenty or more
Top scorers were: Ed DeWald, 31 matches; Pat Gerhardt, 29 matches and George Peck, 25 matches.
VP played over 27,500 games and won 50.3%. We won 48. % of the sets and 48.8% of the matches.
Over all teams played 227 matches, won 90 and tied 25. It seems we must have lost a lot of tie breakers. Ralph thanked Larry for his many years of service.
Recognition: Ron Stewart Ron named the members of the recognition committee which consisted of himself, Pat Stewart, Jennifer Wittick and Ann McLeod. In recognition of the silver anniversary the eight founders of the VPTC will be honored on the Love Boat, at the Spring Fling Banquet. Of the original eight the first president, a founder and spouse, and the spouse of a founder and current spouse will be attending.
Because they were late in arriving at VP this year Ron and Pat are willing to stay on the recognition committee another year.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
EVSTL Meeting Report: The EVSTL meets 3 times a year.The next meeting of the EVSTL is later this month.
Three issues will be discussed.
#1. Move up criteria. They are looking into changing the number of matches in position one from 6 to 8 and requiring players to play at least 4 matches after the 1st of the year. A second proposal is to keep the matches at 6 but require at least 3 to be played after Jan. 1.
#2. Move down criteria. The EVSTL board is considering changing the move down games percentage from 35% to 40%.
#3. By-laws language. The proposal is to change the wording “be familiar with” USTA rules, Code of Conduct, East Valley By-laws and Constitution, to “you must follow” USTA rules, Code of Conduct, East Valley By-laws and Constitution.
VDO Courts: There has been some concern from other teams in the league about the courts at VDO in fact some teams are refusing to play there. The issue was brought to the league. East Valley rules state a park must have a minimum of 3 on-site playable tennis courts. It appears that the league’s position will be that VDO’s courts are playable courts and you should play your scheduled matches there. VDO will be doing a better job of maintenance of the courts.
West Courts: Cherie knows the condition of the West courts. She has promised that if the cracks come back like they were last year she will have maintenance done on them to get them through this next season when she feels they should be replaced. She’s on our side but she doesn’t write the checks. She wants to replace the asphalt with the stress concrete. One of the courts at the East courts will be repainted this summer and hairline cracks repaired.
Redraw process and time line: The redraw will be held on Monday, March 14 at 7:00 PM in the Gathering Room. Larry will conduct the redraw session with assistance from the executive committee. After the redraw current captains need to contact new team members and call a meeting so the new team can elect a new captain and co-captain for the 11-12 season. New captains and co-captains are to attend a new captain’s meeting on Friday, March 18, at 7:00 in the Gathering Room.
Those who submitted self rating applications and met the criteria will be placed at the appropriate level for the redraw. The executive board will be meeting after this meeting to review applications of those who did not meet the criteria. What ever the executive board decides, we’ll go with for the redraw. If there are any appeals they will have to be settled after the teams are drawn.
Ralph wanted to thank many people including his wife Maureen, the executive board, the captains and co-captains, coaches, the maintenance crew. It’s been a challenging and rewarding year and he thanked everyone for their support.
Bobby Oakley reported that two propane tanks are missing. The remaining tanks are chained up. If you wish to use one contact Bobby or Judy DeWald.
The meeting was then called to order by President Ralph Sharp.
Those present were: George Peck, Marlene Kangas, Don Foley, Polly Kays, Carol Chapin, Jack Kincaid, Maureen Wiebe,
Dolores Anderson, Bonnie Kenny, Jill Zagar, Jim Gerhardt, Star Dillabaugh, Betty Dawson, Duane Dehne, Del Stitt,
Sandy Kincaid, Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, John Coombs, Diane Hudson, Linda Decker,
Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice – President Joe Morton, Treasurer Diane Hudson and Secretary Sue Twyman.
Jim Ryder, Ray Pelland, Wally Dawson, Joy Doubleday, and Vince Seaman were absent.
Jerry Gowen, Bev LaTrace, and Jerry Farr arrived late.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the February 8, 2011 minutes.
Maureen Wiebe seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson
We have 419 paid members.
The balance in our Wells Fargo account is $5960.83, with an additional $1462.31 in the Langdon account,
for a total of $7423.14.
Any monies left in team treasuries must be turned into the club as there will be new teams in the fall.
Diane will be away from View Point from March 11 – 18 and will be leaving for home on April 3.
She thanked everyone for all they did this year.
Committee Reports
Kitchen: Judy DeWald Judy is collecting kitchen keys.
She will be collecting keys the night of the redraw so it is suggested that you arrive 5-10 minutes early.
You can also give them to her before then but you must turn the keys into her and not give them to next year’s captain.
Nominating Committee: Carol Nordness Carol submitted a nominating committee report explaining the process and the slate of officers.
They were:
President – Joe Morton
Vice-President – Del Stitt
Treasurer - Diane Hudson
Secretary – Jennifer Wittick
A motion was made by Nancy Nicola and seconded by Jim Gerhardt that we accept the slate of officers for the 2011 – 2012 tennis season.
Motion carried.
The slate of officers will be posted at the east courts and will be voted on at the General Meeting, on March 7, 2011.
Vice-President’s Report – Joe Morton
Social Calendar:
The EVSTL season ends this Friday.
Saturday, March 5, Spring Fling tournament
March 7 – 12, SVE Mens/Womens Doubles Tournament
March 11, Spring Fling Banquet
March 14 – 19 SSV Mixed Tournament
March 20 – 27, Monte Vista Team Event
Court Cleaning: Thanks to all who helped in cleaning courts this year.
There are two court cleaning dates scheduled that will require volunteers.
Sunday, March 13, 3:30, West Courts. Del Stitt will over see the clean up.
Sunday, March 20, 3:30, East Courts. Joe Morton will over see the work.
This will be a clean up and a put away session. Judy and her kitchen crew will be there cleaning the kitchen.
A big thank you to the 1.5’s who will be helping out on both days. Other volunteers are needed. Please help.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
EVSTL Meeting Report: The next meeting of the EVSTL is March 29, 2011.
One of three issues to be voted on is move up criteria.
They are looking at changing the number of matches in position one from 6 to 8 and requiring players to play at least 4 matches after the 1st of the year. The match percentage of 75%, and games percentage of 60% would stay the same. If the proposal passes it will go into effect next season.
Move down criteria is also being looked at.
The EVSTL board will be considering changing the move down games percentage from 35% to 40%.
The third issue involves By-laws language.
The proposal is to change the wording “be familiar with” USTA rules, Code of Conduct, East Valley By-laws and Constitution,
to “you must follow” USTA rules, Code of Conduct, East Valley By-laws and Constitution.
VDO Courts: There has been some concern from other teams in the league about the courts at VDO in fact some teams are refusing to play there.
The issue was brought to the league. East Valley rules state a park must have a minimum of 3 on-site playable tennis courts.
It appears that the league’s position will be that VDO’s courts are playable courts and you should play your scheduled matches there.
You may choose to not play but it would be considered a forfeit. Captains can possibly schedule VDO home matches at the opposing team’s courts.
VDO says maintenance has been improved and they have removed excess sand.
West Courts: Cherie has promised that if the cracks come back like they were last year she will have maintenance done on them to get them
through this next season when she feels they should be replaced. She’s on our side. She received a copy of the e-mail re VDO and she
does not plan to go that route. She wants to replace the asphalt with the stress concrete.
VO Fall Classic: The deadline to enter is March 15. Applications and money go directly to VO. Ralph and Clive are coordinators.
Ralph has applications.
Recognition Committee: A lot of people have voiced concerns about the planned changes. The feeling is we need to slow down a bit.
Ralph suggested we put on hold the “Builders” portion at this time until criteria can be created for the Builders,
but to go ahead and recognize the “Founders” as originally planned at the Spring Fling Banquet.
Next year the recognition committee could start working on criteria for Builders and indicate how folks met those criteria.
A motion was made by Larry Beres and seconded by Jerry Farr that the board approve the Founders and that they be recognized at the banquet.
Motion carried. Ruth Nelson will put together a sentence or two about each Founder.
Founders presently here at View Point will be invited guests at the banquet.
Committee Reports (cont.)
Pro contract: Al Colter Al reported that we had another successful year working with Chris.
With two boot camps and lessons more people were involved this year.
Al suggested that those who helped coach teams be recognized at the General Meeting.
He further reported that Ted Sondej will be the new liaison between VPTC and Chris Langdon.
Ted looks forward to his new role and asks that anyone with questions or concerns please contact him.
Al then presented the Pro contract draft for board approval.
Pro draft:
Boot camps: Oct. 20 – 22, Dec. 29 – 31.
Video Camp (new version of Winning at Your Level) starting the week of Nov. 7 for 6 weeks at a cost of $110.
There will be an opening week self video and an ending video for comparison.
Sign up sheets for the Oct. Boot Camp and Video Camp will be going up soon. Please sign up ASAP.
(New) Captains and Co-captains Information Sessions to help team members improve
Nov. 9, 5:00 PM East Courts
Jan. 4, 5:00 PM East Courts with free refreshments both nights!
Winning at Your Level (the 2nd 6 week block) Instruction will be determined during the early weeks of the season.
Times are set for these lessons and will be posted soon.
Individual and small group lessons
Racket stringing
Special Event, Feb. 4 Play with the Pro Day, Demo Days, with prizes and free luncheon.
This event will be paid for from the Langdon account.
Al asked for a motion to accept the proposed Pro plan. Don Foley made a motion with a second by Jerry Farr.
Motion passed. The proposal will now be presented at the March General Meeting and voted on at the November General Meeting.
It was suggested that captains inform their team members that a percentage of fees paid to Chris whether it is private, 3 and Me,
Winning at Your Level, or racket stringing goes back to the club for additional pro activities.
Redraw process and time line: The redraw will be held on Monday, March 14 at 7:00 PM in the Gathering Room.
Larry will conduct the redraw session with an unbiased monitor at each level.
Number of Teams per Level: Following a lengthy discussion a motion was made by Kathy Johnson and seconded by
John Coombs that the captains at each level make the decision for their level as to the number of teams to field next season.
Ralph then charged the captains with two tasks.
Decide on the number of teams for their level.
Look at the sheet Larry provided for each level showing the rankings of all players as assigned by team captains and discuss any possible changes.
After that task was completed the captains were to prioritize players from the very strongest to the weakest.
This information would be used for the redraw.
The meeting was then called to order by President Ralph Sharp.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, Bev LaTrace, George Peck, Marlene Kangas, Don Foley, Carol Chapin, Jack Kincaid, Maureen Wiebe,
Dolores Anderson, Bonnie Kenny, Jill Zagar, Star Dillabaugh, Betty Dawson, Del Stitt, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Diane Hudson,
Linda Decker, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Treasurer Diane Hudson, and Secretary Sue Twyman.
Polly Kays, Jim Ryder, Ray Pelland, Jim Gerhardt, Wally Dawson, Duane Dehne, Sandy Kincaid, Kathy Johnson, John Coombs, Jerry Farr,
Vince Seaman and Vice – President Joe Morton were absent. Joy Doubleday arrived late.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the January 4, 2011 minutes. Maureen Wiebe seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue announced that the self rating applications are available at the VPTC web site. Captains are to encourage team members to down load the application.
A limited number of applications will be available at the East Courts for those who do not have computers or printers.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson
We have 406 paid members. Captains please check the latest roster to check the status of team members. Have they not yet paid, didn’t return, non-playing member?
The balance in our Wells Fargo account is $6138.69, with an additional $1826.55 in the Langdon account, for a total of $87965.24.
Al Colter addressed video taping and the value for those who wish to improve.
Videos will be a part of next year’s group lessons with an individual video being taken at the start of the 6 weeks and at the end,
followed by a private meeting with Chris.
Forty people attended the movie night. It was noted that there are problems that need to be worked out.
There was $710 in additional expenses to cover editing, rental and technicians to make the whole project work.
The editing was much more expensive than was originally thought. In the future the cost should be built into the cost of lessons.
Also, the hope is that eventually the work will be done in house. Purchasing our own equipment is out of the question.
Al Colter made a motion that because of the unexpected cost of $710 to Chris Langdon that the board approve sharing this
one time expense and take $350 out of the Langdon Sports account to reimburse Chris Langdon.
The motion was seconded by Jack Kincaid. Following a discussion the motion was approved.
Vice-President’s Report – (Joe Morton) Ralph Sharp
Social Calendar: Ralph again thanked Ali and Norma and their crew for all the hard work and long hours they have put in to make our
Saturday Invitational and In-park tournaments such a success. We appreciate their efforts!
Past Invitationals: Jan. 15, the Monte Vista invitational was hosted by the 2.0 Red. On January 29 the 3.5 White hosted Venture Out/Trilogy.
With our participation levels as high as they were these past two invitationals we had a number of VP teams that did not get to play.
The tournament committee makes a list and at the next invitational if those people sign up they are given priority.
If they do not sign up they are taken off the priority list.
Upcoming invitationals: Feb. 12 In-park Valentine’s Tournament, hosted by 3.0 White.
Feb. 19 is an invitational here with Greenfield hosted by 2.0 Blue.
Farnsworth tournaments: Teams are on the club web site. The men’s and women’s doubles have been determined.
Not all of the mixed doubles teams have played off yet.
Monte Vista Team Event: We have a 2.0, 2.5 and a 4.0 team. We can still place a 1.5, 3.0 and a 3.5 team.
2011 – 2012 Social Calendar Draft: Drafts were handed out to all captains to check for corrections.
The 1.5 team felt they could handle the Farnsworth Mixed Doubles Play-offs on their own.
The dates for the three end of the season tournaments need to be added. Other than that everyone thought the calendar looked good.
Court Cleaning: Thank you again to the captains. The court cleaning process of the captains contacting Joe and then Joe contacting
Tom Rucker has been working very well.
Summary of Court Schedule Survey Results: Summary sheets were distributed. 130 club members responded. T
he vast majority of those who responded were satisfied with the existing court schedule and wished to keep the 90 minute blocks of time we currently have.
Important captains!! Check the schedules often and free up any unneeded courts for open play.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
EVSTL Meeting Report: At the last EVSTL meeting ‘no ad’ scoring was voted down 17-1. Also voted down, 17-1 was a proposal that stated any time a match
involved a borrowed player the match would not count.
The league is looking into the possibility of changing EVSTL move up criteria. The EVSTL board feels people are being moved up too fast which ends up weakening
the player’s new team and old one as well. There is to be an EVSTL executive meeting next week to discuss this issue.
One possibility is to change the number of matches from 6 to 8 and require players to play 4 matches after the 1st of the year.
If the EVSTL executive board feels a change is necessary there will be a special EVSTL board meeting to discuss and vote on the issue.
Ralph asked for an advisory vote. If the possible changes, just stated, are brought to the EVSTL board the VP board was opposed.
Remember you may not borrow a #1 player to play at their level but they may play up!
West Courts: We have court a committee consisting of Clive MacRaild, Al Colter, Dale Bowen, Jerry Gowen, and Bobby Oakley.
The west courts were repaired this summer and are continuing to crack. This is due to the fact that the base is asphalt and not concrete.
Cherie knows about the cracks but does not feel they are a tripping issue at this time.
Corporate wants to get 2 years out of the courts and will have cracks patched as needed. After the 2 years the plan is to pour stress concrete.
Cherie does not want a Band-Aid approach. She also supports the continued plan of refinishing 1 or 2 of our East courts each year.
Self Rating Deadline: The window in which players may self rate is Feb. 21 – Feb. 28 (midnight). Self raters who haven’t made their stats don’t need to apply.
Larry will automatically put them in the redraw at the same level.*
*Correction: An e-mail was sent to all captains after the meeting which states that regular players who have not played in at least four matches
and self raters who have not yet played enough qualifying matches to become regular members must self rate at their current level or they will
be moved down (page 44 of Captain’s handbook).
Redraw: The redraw will be held on Monday, March 14 at 7:00 PM in the Gathering Room.
In addition to ranking players 1, 2, 3, and 4 it has been suggested that captains also designate a, b, or c. i.e. a top level player would be
1a, a very weak player would be 4c. It is hoped that this will allow the teams to be more balanced.
Current captains need to contact new members of the team of which they are currently the captain
(i.e. the3.0 Blue captain will contact all the new 3.0 Blue team members) and set up a meeting so the new team can elect
a captain and co-captain for the 2011 – 2012 season. This needs to be done between Tues, March 15 and Fri. March 18,
as the new captain’s meeting will be held Friday, March 18, at 7:00 PM in the Gathering Room.
Recognition Committee: Ron and Pat Stewart are co chairs for the Recognition Committee. They are following up on the proposal the board approved last year.
There will no longer be gift certificates presented at the Spring Fling.
Recognition will be on a much wider scope including 3 major areas of recognition: Founders – organizers; Builders – those instrumental in keeping the club going.
After this first year new builders would be nominated and added if approved; and Executive – acknowledging the Executive committee each year.
Builders would be nominated annually and must be an active member.
Some sort of trophy cases will be added to the East courts to house the plaques.
Some bulletin boards will have to be moved. Monies normally spent on recognition gift certificates would be put toward the plaques and cases.
It’s a great time to do this as it is the 25th anniversary of the View Point Tennis Club!
An advisory vote was taken. The proposal was approved.
From the Floor:
Some team captains are asking for 5 and 6 lines with the intent of filling one or two of those lines with lower level players.
You can ask an opposing captain to alter the usual lines 1, 2, 3, and 4 and for example play two line 1 teams or zero line 1 teams.
Different configurations are permissible if both captains agree.
A motion to adjourn was made by George Peck and seconded by Ed DeWald. Motion carried.
Following the meeting team captains and co-captains met at each level 2.0 – 3.5 to determine if there were any changes to the order new players would be assigned to teams.
President Ralph Sharp welcomed everyone.
There was a moment of silence for Lue Milne who passed away this past week.
There is still time for teams at the 1.5, 3.0, and 3.5 levels to enter the Monte Vista Team tournament.
Interested parties should contact Ray Pelland at 4716.
Captains are to pick up Spring Fling packets at the end of the meeting.
A black warm-up jacket was lost at last Saturday’s invitational. If found please contact Ginger Yoder.
George Peck acknowledged that there was a quorum.
The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss and vote on the proposed changes to the Self Rating Rules.
Keith Swanson, a member of the self rating committee which also included Al Colter, Del Stitt, Nancy Nicola,
and Ed DeWald gave an over view of how self rating came about and why the committee was introducing the proposed changes.
In the original self rating document ‘players should only move to the next level if they dominate play at their present level’.
The goal of the committee was to define dominate and make it objective rather than subjective.
Keith then presented the changes to both the self rating rules and the self rating application as a motion.
George Peck seconded the motion. Questions were entertained from the floor.
Immediately there was a motion from Ray Vikander with a second by Dan Houle that the proposed changes go into effect November 1, 2011.
Following a short discussion where the concerns for mass exodus this year if we were to move the effective date of the new rules a vote was taken.
An almost unanimous no vote was cast. The motion was defeated.
Following comments and questions from the floor a vote was taken. The proposed changes passed overwhelmingly.
The changes will go into effect immediately. Those wishing to self rate and have met the criteria must do so between Feb. 21 and Feb. 28.
President Ralph Sharp called the meeting to order.
Roll call was taken.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, George Peck, Marlene Kangas, Don Foley, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Maureen Wiebe, Dolores Anderson, Bonnie Kenny,
Jill Zagar, Jim Gerhardt, Star Dillabaugh, Betty Dawson, Duane Dehne, Del Stitt, Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, John Coombs,
Diane Hudson, Jerry Farr, Linda Decker, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice – President Joe Morton, Treasurer Diane Hudson, and Secretary Sue Twyman.
Bev LaTrace, Polly Kays, Jack Kincaid, Wally Dawson, Joy Doubleday, Sandy Kincaid and Vince Seaman were absent.
The purpose of the special meeting was to review, discuss and vote on the proposed changes to the Self Rating Rules.
Ed DeWald, member of the self rating committee, presented the changes in a motion.
Maureen Wiebe seconded the motion. Questions were entertained from the floor.
The vote was 17 Yes, 1 No. Motion carried.
A Special General Meeting will be held on Monday, January 31, 2011 at 7:00 PM in the Multi purpose rooms at North Point at which time the general membership
will have an opportunity to discuss the proposal and then vote.
Should the motion carry the changes will immediately go into effect.
President Ralph Sharp welcomed all, especially Marilyn and Darwin Matheson and new members to our club. He thanked everyone for being here in light of the changes
for the start time of the meeting.
Parliamentarian Ed DeWald informed Ralph that we had a quorum. The meeting was then called to order by the President.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the November 1, 2010 minutes. Maureen Morton seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue reported that she and Joe Morton took checks in the amount of $2,800 to Sunshine Acres.
That included $1,200 from the yard sale and $1,600 in donations from club members.
Thanks to all who worked at the yard sale and to those who made cash donations.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson
We currently have a balance of $6197.86 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1483.25 in the Langdon account for a total of $7676.11.
We have over 360 paid members to date. Star numbers are down to 45 from 66 last year and 1.5 have only 16 members thus far compared to 45 this time last year.
Vice-President’s Report – Joe Morton
Invitationals: TheSaturday, January 8, invitational with Leisure World and Carriage Manor saw over 360 participants with approximately 90 teams.
The 3.5 Orange team provided the food. Many thanks on a great day.
On January 15 we will be hosting an invitational with Monte Vista. We had 101 teams from VP sign up. Only 66 teams from Monte Vista entered
which means many of our players will be sitting out. Unfortunately we experience this because our tennis membership is so much larger than other parks.
Spring Fling: Ann McLeod announced that the 3.0 G and B teams will be hosting the Spring Fling. The theme this year is “Caribbean Cruise”.
Tickets will not be sold at the East Courts patio. Ticket packets will be distributed to the social committee person on each team who will take
care of ticket sales and will report back to a member of the host clubs.
Prime Time Scheduling:
For the months of January, February and the first week of March if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., Monday – Sunday,
you cannot play again that day in primetime. You can sign up for court time for two times in the future but cannot book any more games until one of those games
are played because you can only have two bookings on paper at one time in primetime.
Please remember to put your site number.
Post Season Tournaments:
SVE Men’s / Women’s: Carol Nordness, chair, #5327, Linda Decker, co-chair, #2045
Sign ups went up on Jan. 3 and came down on Jan. 10.
There is an informational meeting on Friday, Jan. 14, at 5:00 PM at the East Courts when sudden death play off picks will be drawn
and tournament information will be provided. It is important that at least one member from each team attend.
Jan. 17 – 20 Sudden Death Play offs. Note: If a team can not play when scheduled it is up to that team to arrange a time with the opposing team
and the match must be completed by Jan. 20
Jan. 21 – 23 In-park play offs, hosted by the Star Team.
March 7 -12 SVE Tournament
SSV Mixed Doubles: Len Grant, chair. The sign up sheet went up today, Jan.10 and comes down on Jan. 17.
Informational meeting will be on Jan. 28, at 4:00 PM. At least one person from each team must attend.
Jan.31 – Feb.3 Sudden Death Play offs
Feb. 4 – 6 In-park play offs
March 14 – 19 SSV Mixed Tournament
MV Team Tournament: Joe reported for Ray Pelland, chair. Teams of 4 men and 4 women from levels 1.5 – 4.0 may participate.
You must have played in 3 league matches and may play at your level or one level above. Sign up sheets will be posted from Jan. 17 – 24.
Feb. 25 – 27 In-park play offs
Sun. March 20 – Sunday, March 27 MV Team tournament
Court Cleaning: Thanks to all who have cleaned the courts.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Stars and Saturday Tournaments: There was a question regarding Star players being allowed to play in Saturday Invitationals.
They are currently allowed to play in in-park events only.
A motion was made at the Board meeting that would allow all dues paying members to play in all Saturday Invitationals and in-park tournaments.
Motion carried.
Equipment, Maintenance and Replacement Account: There is a real concern as this year’s budget was based on last year’s membership of 430 members.
We currently have about 360 members. Along with that is the fact that we do not have surplus funds for repair and replacement of our tennis club owned equipment.
We usually carry about $3,500 in reserve to start the next season to start up the kitchen, buy tennis balls, etc.
The proposal of increasing dues, $20.00 with $15.00 to go into a separate account (EMR) and $5.00 going to team treasuries was approved at the last Board meeting.
Ralph reported that he spoke with 11 past presidents and that they all were supportive of the concept.
A motion was made by Kathy Johnson and seconded by Eiler Eis that we increase our dues $20, from $30 to $50 a year with $20 going to the club treasury,
$15 to the teams, $15 going into a special Equipment, maintenance. Replacement fund (EMR). Motion carried.
Note: Bobby Oakley met with Cherie and she will pay for the replacement of the sunscreen frames on courts 3 and 5.
Committee Reports:
Nominating Committee: Carol Nordness, chair announced this year’s committee which includes Carol, Dale Bowen, Lorne McLeod, and Linda Decker.
Any one who is interested in holding an office or knows someone who would please get in touch with one of the committee members.
Carol assured that help is there to make the jobs easier, i.e. Jill Zagar does the bulletin boards for the secretary, Ginger Yoder takes care of monies, tickets etc.
for tennis events, and a number of members have stepped up and are helping with the end of the season tournaments.
Recommendations will be finalized and will be posted on the East Courts on March 1. The slate of officers will be voted on at the March 7, General Meeting.
Past-President proposal: The proposal to include the past-president in the executive committee was presented.
This addition would help to maintain continuity on the executive board. The motion was made by Carol Nordness and seconded by Larry Warnke.
Motion carried.
Pro Plan: Al Colter reports we have had a very active year with many events and no complaints. Our Fall Boot Camp had over 40 participants.
Another Boot Camp was held over the Christmas break with over 30 participants. Each time players worked with the same pro for all three days.
We have lessons every night of the week for all levels. It is $15 for 90 minutes with a pro working at your level. Numbers are down.
Why not give it a try you might like it!
Movie Night: Movie night is being postponed until Wednesday, January 26 at 6:30 at the East Courts.
Materials from other pros and from our Boot Camps will be shown and discussed. Popcorn, lemonade and coffee will be provided.
Self Rating Committee: Ed DeWald spoke for the committee which consists of himself, Keith Swanson Del Stitt, Al Colter, and Nancy Nicola.
In December the Board asked the Self Rating Committee to reconvene to review our self rating rules, to see if the committee thought additional
criteria should be added and to look at self rating rules in place at other EVSTL parks.
After two meetings the committee made the following recommendations to the Board at the last Board Meeting, with unanimous positive response
from the captains and co-captains to the recommendation. The committee’s recommendations were:
1. Revise the date of application for self rating from Feb. 18, to Feb. 21 as the earliest date and Feb .28 as the latest date.
2. Require self raters to play a minimum of 6 matches at the 1 and 2 position.
3. Must win more than 50% matches and games in lines 1 or 2. There would not be a freeze after the 6 matches
4.The self rater must have the team captain’s signature on the request form. The team captain will provide statistics ‘season to date of the application’ for the self rater showing that the self rater has reached the criteria in #2 and #3.
The committee will be meeting again on 1/11/11 and will finalize their recommendation.
A Special Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 18 at 3:00 in the Gathering Room at which time the recommendation will be discussed and voted on. If the Board approves the new self rating rules a Special General Meeting will be held on Monday, January 31 for membership approval. If approved by the general membership the new self rating rules would go into effect immediately following the meeting.
Could stats for playing up be included? Larry said with the current software it is not possible to record those stats.
Position 1 and 2 stats would be considered for the entire season, whether it is Nov – Feb. or Jan. – Feb.
Many teams are currently weakened because people move up too fast.
Players should be dominating: 6-1, 6-2
A motion to adjourn was made by George Peck and seconded by Carol Nordness. Motion carried.
The meeting was then called to order by the President.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, Bev LaTrace, George Peck, Marlene Kangas, Polly Kays, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Jack Kincaid, Maureen Wiebe, Dolores Anderson, Bonnie Kenny, Jill Zagar, Jim Gerhardt, Star Dillabaugh, Betty Dawson, Joy Doubleday, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, John Coombs, Diane Hudson, Linda Decker, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice – President Joe Morton, Treasurer Diane Hudson, and Secretary Sue Twyman.
Don Foley, Wally Dawson, Duane Dehne, Ruth Nelson, Jerry Farr, Vince Seaman were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the December 7, 2010 minutes. Nancy Nicola seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue reported that she and Joe Morton took checks in the amount of $2,800 to Sunshine Acres. That included $1,200 from the yard sale and $1,600 in donations from club members. Thanks to all who worked at the yard sale and to those who made cash donations.
Co-captains are asked to help set up chairs for the General meeting on Monday, January 10 at 6:40 PM. Following a discussion it was agreed that we would start our meeting at 5:00 as there is an important football game on the same night as our meeting. A majority agreed. (When we tried to book the additional time it was discovered that another group is using the room so our meeting is back to 7:00pm.)
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson
We currently have a balance of $6030.48 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1483.25 in the Langdon account, and $488.50 in petty cash for a total of $8002.23. As of today we have 330 paid members. Captains do not allow new and returning players to play until they have paid their dues.
Vice-President’s Report – Joe Morton
Joe remarked that today was the 4th anniversary of Don Morris’ death, for those who knew Don.
Social Calendar: The Christmas banquet was a huge success. Over 160 people were in attendance. There was enough food for everyone and also a lot of positive feedback. Our thanks to the 2.5 Blue and White teams for a great job.
Sue reported on the SVE Holiday Tournament. Eleven teams from VP participated in the holiday tournament. After the first day 8 were in the championship group with 3 in the consolation group.
After Tuesday we had 5 teams in the championship and 1 in the consolation.
Final results were:
4.0 CH 1st place: Dave McKay and Ruth Finch
5.0 CH 1st place: Bob Finch and Loretta Jones
6.0 CH 2nd place: Tom Barton and Deb Schoeberl
7.0 CH 2nd place: Gary Schoeberl and Linda Decker
7.5 CH 1st place: Bob and Jan Allen
7.0 Con 1st place: Ed DeWald and Sue Twyman
Congratulations to all the VP teams. It was a great three days with a lot of competitive tennis.
Invitationals: Saturday, January 8, we will be hosting Leisure World and Carriage Manor. The 3.5 Orange team will be providing the food. On January 15 we will be hosting an invitational with Monte Vista.
Players who do not pay their participation fee on M, T, or W are required to pay an additional $1.00.
Court Cleaning: Thank you captains. The e-mails between Joe and the captains to set up court cleaning times is working. Joe will continue to e-mail captains in advance so court cleaning can continue as scheduled.
Prime Time Scheduling:
For the months of January, February and March if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday – Sunday, you cannot play again that day in primetime. You can sign up for court time for two times in the future but cannot book any more games until one of those games are played because you can only have two bookings on paper at one time in primetime.
Post Season schedule: Please check the web site for dates for signing up for post season play for the SVE doubles, SSV mixed doubles and the MV 8 person team event. Dates for sign up, play offs and tournament play are listed.
* Note: If a player makes EVSTL stats and does not move up until November they can play in the post season at their current level.
Court Scheduling: Joe and Lee McDougall are creating a short survey for members to fill out. This will give them a better idea if changes to the current schedule are necessary. Surveys will be out in about a week (via e-mail) and should be turned in by the end of January.
Ted Sondej stated that practice walls might free up some court time.
Ranking sheets: The dead line to turn in ranking sheets was extended to this Tuesday evening.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Equipment, Maintenance and Replacement Account: The issue of increasing dues, $20.00 with $15.00 to go into a separate account (EMR) and $5.00 going to team treasuries was revisited. Ralph reported that he spoke with 11 past presidents and that they all thought increasing the dues was a good idea. Captains reported positive response to the plan. There was a concern about setting a precedent. Another concern was the legality of having funds held over from one year to the next. We will bring the issue to the membership at the General Meeting.
Stars and Saturday Tournaments: There was a question regarding Star players being allowed to play in Saturday Invitationals. They are currently allowed to play in in-park events only. A motion was made by Larry Beres and seconded by George Peck that would allow all dues paying members to play in all Saturday Invitationals and in-park tournaments. Motion carried.
Red Mountain High School Tennis Courts: Ralph contacted Red Mountain HS and was told that the courts are available on the weekends. There is a web site where you click on facility use and can see if a group has signed them out. Ralph has the web site if you are interested. A few people said they have usually found them locked on weekends.
Past-President proposal: The proposal to include the past-president in the executive committee will be voted on at the General Meeting. Since it would change our by-laws it will require a 2/3 vote of those present. 83 members are required to be in attendance.
Self Rating Committee: Ed DeWald spoke for the committee which consists of himself, Keith Swanson Del Stitt, Al Colter, and Nancy Nicola. The committee was formed to look at our self rating rules because of a concern for the number of people self rating and not making their stats. The committee felt that the self rating policy for new players is working. New players currently are invited to a practice or a round robin and are placed on a team by the president. If players are at too low a level the EVSTL is taking care of that by requiring them to move up. Currently we keep people at their playing level until the next year.
The committee’s recommendations are:
Existing players would have the right to self rate to the next level if they are dominating at their current level. That would require players to win over 50% of their matches and games after at least 5 matches in lines 1 or 2.
The written self rating request must be signed by the team captain.
The team captain will provide statistics ‘season to date of the application’ for the self rater.
A Special Board Meeting would be held on Tuesday, January 18 to view the new language. If the Board approves the new self rating rules the committee is recommending that a Special General Meeting would be held in early February for this purpose.
If approved by the general membership the new self rating rules would go into effect immediately following the meeting and the window for application for self rating would be from Feb.21 – Feb. 28.
A motion was made by George Peck and seconded by Nancy Nicola that we accept the committee’s recommendation. Motion carried.
EVSTL: Nancy Nicola stated that all the changes to our schedule can be found at the EVSTL web site which is easily accessed through a link at our VP Tennis web site.
A motion to adjourn was made by George Peck and seconded by Nancy Nicola. Motion carried.
Following the meeting team captains and co-captains met at each level 2.0 – 3.5 to determine if there were any changes to the order new players would be assigned to teams.
The meeting was then called to order by the President.
Those present were: Bev LaTrace, George Peck, Marlene Kangas, Don Foley, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Jack Kincaid, Roger Vigland (for Dolores Anderson), Bonnie Kenny, Marilyn Catalano, Jim Gerhardt, Star Dillabaugh, Betty Dawson, Duane Dehne, Joy Doubleday, Sandy Kincaid, Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, John Coombs, Diane Hudson, Linda Decker, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice-President Joe Morton, Treasurer Diane Hudson and Carol Nordness (for Secretary Sue Twyman).
Jerry Gowen, Polly Kays, Maureen Wiebe, Jill Zagar, Wally Dawson, Del Stitt, Jerry Farr and Vince Seaman were absent.
Secretary’s Report – Carol Nordness (for Sue Twyman)
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of November 9, 2010. Don Foley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Carol Nordness, as head of the Nomination Committee, wanted to inform the board that she planned on proposing a motion at the General Meeting to have a 5th person on the Executive Board, the Past President. The Motion Draft is attached. Ed DeWald suggested that a 5th point be added for the duties in the motion. He would like it to state that the Past President attend the EVSTL board meetings as requested by the Executive Board. Nancy Nicola agreed and thought it was a good idea to have more members attend the EVSTL meetings. The board unanimously approved taking the proposal to the General Meeting.
Pro Program – Al Colter
Al said there was a brochure up for the Movie Night scheduled for Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 5 PM at the East Courts. There is a sign up sheet which is needed for popcorn and drink numbers. The film will be from the Boot Camps and Winning at your level. Chris will present this and helpful tips.
Treasurer’s Report – Diane Hudson
We currently have a balance $7,057.81 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1,483.25 in the Langdon account for a total of $8541.06. We currently have a total of 317 paid members. Diane thanked everyone for turning in the money for team member dues and for the donations for Sunshine Acres.
Vice – Presidents Report – Joe Morton
Joe reminded everyone of the following upcoming social events:
December 9 – Christmas Banquet, 160 tickets were sold
December 11 – VDO Invitational (He reminded everyone to get the team rankings in to him for Ali)
December 27-29 – Holiday Tournament at Sunland Village East (we have 11 teams participating)
December 30 – January 1 – Boot Camp (there is room for more players)
Joe complimented the captains on the court cleaning when he requested help. He’ll get to the captains in the future in time for them to plan with their teams.
Joe reviewed all the court scheduling rules starting in January for prime time hours. The rules are in the captain’s handbook and should be reinforced to the players before January 1st. Use of out of park courts was discussed and Ralph said he would contact Red Mountain High School to see if we could use the courts on the weekend.
Norma Boa has the tournament balls at her site, 1748, and round robin co-coordinators should pick them up as there are quite a few.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Self Rating items were reviewed.
Move up criteria – EVSTL rule, players in the #1 position with 6 matches, win 75% of matches and 60 % of games, their stats are frozen and the league requires them to move up before the start of the next season or anytime before that if the club permits them to move up. In our club, they are then a regular member of the team and not a self rater.
Move down criteria – EVSTL criteria is different than ours. Their criteria is a player has to play 6 matches in position 3, 4 and 5 and win 35% of their games. Our criteria is the player must play at least 4 or more matches in position 3,4 or 5 and win 40% of their games. If they haven’t played 4 matches they have to self rate next year again.
The rules also state that they may not move a member down unless there are health issues, disability due to aging process or the clubs move down process for self rating.
Al Colter would like to set up a committee to review our self rating criteria to discuss further restrictions and has requested the former self rating team and a few other volunteers to get together and report back to the board. Contact Ed DeWald with concerns and questions.
Ralph reviewed all of the past self rating numbers of how many self raters there were and how many made the new level, ect. per Jim Gerhardt’s request.
In regards to the low numbers for the 3.0 teams, no 3.5 ladies wanted to come down voluntarily so the 3.0 teams were reorganized with 3 members moved. Now the same is being done with the 2.5 teams. The 3.0 men self raters were asked if they would move down with no penalty and the deadline for that is 9 PM tonight. If no one does the 2.5 teams will decide what to do.
West court defibrillator is in place on the side of the shed by Court 10.
Judy Farr and other members of the tennis club had a yard sale for Sunshine Acres and raised $1,200.00.
For the Holidays the Executive Board member will be gone as follows:
Ralph Sharp – gone December 18 -26
Joe Morton – gone December 20-22
Diane Hudson - gone December 13-30
Sue Twyman should be here all through the holidays
Judy DeWald would like to have a Christmas Day pot luck Breakfast and tennis morning on Christmas Day. It would be at the East courts until 12:30 for tennis members that don’t have family here. An e-mail will be sent and the captains can relay it to the members.
Lee McDougal will head a committee that looks at the court scheduling for practice, round robins and the Stars. The 3.5 captains will see if the women would play in a round robin if the day and/or time would be changed. Any comments or suggestions should be given to Lee.
Ralph addressed concerns about the budget. Last year we had 437 members and our budget for this year was based on that number. We now have 317 members so we are short and may not make the amount we were counting on. He has received a number of calls on equipment we may need in the future which we do not have money for. We spend about $3,000 before the season starts on balls, kitchen items and supplies, etc. We have no extra if we need, for example a ball machine or anything that breaks down or needs to be fixed. Ralph talked to Sherry about what we versus them are responsible for. In the past, the park provided a lot of things we needed but in the future she feels they are responsible for the courts, the fences, the buildings, and the nets. We would be responsible for all other items like coffee pots, ball machines, ball picker uppers, propane tanks and all the rest that just the tennis club uses including the refrigerators, microwaves, etc. So we need a fund for things that may come up in the future. Ralph proposed that we charge each member an additional $10 for 2 years for an account for equipment fix and replacement starting next season. After much discussion among the board, all agreeing that the membership dues were too light, the following motion was raised. Kathy Johnson made a motion to increase member dues by $15 going to the club to the equipment maintenance and repair fund with $5 going to each team, which would total $20 more per team member each year starting the 2011-2012 season. George Peck seconded the motion. Ralph summarized by stating the new membership fee would be $50 and of that, $15 would go to the team, $15 would go to a new reserve account and $20 would go toward the running of the club. The motion was approved unanimously.
Ralph emphasized that the captains should go and explain and promote this motion so that it would pass at the general meeting and to get the players to attend so we have a quorum .
The captains requested that Ralph send an e-mail with all of the points he covered so they could relay that to their teams.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by George Peck and seconded by Carol Nordness. Motion carried.
Following the meeting team captains and co-captains met at each level 2.0 – 3.5 to determine if there were any changes to the order new players would be assigned to teams.
To maintain continuity and order in the VPTC it is recommended that for future years the existing President remain as a member of the executive board for the year following his/her term beginning the next fiscal year(April 16, 2011). The new position would be identified as Past President. The position is as an Advisor to the Executive Board and would have a vote to break any ties on board votes. The position responsibilities are as outlined in updated By-Laws
Past President:
1. Will act as an adviser to the Executive Board when requested.
2. Will attend all Executive Board meetings.
3. Will vote as a member of the Executive Board.
4. Will be available to take on special projects as requested by the Executive Board.
The constitution will need to be changed under administration as follows. The President of the previous year will remain a member of the Executive Board for the following year as Past President.
The meeting was then called to order by the President.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, Bev LaTrace, George Peck, Denny Yeaton (for Marlene Kangas), Don Foley, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Jack Kincaid, Maureen Wiebe, Dolores Anderson, Bonnie Kenny, Jill Zagar, Jim Gerhardt, Star Dillabaugh, Wally Dawson, Duane Dehne, Joy Doubleday, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, John Coombs, Diane Hudson, Linda Decker, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice – President Joe Morton, Treasurer Diane Hudson, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Betty Dawson arrived late.
Marlene Kangas, Polly Kays, Marilyn Catalano, Jerry Farr, Vince Seaman were absent.
Before addressing agenda items Judy DeWald announced that the Holiday Banquet will be held on Thursday, December 9 in the Ballroom. Tickets are $17.50 each. Cocktails are from 5:30 – 6:15, Dinner from 6:15 – 7:00, and the DJ from 7:00 -10:00. The event is being hosted by the 2.5W and 2.5B teams. Candy canes were given to all the captains to be handed out at team meetings with a reminder on them regarding the banquet.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the October 19, 2010 minutes. Jim Gerhardt seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue reminded captains that current information on captains and team rosters, and last year’s #1 player stats can be found at the EVSTL web site which can be accessed through a link at our VP web site. This information is very valuable when setting up your line ups against other parks.
The executive committee is hosting the Christmas collection for Sunshine Acres. Captains have an information sheet that is to be read at team meetings. All money must be turned in by December 10, 2010 to Sue Twyman at #1836.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson
We currently have a balance of $4390.69 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1368.68 in the Langdon account for a total of $5759.37. Diane thanked all of those who paid their dues. There are still 3 teams who have not as yet given her their money. As of 11/9/10 we have 198 paid playing members plus two paid social members.
Vice-President’s Report – Joe Morton
Ranking sheets: Ranking sheets should be sent to Joe and Ali Garcia by the end of each month even if there are no changes.
Breakfast in the Park: Kathy Johnson reported that 70 tickets have been sold for Saturday’s Breakfast in the Park. Plenty of volunteers will be making egg dishes for the event.
In-park Tournament: 180 members participated in our in park tournament. The first tourney went smoothly with lots of good tennis and great food. Our thanks to Ali and Norma for their hard work and the 2.0W team for hosting the event.
Pot Luck: Over 100 people attended the Saturday evening pot luck, hosted by the 4.0 team. Deena Burns, mistress of magic and cards was the MC. The food was delicious and plentiful. Door prizes were awarded with extra jewelry prize drawings for the ladies.
Upcoming tournaments: Coming up are two out of park invitationals:
Nov. 20 at Venture Out
Dec. 4 at Greenfield.
Encourage members to sign up.
Court Scheduling: There will be a second Boot Camp Mon, Tues, and Wed., Dec. 27 – 29. Teams who practice on Mon., Tues., or Wed., and wish to have practice while the boot camp is in session need to Contact Joe Morton so he can assign courts for your practice.
Home League Match Schedules: were given to all captains. If you see a scheduling problem please tell Joe.
Court Cleaning: The next two weeks are covered. 2.0B and 2.0R captains need to let Joe know when your teams plan to clean courts.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
EVSTL Meeting:
Age Update –A reminder – The EVSTL passed the rule that you must be 50 years of age to play in the EVSTL. Those who are younger than 50 and played in the East Valley before the rule went into effect are grandfathered in.
Foot Faults – The EVSTL has made foot faults a topic for local team captains to emphasize with their members. Players, please be aware this could become an issue at matches.
18 Point tie breakers (10 by 2) will now be used at all levels of play for the match tie break.
Deuce limit? Now up for discussion in the EVSTL is the question of no ad scoring, second deuce as game point or playing out all deuces. The overwhelming reaction from those in the General Meeting was that we should play out all deuces. Following a short discussion George Peck made a motion, with a second by Don Foley that the VP Board supports playing out all deuces, as we now do. For our fall back position the Board would support second deuce as game point. Motion passed. Ralph will bring this back to the next EVSTL meeting.
BY-laws: Ralph cited a number of EVSTL by-laws regarding USTA rules, Code of Conduct, borrowing players, playing up, moving up, and moving down. All that information can be found at the EVSTL web site under By-laws.
Self-Rater Overview: (44 – 47 in Captain’s handbook)
Ralph spent time going over Self-rating Rules and Move Down Criteria, Self Rating Criteria Guide for Players, and the Self Rating Q and A (all available at West and East Courts). Ralph wants captains to encourage team members who are considering self rating to see them for input to help them make the decision whether or not to self-rate. As the season progresses the USTA Guideline for Skill Levels (46 – 47 in Captain’s Handbook) should be discussed to further assist those members considering self-rating.
There were some questions and comments from the floor. One suggestion was to look at making changes to our self rating rules. The changes Greenfield made to their self rating rules were brought up. In order to self rate GV players must play at least 6 matches in the #1 and #2 positions and win 50% of those matches.
Ed DeWald commented that our self rating rules are a work in progress. Revisions were made last year to fill some holes, and there is no question we may have to revise them in the future. If enough captains raise the same questions then the self rating committee will address those concerns, changes will be brought back to the board and then be voted on at a General Meeting.
Ralph will have all the self rating stats for the next meeting.
Proposed practice and Round Robin Schedule: Two proposals were handed out to the captains. There are small changes including changes to round robins. One proposal has practices starting at 8:00 while the second proposal has practices starting at 12:30. Captains are to look them over and be ready to discuss the pros and cons of each proposal at our next board meeting. If there is interest Lee and a committee can work to make what ever changes the group wants. It could be one or two small items or more if the board agrees.
Pro Program- Al Colter:
Winning at Your Level/Video Program: There are not a lot of people signing up. If there is a problem let Al know. They have added the video concept this year. The cost ends up to be $15 a session. Please ask your team to support this program.
Court Movement and Balance: Al is proposing a “Movie Night” with USTA material to show court movement and balance. Al is working with Chris to get the video. All tennis members would be invited. Coffee, lemonade and popcorn would be provided. Al is looking at a Wednesday night. The captains approved the idea.
Team/level balance: Captains will be meeting after this and every meeting to update level sheets used for placing new players.Ralph is aware that the numbers on some of the teams are low. He asks that captains borrow from same level teams or the level below for the time being. If the teams are still low by the time we get to the holidays we’ll look into consolidating teams where absolutely necessary. Hopefully that won’t happen.
Volunteers: Please remember! We’re all volunteers here. Please understand that we are all doing the best we can. If someone is not happy then perhaps they need to step up to the plate!
Silver Ridge: Ralph will look into the rumor that the 3.0 Silver Ridge team has left the league.
A motion to adjourn was made by Diane Hudson and seconded by George Peck. Motion carried.
Following the meeting team captains and co-captains met at each level 2.0 – 3.5 to determine if there were any changes to the order new players would be assigned to teams.
President Ralph Sharp welcomed everyone back.
Karen Spencer – Barnes led us in a moment of silence for all the ill, injured and deceased members of View Point Tennis Club.
The meeting was then called to order by Ralph Sharp, president.
Vice-President Approval - Len Grant was unable to fulfill his duties due to health reasons and has resigned.
At the last Board meeting Ralph appointed Joe Morton to the position of VP pending approval at the November General meeting.
A motion was made by George Peck and seconded by Mike Murphy that we approve the appointment of Joe Morton as Vice- President. Motion passed.
President’s Opening Comments – We are the largest tennis club in the EVSTL with 430 paid members last year.
The next closest clubs in numbers are Venture Out with 265 members and Monte Vista with 231.
Volunteers are so important in making our club great.
Ralph had all past presidents, and current officers, committee members, captains and co-captains stand to be recognized.
He then encouraged those seated think about how they could help out in the future.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
George Peck moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last general meeting. Clive MacRaild seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Members were reminded that agenda items for General Meetings need to be in writing to Sue Twyman (1836) one week prior to the meetings.
The executive board will be organizing the Christmas Family this year with donations going to Sunshine Acres.
Captains will receive more information at the next board meeting.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson:
We currently have $3278.22 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1368.68 in the Langdon account for a total of $4646.90.
As of November 1, we have 68 paid members.
Please get dues money in ASAP. We will are low on funds and have a lot of start up expenses.
Greta Adams (2840) will be handling the cash box, tickets, etc. for in-park tournaments and invitationals.
Vice-President’s Report – Joe Morton
Joe thanked everyone and said that he’s looking forward to being vice-president this year.
Venture Out Fall Classic – Joe thanked Ralph for all of his work in keeping track of matches and up-dating daily schedules throughout the tournament.
We sent 16 teams to the VO Fall Classic. Six teams made the finals, Levels A – C. John Coombs and Gerald Yoder were C Champs at 3.5,
Lori Jones and Carol Chapin were C Champs at 2.0, and the other four teams were second place at their respective levels. Thanks to all who participated.
Practice times and team game schedule are on the web. Captains please keep you team members up to date.
Important dates:
Nov. 6, In-park tournament, 2.0 W Team will host. Ginger Yoder (1903) will be selling used tennis clothing.
Nov. 6, Pot Luck at North Point, 5:30 P.M., 4.0 Team to host
Nov. 13, Breakfast in the Park 9:00 A.M., 3.5R Team will host. Tickets are $5 and will available Monday and Tuesday from 9 – 11 and Wednesday from 11 – 1. You may be called to make an egg casserole.
.Mixed Holiday Tournament will be held M – W, Dec. 27 – 29. Matches will be played at SVE. Deadline for signing up is November 22. It is first come first served.
Court cleaning schedule is on the web and in captain’s handbooks. Each team has a week from which they choose the day they will clean courts.
Tournament Committee: Ali Garcia introduced the Saturday tournaments committee.
It is comprised of Ali, Norma Boa, and new comers Rhonda Shubert and Deb Schoeberl. Rhoda and Deb will be looking for two new members for next year.
If you have any suggestions that you think would make the Saturday tournaments better contact Ali.
A suggestion from the floor was to play with the people from the opposing park.
Signing up for courts – When you sign up for a court and put down the 4 names please put down one telephone number. There may be times when East Valley matches go well over their scheduled time and players will need to be notified.
Captains, if you do not need all the courts assigned to you or if you need additional court for league play contact Joe morton.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
EVSTL Meeting:
Age Update –A reminder – The EVSTL passed the rule that you must be 50 years of age to play in the EVSTL. Those who are younger than 50 and played in the East Valley before the rule went into effect are grandfathered in.
Foot Faults – The EVSTL has made foot faults a topic for local team captains to emphasize with their members. Please remember to not step over or make contact with the service line until your racket has made contact with the ball in your service motion.
18 Point tie breakers (10 by 2) will now be used at all levels of play for the match tie break.
Deuce limit? Now up for discussion in the EVSTL is the question of no ad scoring, second deuce as game point or playing out all deuces. The overwhelming reaction from those in attendance was that we should play out all deuces. Ralph will bring this back to the next EVSTL meeting.
Participation Fee–The participation fee for playing in in-park tournaments and invitationals was raised to $5.00 last year. If you pay the fee and then discover you are not playing you may get a refund or join us for lunch. Teams hosting in-park tournaments are expected to turn in all surplus money to the general treasury. Teams hosting invitationals should do all they can to feed two people for $5.00.
Self –rating: Self-rating puts a lot of pressure on self-raters, team mates and captains. Ralph is hoping that captains will be more involved in self-rating decisions this year. The self-rating request form can be found on our web site.
Defibrillators: A new defibrillator has been purchased to be shared between the West Courts, pickle ball and horseshoes. It has not been installed yet. The East Courts defibrillator has a new battery in it.
Dale Bowen reported on cardio-resuscitation techniques stating that mouth to mouth was not necessary that the most important thing was the chest compressions.
Dale said there are three steps:
1. call 911
2. push on chest 100 times per minute
3. get the defibrillator ready
Committee Reports:
Kitchen - Judy DeWald: Judy reported that both kitchens are up and running. She introduced her kitchen committee which consists of herself, Pat Bowen,
Marie McDougal, Ramona Rees, Star Dillabaugh, Gail Murphy, and Pat Young.
Black widows were found at both kitchens. The park has been notified and the kitchens will be sprayed. If you see any insects at all in the kitchens let Judy know.
New digital timers have been purchased and set for 7:00 A.M. Please do not try to reset them. All you have to do is plug them in.
DO NOT put tennis balls in trash cans. There are receptacles for them.
Teams, please empty trash on courts, wipe tables and rearrange chairs after each match.
Court Maintenance - Bobby Oakley:
The West Courts are finished. There are some hair line cracks at the baselines. There is nothing we can do about them at this time. In two years the West courts will be torn up and completely redone. One of the posts is pulling in a bit but doesn’t need attention at this time. Repairs cost to the West courts between $25, 000 and $30,000. It will cost $160,000 to redo them.
Nets between the courts are being repaired one at a time. Currently the net between 5 and 6 is down for repairs.
Screens over the bleachers are not up yet as Bobby has not had time to repair them. Poles need to be put together and riveted.
Clean up day: If we had more people on the clean up day other jobs could be done at that time. For example there is a new bench that needs to be put together.
We have new plastic chairs at the East courts. We have new rubber for the court squeegees.
When cleaning courts, water can be applied every three weeks.
There is a possibility of buying umbrellas with stands for the scorekeepers.
*Bobby and Judy have been asked to put together a list of those items that will need to be replaced in the next four years.
Scorekeepers - Marie McDougal
We are always in need of scorekeepers. Please encourage your team members to take the scorekeeping training and keep score.
Scorekeeping training is to be held on Wed., Nov. 10 at 5:00 P.M. on Court 1.
The sign up sheet is on the East courts. Current scorekeepers please check the scorekeeping list at the East courts and make any necessary changes.
Team apparel - Greta Adams:
Greta Adams (2840) will be taking orders for team shirts at Saturday’s in-park tournament. She will have samples available.
They come in Men’s and Ladies sizes and sell for $30 and $32, which includes having your name embroidered below the logo.
Team apparel - Patty Warnke
Patty Warnke (4718) is selling VP Tennis T shirts for $10 and sweatshirts for $25. She will be sending in an order soon. Sign up at the East courts.
Langdon Sports - Al Colter:
Pro contract: The contract with Chris Langdon expires at the end of October, each year.
At the October board meeting the captains voted to renew the contract with Langdon Sports for one more year.
The pro contract is important to us for a number of reasons. From all the lessons, clinics, racket stringing etc. that Chris provides the club receives 10%.
That money is then used for such things as training, fun days and the ASU women’s tennis demonstrations.
The Fall Boot Camp was held last recently with 40 members participating. It seemed to be a good time for those who participated.
A second Boot Camp will be held on December 27 – 29.
Winning at Your Level/Video Sessions –Al was not happy with last year’s Winning at Your Level.
This year the plan is to have members sign up for 6 lessons.
Included in that package is a video clinic where each participant is video taped and then has a conference with Chris.
90% of these lessons will be run only by Chris and Melissa.
Racquet stringing with 24 hour service continues this year. Chris’ # is 480-505-6233.
Judy Farr: Just a reminder that VP Tennis will be selling items at the Nov. 20 yard sale to benefit Sunshine Acres.
Items can be dropped off at Judy’s at 4701 or can be brought the morning of the sale.
Call ahead if you have large items. Judy could use 4 trucks to get the merchandise down to the ballroom parking lot.
Pay Your Dues!! A thought - people can be club members even if they are not playing.
Web site: If you have any problems with the web site contact Mark at 4515.
Mike Murphy suggested that we consider alternate means of generating income for the club such as a raffle. We will be discussing finances as the year goes on.
Motion to Adjourn was made by George Peck and seconded by Larry Warnke. Motion passed.
Ralph Sharp welcomed everyone and thanked them for volunteering.
The meeting was then called to order by the President.
Vice-presidential appointment: Len Grant has resigned his position. Ralph has appointed Joe Morton to the position of vice-president. Confirmation will take place at the General Meeting on Nov. 1. As VP, Joe takes care of all schedule changes.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, George Peck, Denny Yeaton (for Marlene Kangas)Don Foley, Polly Kays, Jack Kincaid, Maureen Wiebe, Dolores Anderson, Marilyn Catalano, Jill Zagar, Star Dillabaugh, Patty Warnke and Maureen Sharp (for 3.0 W), Duane Dehne, Jerry Colter (for Del Stitt), Sandy Kincaid , Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Diane Hudson, Jerry Farr, Linda Decker, Steve Johnson (for Nancy Nicola), Larry Beres, Vice –President appointee Joe Morton, Treasurer Diane Hudson, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Carol Chapin arrived late.
Bev LaTrace, Marlene Kangas, Jim Ryder, Dee Monk, Jim Gerhardt, Betty Dawson, Wally Dawson, Joy Doubleday, Del Stitt, John Coombs, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Vince Seaman were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the March 15, 2010 minutes. Duane Dehne seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue passed out handbooks to all captains and co-captains. She informed them that the VPTC web address and directory address are on the cover page of the handbook. She advised captains that much of the information in the handbook is also available at our web site, such as match play logs and score sheets. Match play logs, score sheets, and Sunshine forms (that go to Pat Bowen when completed) are also available in the file cabinet in the storage building at the East Courts.
USTA Rule Books were also passed out at this time.
EVSTL team rosters are available at the EVSTL web site. We have a link from our site to the EVSTL site. Some people are having difficulty copying large items from our web site. Ralph will speak to Mark to see what can be done.
Arrangements have been made for captains to make copies for team handbooks at the UPS Store at Main and Recker. There is no cost to the captains. Simply tell them you are from VP Tennis. Captains are responsible for their own copying.
Agenda items for General Meetings must be turned in to Sue Twyman by the Monday before the meeting. Captains are asked to help set up chairs for the November 1 General Meeting at 6:40 PM.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson @ #2220
We currently have a balance of $2030.42 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1368.68 in the Langdon account for a total of $3399.10
There will be a Treasurer’s meeting on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 9:30 at the East Courts for all team treasurers and captains. Procedures will be discussed and paperwork will be handed out. Captains are asked to make sure at least one person is there from their team.
Directory updates go to Diane and then they go to Mark Wittick and Larry Warnke, if necessary. Any changes in player information must be reported so that changes can be made. This includes level changes.
Please get dues money in NOW. We will be spending lots of money in the next few weeks on tennis balls and kitchen supplies. Dues are $30 for the year, with $20 going to the club and $10 staying with the team. Cash is best especially for the team treasury. If you have to write a check, please write 2 separate ones. Remember – No Pay No Play.
Ralph is concerned about money right now as our budget is based on the previous year’s membership and there seems to be a lot of members not returning or not playing. Kitchen and maintenance chairs are asked to spend conservatively until we have a better idea what our numbers will be.
Committee Reports:
Tennis Balls - Jack Kincaid: The deal at Big 5 for tennis balls fell through. Jack has purchased 20 boxes of tennis balls and will be getting all remaining tennis balls from Tennis Cabana. By buying in large quantities we can save with free shipping. He has slightly used balls for our first team practices and will be delivering a case of balls to each team at 8:30 AM on the day of their first home match. Captains are to contact Jack for practice balls. Remember, we are to use one can of balls for each league match, those balls are then to be used for a team practice and then they go in the receptacle and are used to repopulate the ball machines. Jack has already repopulated the ball machine on Court 6. Saturday tournament balls will go to round robin co-coordinators for round robin play.
Looking for something to do? Jack is in need of an assistant!
Court Maintenance - Bobby Oakley: The West courts and Court 2 have been repaired
and are now in use.
Bobby has gotten estimates for the nets between the courts. The cost is $1,100 for new nets and $560 to re-seam the existing nets. He is getting an estimate for the wind screens that are located at the south end of Courts 2,3,4,5 & 6. They are coming apart at the bottom.
A curbing project is under way by Court 6 that should keep dirt and debris off the court.
Bobby is hoping to get two new nets.
A question was raised regarding the possibility of buying chairs with awnings for score keepers. There was not a lot of reaction to the idea. Ralph said possibly Cherie could help with the cost.
Kitchen - Judy DeWald: The kitchens and patio areas are clean and ready to use. Judy did find some Black Widow Spiders while cleaning kitchens. Be careful! Captains received a Tournament & Social Kitchen Report form. Information on the form includes food purchased, workers etc. It is mandatory that the form be filled out by each team that hosts an event and turned in to Judy. The information is invaluable to teams hosting events in the future. After the meeting Judy was to hand out keys to captains and co-captains.
Langdon Sports - Al Colter
Pro contract: The contract with Chris Langdon expires at the end of October. Al Colter made a motion, with a second by George Peck that we renew the contract for one year using the existing contract as the model. Motion carried.
The Fall Boot Camp was held last week with 40 members participating. It was a success with lots of positive feedback. Pictures taken at the Boot Camp will be available at a web site where participants can go and link to the VP portion of the web site and download pictures.
In the works is a “Balance and Movement” clinic for the ladies using money from the Langdon account. It would be an evening session lasting 2 hours. Al is waiting to hear back from Chris as to what the cost would be.
A second Boot Camp will be held on December 27 – 29.
The information on the Pro Board has been updated with the different offerings and prices. Racquet stringing with 24 hour service continues this year.
Winning at Your Level –Al was not happy with last year’s Winning at Your Level. This year the plan is to have members sign up for 6 lessons at a cost of $90. Included in that package is a video clinic where each participant is video taped and then has a conference with Chris. These lessons will be run only by Chris and Melissa. Members wishing to attend on a week at a time basis may do so and pay $20 each time but will not be involved in the video taping.
Team apparel - Greta Adams:
Greta Adams (2840) is selling team shirts again this year. They come in Men’s and Ladies sizes and sell from $30 - $32 which includes having your name embroidered on it. Greta will be selling shirts at our Nov. 6 in – park tournament.
Team apparel - Patty Warnke
Patty Warnke (4718) is selling VP Tennis T shirts for $10 and sweatshirts for $25.
Scorekeepers - Lee McDougal
We are always in need of scorekeepers. Please encourage your team members to take the scorekeeping training and keep score. Scorekeeping training will be held on Wed., Nov. 10 at 5:00 P.M. on Court 1. If you can’t come and want to learn how to keep score, call Lee at 4518. Don’t worry that you need to score keep on your own as soon as you complete the training. A mentor will work with you until you are ready to solo. Current scorekeepers check the list at the East courts and make any necessary changes.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Order of Contact: Captains and Co-captains, if team members have questions please try to answer them. If you can not answer a question Ralph asks that the Captain or Co-captain then bring it to him.
Venture Out Fall Classic: We are sending 16 teams to the VO Fall Classic. Match times are posted on the VPTC web site. Ralph will put hard copies up at the East Courts.
Important dates:
Nov.1, General Meeting, 7:00 PM @ North Point. Please encourage team members to attend. We need 25% attendance to have a quorum.
Nov. 6, In-park tournament, 2.0 White Team will host. Monies over and above the cost of food MUST be turned in to the tennis club treasurer, Diane Hudson.
Nov.6, Pot Luck at North Point, 4.0+ Team to host
Nov. 9, Board Meeting in Gathering Room
Nov.13, Breakfast in the Park, 3.5Red Team to host. Tickets will be on sale on Nov. 8,9,10 at a cost of $5.
You may be called and asked to bring a casserole. Your $5 will be refunded if you do.
Practice times and team game schedules are on the web. Captains please keep your team members up to date.
Monthly Ranking Sheets – come from Joe Morton and need to be turned in to him at the end of each month, even if there are no changes from the month before. Joe will e-mail the captains and then they can send them back.
Age Ruling – Please remember you must be 50 years of age to play in the EVSTL. Those who are younger than 50 and have played in the East Valley are grandfathered in.
Foot Faults – An emphasis is being placed on foot faults this year. A foot fault occurs when you step on the back line before you make contact with the ball. You can speak to the server’s partner and have them say something to the offender or you can speak to your captain and have him/her take care of it.
Defibrillators–Cherie has purchased a defibrillator for the West courts tennis, horseshoe and pickleball area. It has not been installed yet. Also, we are assured that the battery pack at the East courts is in good condition.
Play your players at the right level!
Players ranked # 1 should ONLY be paired with # 1 or when necessary with #2 players.
Players ranked #2 should be paired with #2 players and occasionally with # 1 or #3
players. Players ranked #3 should be paired with #3 players or when necessary with #2 or #4 players. Players who are #4 should be paired with#4 or # 3 players. Captains are not to randomly pair or schedule all players to play with everyone on the team. This does not conform to the EVSTL scheduling guidelines or the Viewpoint scheduling guidelines.
Borrowing Players- First contact captains at your level then look at the level just below yours.
Borrowed players may not play in the #1 position (EVSTL Rule).
VP vs. VP – When View Point plays View Point the captains are to meet prior to the start of play to determine whether or not the stats for the matches will count for EVSTL. If both captains agree that the matches should not count, they will not count and stats will not be kept. If either captain wants the stats and matches to count, the matches will count. (approved 1/6/09)
New players self-rating themselves. If they ask for help have them come to a team practice or a Round Robin to help them decide where they should play.
Self-Rating The Self Rating deadline is February 18, 2011. The updated form will be on our web site soon. Captains please become familiar with the Self Rating Criteria Guide for Players on page 45 of the Handbook and share it with your team. Extreme pressure is placed on self raters, their team mates and the captains and co-captains. Captains, encourage members who are thinking about self rating to sit down with you to get your input, information on skill levels and their current stats.
New Practice Schedule- Lee McDougal has devised a new practice schedule that we will consider for the 2011 – 2012 season.
Photographers: Maureen Sharp has volunteered to co-ordinate photographers so we will have someone taking pictures at all of our events. Maureen Morton and Jacque Carey have volunteered to help out.
Signing up for courts – When you sign up for a court and put down the 4 names, please put down at least one telephone number. There may be times when East Valley matches go well over their scheduled time and players will need to be notified.
If you are signing out multiple courts you need one person for each court there, to sign out each court.
Bikes - Bicycles on the East courts should be parked in the bike racks next to Court 1.
Soda Machines - The suggestion of installing a soda machine on the East courts was made. Following a short discussion the idea was not met with much enthusiasm.
Court cleaning schedule – Please select the day of the week you plan to clean courts and notify Joe two weeks in advance. He will contact Tom.
Nov. 1 – Nov 7, Star, West
Nov. 8 – 14, 2.0W, East
Nov.15 – 21, 2.0B, West
Nov. 22 – 28, 2.0R, East
Lunch tickets – Players may have a refund if they pay for lunch and then find they are not scheduled to play in a Saturday tournament.
West Courts Parking- Please park in the parking lot and not by the laundry. There are limited spaces for the people wanting to do laundry.
Team inequities – Ralph is aware that the numbers at the 2.5 level are low at this time. He will look into the matter and see what is the best way to proceed.
Marilyn Catalano’s site number is 2311.
A motion to adjourn was made by George Peck and seconded by Steve Johnson. Motion carried.
Following the meeting team captains or their representatives met at each level 2.0 – 3.5 to determine the order new players would be assigned to teams.
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011
The meeting was called to order by President, Ralph Sharp. Ralph welcomed the 2011-2012 captains and co-captains and was happy to see a lot of new faces. He encouraged the new captains to get a copy of the Constitution and By-laws of the tennis club and EVSTL. They should become familiar with the information and be prepared to answer questions from their teams. He asked the new captains to listen to their teams and understand the desires of the players to be able to successfully match partners. He stated that everyone needs to feel like they are treated fairly, being listened to and have their questions answered.
Ralph turned the meeting over to Joe Morton. Joe told the captains that he is already receiving calls from member with questions and issues. He will refer issues back to the captains to resolve, but will provide guidance and get involved if needed.
Roll call was taken.
Those present were: Don Foley, Sue Twyman, George Peck, Lloyd Juhala, Harvey Wolfe, Ken Gamble, Vera Hull, Gil Shubert, Jim Gerhardt, Maureen Sharp, Bob Wright, Diane Wright, Ron Stewart, Kathy Johnson, Steve Johnson, Linda Decker, Carl Morton, Marie McDougal, new President Joe Morton, new Vice-President Del Stitt, new Secretary Jennifer Wittick, Treasurer Diane Hudson. Dale Bowen arrived late. Betty Dawson, Lyle Johnson, Ali Garcia, Gene Rees, Dolores Anderson, Marlene Kangas, Jacque Carey, Jerry Farr, John Coombs, Judy Tucker, Nancy Nicola and Ted Sondej were absent.
Diane Hudson reported that the year ended with 419 paid members. There is $5,841.93 in the bank account and $1,794.31 in the Langdon account. All bills need to be submitted and paid as soon as possible since the books will be going to audit.
Del Stitt is responsible for the social calendar and court scheduling. Any problems with court scheduling should be reported to Del.
Items discussed:
The MCI was handed out and captains checked for corrections.
2. Rosters – Joe has a preliminary version. Captains names will be input by Larry for a finalized version. However, it is always subject to change. Any corrections to the roster should be given to Diane or Joe.
3. Social Calendar – Copies were distributed. Some items may still be subject to change as we are awaiting confirmation of meeting rooms.
4. Officers and Committees – Copies were distributed. Corrections were submitted and an updated version will be posted to the website. . Further corrections should be submitted to Del. A coordinator is needed for the Men’s/Women’s SVE Tournament 2012.
5. Communication during the summer – Joe asked the new captains to remind team members to keep in contact during the summer and notify the captain of any changes. If any member will not return due to illness, moving, or other reason, please notify a board member.
6. Preparing your team handbook – Each captain will receive a handbook in the fall. Captains can use as much information as they wish to create team handbooks. An account will be established at UPS to charge copies and supplies. There will be more discussion at the first meeting in the fall to help new captains compile the information.
7. Kitchen keys – Judy DeWald was not present. Any remaining keys should be turned into Judy. She will distribute new keys in the fall.
8. Other
Monte Vista Tournament – Reminder that we are the rain make-up park. Players may have to give up their court time if courts are needed for the tournament.
Breakfast in the Park – Proposals for changes to the location and format were discussed. Vera Hull will follow-up on suggestions.
Spring Fling – A proposal was made to change the date of the Spring Fling Banquet, which conflicts with the SVE tournament matches. Several dates were discussed. Joe will check with the Viewpoint office to see if other dates are available for the Ballroom.
Recognition committee – Ron Stewart asked for captains to relate any funny anecdotes to him that would be used later in the year for recognition.
Court Clean-up – The last court clean-up date is March 20 at 3:30.
9. Next Board Meeting – Tuesday, October 18 – North Point Gathering Room
Motion to Adjourn: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by George Peck, and seconded by Steve Johnson. Motion carried.
President Ralph Sharp read a letter from Sunshine Acres given to him by Judy Farr thanking Judy and the VPTC for the $2266 donation from Casino Night.
The meeting was then called to order by President Ralph Sharp.
Ed Dewald reported that we did not have a quorum.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the January 10, 2011 minutes. Clive MacRaild seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson
We have 419 paid members. The balance in our Wells Fargo account is $5981.82, with an additional $1794.31 in the Langdon account, for a total of $7776.13.
Diane reported that with all the In-parks, invitational’s and the Christmas Banquet we saw a $1688 profit. Thanks to those who worked on any of those functions.
Diane thanked Greta Adams for all her hard work. Greta handled all the invitational’s dealing with tickets, cash box etc. Without Greta’s help we probably would not have Diane as treasurer.
If you need a check or have money for Diane please remember she will be away from View Point from March 11 – 18 and will be leaving for home on April 3.
Vice-President’s Report – Joe Morton
Social Calendar:
March 11, Spring Fling Banquet starts with cocktails at 5:00 with dinner at 5:45. Over 230 people will be attending. This year the 3.0B and 3.0G are hosting. Ann McLeod is the chairperson.
March 7 – 12, SVE Mens/Womens Doubles Tournament is under way. VP had 7 teams playing on this the first day. We had 5 wins, and 2 losses. Play continues all week with 8 more VP teams starting play on Tuesday. A special thanks for all those who came out to watch.
March 14 – 19 SSV Mixed Tournament. Teams, opponents and schedule are coming soon.
March 20 – 27, Monte Vista Team Event
2011 Venture Out Fall Classic – Ralph has applications for anyone interested. The deadline is March 15.
A big thank you goes to the tournament committee. Ali Garcia and Norma Boa did a great job this year, with helpers Deb Schoeberl, Rhonda Shubert, and Carol Chapin. There were 9 in-park and invitationals this year with over 200 participants at each event. Congratulations for your outstanding efforts and the excellent job this year.
Also recognized were coordinators of the larger out of park tournaments. They were: VO, Ralph Sharp; Christmas Tournament, Clive MacRaild; SVE, Carol Nordness; SSV, Len Grant; and MV Team, Ray Pelland.
Thanks to the people behind the scenes:
Thanks to our repair crew for their many hours. They included Bobby Oakley, Doug Wiebe and Tom Barton. Also to Tom Rucker who is responsible for preparing and posting the schedules each week.
Court Cleaning: There are two voluntary court cleaning days, Sunday, March 13, 3:30, West Courts and Sunday, March 20, 3:30, East Courts. The 20th will be a clean up and a put away session. Judy and her kitchen crew will be there cleaning the kitchens at that time. Volunteers are needed. Please help.
Committee Reports
Nominating Committee: Carol Nordness Carol thanked the members of the nominating committee. They were Carol, Linda Decker, Lorne McLeod, and Dale Bowen. The committee report was approved at the last board meeting and was posted at the East courts. The slate of officers included:
President – Joe Morton
Vice-President – Del Stitt
Treasurer - Diane Hudson
Secretary – Jennifer Wittick
Ralph asked for advisory vote since we did not have a quorum. He then appointed Jo, Del, Diane and Jenifer to the offices to which they were nominated. The new officers will not be official until a vote is taken at the November General meeting. Carol thanked the incoming officers and the current board for volunteering their time. She then recommended that we all volunteer in some capacity next year.
Pro contract: Al Colter Al reported that the pro plan for next year came out of meeting with Chris, Al and Ted Sondej. Al reminded us that a percentage of fees paid to Chris for lessons, racket stringing, and sales goes back to the club. That money is used to help us play better tennis and have fun! Al also wanted to recognize the 50+ people who volunteered throughout the year helping to coach teams from 1.5 and up.
We had another successful year working with Chris. Our two boot camps saw more than 70 people participating. The following are proposed activities planned for the 11 -12 season:
Boot camps: Oct. 20 – 22, Dec. 29 – 31, following the same format as last year.
Video Camp (new version of Winning at Your Level) starting the week of Nov. 7 for 6 weeks at a cost of $110. There will be an opening week self video and an ending video for comparison. If it works we’ll do it again during the season.
(New this year) are Captains and Co-captains Information Sessions to “Help your Team with the Basics”. It will give captains a chance to get useful materials and also give feedback. They will be held on Nov. 9, 5:00 PM and Jan. 4, 5:00 PM East Courts.
Individual and small group lessons – fees posted at the East courts
Racket stringing – Amount of stringing has doubled this year!
Special Event, Feb. 4 – Fun Day: Play with the Pro Day, Demo Days, with prizes and free luncheon. This event will be paid for from the Langdon account.
Training session to train trainers – as requested by the 1.5 personnel as Jerry and Bev are both stepping down after many years. Anyone can be trained and get involved.
After 6 years Al is stepping down. Ted Sondej will be the new liaison between VPTC and Chris Langdon. Ted looks forward to his new role and asks that anyone with questions or input please contact him.
The question was raised whether we could get the ASU girls back again. Al responded that they go to different clubs throughout the East Valley and clubs are lucky if they can get them every 4 – 5 years, but they’ll try.
Stats: Larry Warnke
78 people scored at least one match
50 scored five or more
20 scored ten or more
5 scored twenty or more
Top scorers were: Ed DeWald, 31 matches; Pat Gerhardt, 29 matches and George Peck, 25 matches.
VP played over 27,500 games and won 50.3%. We won 48. % of the sets and 48.8% of the matches.
Over all teams played 227 matches, won 90 and tied 25. It seems we must have lost a lot of tie breakers. Ralph thanked Larry for his many years of service.
Recognition: Ron Stewart Ron named the members of the recognition committee which consisted of himself, Pat Stewart, Jennifer Wittick and Ann McLeod. In recognition of the silver anniversary the eight founders of the VPTC will be honored on the Love Boat, at the Spring Fling Banquet. Of the original eight the first president, a founder and spouse, and the spouse of a founder and current spouse will be attending.
Because they were late in arriving at VP this year Ron and Pat are willing to stay on the recognition committee another year.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
EVSTL Meeting Report: The EVSTL meets 3 times a year.The next meeting of the EVSTL is later this month.
Three issues will be discussed.
#1. Move up criteria. They are looking into changing the number of matches in position one from 6 to 8 and requiring players to play at least 4 matches after the 1st of the year. A second proposal is to keep the matches at 6 but require at least 3 to be played after Jan. 1.
#2. Move down criteria. The EVSTL board is considering changing the move down games percentage from 35% to 40%.
#3. By-laws language. The proposal is to change the wording “be familiar with” USTA rules, Code of Conduct, East Valley By-laws and Constitution, to “you must follow” USTA rules, Code of Conduct, East Valley By-laws and Constitution.
VDO Courts: There has been some concern from other teams in the league about the courts at VDO in fact some teams are refusing to play there. The issue was brought to the league. East Valley rules state a park must have a minimum of 3 on-site playable tennis courts. It appears that the league’s position will be that VDO’s courts are playable courts and you should play your scheduled matches there. VDO will be doing a better job of maintenance of the courts.
West Courts: Cherie knows the condition of the West courts. She has promised that if the cracks come back like they were last year she will have maintenance done on them to get them through this next season when she feels they should be replaced. She’s on our side but she doesn’t write the checks. She wants to replace the asphalt with the stress concrete. One of the courts at the East courts will be repainted this summer and hairline cracks repaired.
Redraw process and time line: The redraw will be held on Monday, March 14 at 7:00 PM in the Gathering Room. Larry will conduct the redraw session with assistance from the executive committee. After the redraw current captains need to contact new team members and call a meeting so the new team can elect a new captain and co-captain for the 11-12 season. New captains and co-captains are to attend a new captain’s meeting on Friday, March 18, at 7:00 in the Gathering Room.
Those who submitted self rating applications and met the criteria will be placed at the appropriate level for the redraw. The executive board will be meeting after this meeting to review applications of those who did not meet the criteria. What ever the executive board decides, we’ll go with for the redraw. If there are any appeals they will have to be settled after the teams are drawn.
Ralph wanted to thank many people including his wife Maureen, the executive board, the captains and co-captains, coaches, the maintenance crew. It’s been a challenging and rewarding year and he thanked everyone for their support.
Bobby Oakley reported that two propane tanks are missing. The remaining tanks are chained up. If you wish to use one contact Bobby or Judy DeWald.
The meeting was then called to order by President Ralph Sharp.
Those present were: George Peck, Marlene Kangas, Don Foley, Polly Kays, Carol Chapin, Jack Kincaid, Maureen Wiebe,
Dolores Anderson, Bonnie Kenny, Jill Zagar, Jim Gerhardt, Star Dillabaugh, Betty Dawson, Duane Dehne, Del Stitt,
Sandy Kincaid, Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, John Coombs, Diane Hudson, Linda Decker,
Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice – President Joe Morton, Treasurer Diane Hudson and Secretary Sue Twyman.
Jim Ryder, Ray Pelland, Wally Dawson, Joy Doubleday, and Vince Seaman were absent.
Jerry Gowen, Bev LaTrace, and Jerry Farr arrived late.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the February 8, 2011 minutes.
Maureen Wiebe seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson
We have 419 paid members.
The balance in our Wells Fargo account is $5960.83, with an additional $1462.31 in the Langdon account,
for a total of $7423.14.
Any monies left in team treasuries must be turned into the club as there will be new teams in the fall.
Diane will be away from View Point from March 11 – 18 and will be leaving for home on April 3.
She thanked everyone for all they did this year.
Committee Reports
Kitchen: Judy DeWald Judy is collecting kitchen keys.
She will be collecting keys the night of the redraw so it is suggested that you arrive 5-10 minutes early.
You can also give them to her before then but you must turn the keys into her and not give them to next year’s captain.
Nominating Committee: Carol Nordness Carol submitted a nominating committee report explaining the process and the slate of officers.
They were:
President – Joe Morton
Vice-President – Del Stitt
Treasurer - Diane Hudson
Secretary – Jennifer Wittick
A motion was made by Nancy Nicola and seconded by Jim Gerhardt that we accept the slate of officers for the 2011 – 2012 tennis season.
Motion carried.
The slate of officers will be posted at the east courts and will be voted on at the General Meeting, on March 7, 2011.
Vice-President’s Report – Joe Morton
Social Calendar:
The EVSTL season ends this Friday.
Saturday, March 5, Spring Fling tournament
March 7 – 12, SVE Mens/Womens Doubles Tournament
March 11, Spring Fling Banquet
March 14 – 19 SSV Mixed Tournament
March 20 – 27, Monte Vista Team Event
Court Cleaning: Thanks to all who helped in cleaning courts this year.
There are two court cleaning dates scheduled that will require volunteers.
Sunday, March 13, 3:30, West Courts. Del Stitt will over see the clean up.
Sunday, March 20, 3:30, East Courts. Joe Morton will over see the work.
This will be a clean up and a put away session. Judy and her kitchen crew will be there cleaning the kitchen.
A big thank you to the 1.5’s who will be helping out on both days. Other volunteers are needed. Please help.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
EVSTL Meeting Report: The next meeting of the EVSTL is March 29, 2011.
One of three issues to be voted on is move up criteria.
They are looking at changing the number of matches in position one from 6 to 8 and requiring players to play at least 4 matches after the 1st of the year. The match percentage of 75%, and games percentage of 60% would stay the same. If the proposal passes it will go into effect next season.
Move down criteria is also being looked at.
The EVSTL board will be considering changing the move down games percentage from 35% to 40%.
The third issue involves By-laws language.
The proposal is to change the wording “be familiar with” USTA rules, Code of Conduct, East Valley By-laws and Constitution,
to “you must follow” USTA rules, Code of Conduct, East Valley By-laws and Constitution.
VDO Courts: There has been some concern from other teams in the league about the courts at VDO in fact some teams are refusing to play there.
The issue was brought to the league. East Valley rules state a park must have a minimum of 3 on-site playable tennis courts.
It appears that the league’s position will be that VDO’s courts are playable courts and you should play your scheduled matches there.
You may choose to not play but it would be considered a forfeit. Captains can possibly schedule VDO home matches at the opposing team’s courts.
VDO says maintenance has been improved and they have removed excess sand.
West Courts: Cherie has promised that if the cracks come back like they were last year she will have maintenance done on them to get them
through this next season when she feels they should be replaced. She’s on our side. She received a copy of the e-mail re VDO and she
does not plan to go that route. She wants to replace the asphalt with the stress concrete.
VO Fall Classic: The deadline to enter is March 15. Applications and money go directly to VO. Ralph and Clive are coordinators.
Ralph has applications.
Recognition Committee: A lot of people have voiced concerns about the planned changes. The feeling is we need to slow down a bit.
Ralph suggested we put on hold the “Builders” portion at this time until criteria can be created for the Builders,
but to go ahead and recognize the “Founders” as originally planned at the Spring Fling Banquet.
Next year the recognition committee could start working on criteria for Builders and indicate how folks met those criteria.
A motion was made by Larry Beres and seconded by Jerry Farr that the board approve the Founders and that they be recognized at the banquet.
Motion carried. Ruth Nelson will put together a sentence or two about each Founder.
Founders presently here at View Point will be invited guests at the banquet.
Committee Reports (cont.)
Pro contract: Al Colter Al reported that we had another successful year working with Chris.
With two boot camps and lessons more people were involved this year.
Al suggested that those who helped coach teams be recognized at the General Meeting.
He further reported that Ted Sondej will be the new liaison between VPTC and Chris Langdon.
Ted looks forward to his new role and asks that anyone with questions or concerns please contact him.
Al then presented the Pro contract draft for board approval.
Pro draft:
Boot camps: Oct. 20 – 22, Dec. 29 – 31.
Video Camp (new version of Winning at Your Level) starting the week of Nov. 7 for 6 weeks at a cost of $110.
There will be an opening week self video and an ending video for comparison.
Sign up sheets for the Oct. Boot Camp and Video Camp will be going up soon. Please sign up ASAP.
(New) Captains and Co-captains Information Sessions to help team members improve
Nov. 9, 5:00 PM East Courts
Jan. 4, 5:00 PM East Courts with free refreshments both nights!
Winning at Your Level (the 2nd 6 week block) Instruction will be determined during the early weeks of the season.
Times are set for these lessons and will be posted soon.
Individual and small group lessons
Racket stringing
Special Event, Feb. 4 Play with the Pro Day, Demo Days, with prizes and free luncheon.
This event will be paid for from the Langdon account.
Al asked for a motion to accept the proposed Pro plan. Don Foley made a motion with a second by Jerry Farr.
Motion passed. The proposal will now be presented at the March General Meeting and voted on at the November General Meeting.
It was suggested that captains inform their team members that a percentage of fees paid to Chris whether it is private, 3 and Me,
Winning at Your Level, or racket stringing goes back to the club for additional pro activities.
Redraw process and time line: The redraw will be held on Monday, March 14 at 7:00 PM in the Gathering Room.
Larry will conduct the redraw session with an unbiased monitor at each level.
Number of Teams per Level: Following a lengthy discussion a motion was made by Kathy Johnson and seconded by
John Coombs that the captains at each level make the decision for their level as to the number of teams to field next season.
Ralph then charged the captains with two tasks.
Decide on the number of teams for their level.
Look at the sheet Larry provided for each level showing the rankings of all players as assigned by team captains and discuss any possible changes.
After that task was completed the captains were to prioritize players from the very strongest to the weakest.
This information would be used for the redraw.
The meeting was then called to order by President Ralph Sharp.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, Bev LaTrace, George Peck, Marlene Kangas, Don Foley, Carol Chapin, Jack Kincaid, Maureen Wiebe,
Dolores Anderson, Bonnie Kenny, Jill Zagar, Star Dillabaugh, Betty Dawson, Del Stitt, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Diane Hudson,
Linda Decker, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Treasurer Diane Hudson, and Secretary Sue Twyman.
Polly Kays, Jim Ryder, Ray Pelland, Jim Gerhardt, Wally Dawson, Duane Dehne, Sandy Kincaid, Kathy Johnson, John Coombs, Jerry Farr,
Vince Seaman and Vice – President Joe Morton were absent. Joy Doubleday arrived late.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the January 4, 2011 minutes. Maureen Wiebe seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue announced that the self rating applications are available at the VPTC web site. Captains are to encourage team members to down load the application.
A limited number of applications will be available at the East Courts for those who do not have computers or printers.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson
We have 406 paid members. Captains please check the latest roster to check the status of team members. Have they not yet paid, didn’t return, non-playing member?
The balance in our Wells Fargo account is $6138.69, with an additional $1826.55 in the Langdon account, for a total of $87965.24.
Al Colter addressed video taping and the value for those who wish to improve.
Videos will be a part of next year’s group lessons with an individual video being taken at the start of the 6 weeks and at the end,
followed by a private meeting with Chris.
Forty people attended the movie night. It was noted that there are problems that need to be worked out.
There was $710 in additional expenses to cover editing, rental and technicians to make the whole project work.
The editing was much more expensive than was originally thought. In the future the cost should be built into the cost of lessons.
Also, the hope is that eventually the work will be done in house. Purchasing our own equipment is out of the question.
Al Colter made a motion that because of the unexpected cost of $710 to Chris Langdon that the board approve sharing this
one time expense and take $350 out of the Langdon Sports account to reimburse Chris Langdon.
The motion was seconded by Jack Kincaid. Following a discussion the motion was approved.
Vice-President’s Report – (Joe Morton) Ralph Sharp
Social Calendar: Ralph again thanked Ali and Norma and their crew for all the hard work and long hours they have put in to make our
Saturday Invitational and In-park tournaments such a success. We appreciate their efforts!
Past Invitationals: Jan. 15, the Monte Vista invitational was hosted by the 2.0 Red. On January 29 the 3.5 White hosted Venture Out/Trilogy.
With our participation levels as high as they were these past two invitationals we had a number of VP teams that did not get to play.
The tournament committee makes a list and at the next invitational if those people sign up they are given priority.
If they do not sign up they are taken off the priority list.
Upcoming invitationals: Feb. 12 In-park Valentine’s Tournament, hosted by 3.0 White.
Feb. 19 is an invitational here with Greenfield hosted by 2.0 Blue.
Farnsworth tournaments: Teams are on the club web site. The men’s and women’s doubles have been determined.
Not all of the mixed doubles teams have played off yet.
Monte Vista Team Event: We have a 2.0, 2.5 and a 4.0 team. We can still place a 1.5, 3.0 and a 3.5 team.
2011 – 2012 Social Calendar Draft: Drafts were handed out to all captains to check for corrections.
The 1.5 team felt they could handle the Farnsworth Mixed Doubles Play-offs on their own.
The dates for the three end of the season tournaments need to be added. Other than that everyone thought the calendar looked good.
Court Cleaning: Thank you again to the captains. The court cleaning process of the captains contacting Joe and then Joe contacting
Tom Rucker has been working very well.
Summary of Court Schedule Survey Results: Summary sheets were distributed. 130 club members responded. T
he vast majority of those who responded were satisfied with the existing court schedule and wished to keep the 90 minute blocks of time we currently have.
Important captains!! Check the schedules often and free up any unneeded courts for open play.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
EVSTL Meeting Report: At the last EVSTL meeting ‘no ad’ scoring was voted down 17-1. Also voted down, 17-1 was a proposal that stated any time a match
involved a borrowed player the match would not count.
The league is looking into the possibility of changing EVSTL move up criteria. The EVSTL board feels people are being moved up too fast which ends up weakening
the player’s new team and old one as well. There is to be an EVSTL executive meeting next week to discuss this issue.
One possibility is to change the number of matches from 6 to 8 and require players to play 4 matches after the 1st of the year.
If the EVSTL executive board feels a change is necessary there will be a special EVSTL board meeting to discuss and vote on the issue.
Ralph asked for an advisory vote. If the possible changes, just stated, are brought to the EVSTL board the VP board was opposed.
Remember you may not borrow a #1 player to play at their level but they may play up!
West Courts: We have court a committee consisting of Clive MacRaild, Al Colter, Dale Bowen, Jerry Gowen, and Bobby Oakley.
The west courts were repaired this summer and are continuing to crack. This is due to the fact that the base is asphalt and not concrete.
Cherie knows about the cracks but does not feel they are a tripping issue at this time.
Corporate wants to get 2 years out of the courts and will have cracks patched as needed. After the 2 years the plan is to pour stress concrete.
Cherie does not want a Band-Aid approach. She also supports the continued plan of refinishing 1 or 2 of our East courts each year.
Self Rating Deadline: The window in which players may self rate is Feb. 21 – Feb. 28 (midnight). Self raters who haven’t made their stats don’t need to apply.
Larry will automatically put them in the redraw at the same level.*
*Correction: An e-mail was sent to all captains after the meeting which states that regular players who have not played in at least four matches
and self raters who have not yet played enough qualifying matches to become regular members must self rate at their current level or they will
be moved down (page 44 of Captain’s handbook).
Redraw: The redraw will be held on Monday, March 14 at 7:00 PM in the Gathering Room.
In addition to ranking players 1, 2, 3, and 4 it has been suggested that captains also designate a, b, or c. i.e. a top level player would be
1a, a very weak player would be 4c. It is hoped that this will allow the teams to be more balanced.
Current captains need to contact new members of the team of which they are currently the captain
(i.e. the3.0 Blue captain will contact all the new 3.0 Blue team members) and set up a meeting so the new team can elect
a captain and co-captain for the 2011 – 2012 season. This needs to be done between Tues, March 15 and Fri. March 18,
as the new captain’s meeting will be held Friday, March 18, at 7:00 PM in the Gathering Room.
Recognition Committee: Ron and Pat Stewart are co chairs for the Recognition Committee. They are following up on the proposal the board approved last year.
There will no longer be gift certificates presented at the Spring Fling.
Recognition will be on a much wider scope including 3 major areas of recognition: Founders – organizers; Builders – those instrumental in keeping the club going.
After this first year new builders would be nominated and added if approved; and Executive – acknowledging the Executive committee each year.
Builders would be nominated annually and must be an active member.
Some sort of trophy cases will be added to the East courts to house the plaques.
Some bulletin boards will have to be moved. Monies normally spent on recognition gift certificates would be put toward the plaques and cases.
It’s a great time to do this as it is the 25th anniversary of the View Point Tennis Club!
An advisory vote was taken. The proposal was approved.
From the Floor:
Some team captains are asking for 5 and 6 lines with the intent of filling one or two of those lines with lower level players.
You can ask an opposing captain to alter the usual lines 1, 2, 3, and 4 and for example play two line 1 teams or zero line 1 teams.
Different configurations are permissible if both captains agree.
A motion to adjourn was made by George Peck and seconded by Ed DeWald. Motion carried.
Following the meeting team captains and co-captains met at each level 2.0 – 3.5 to determine if there were any changes to the order new players would be assigned to teams.
President Ralph Sharp welcomed everyone.
There was a moment of silence for Lue Milne who passed away this past week.
There is still time for teams at the 1.5, 3.0, and 3.5 levels to enter the Monte Vista Team tournament.
Interested parties should contact Ray Pelland at 4716.
Captains are to pick up Spring Fling packets at the end of the meeting.
A black warm-up jacket was lost at last Saturday’s invitational. If found please contact Ginger Yoder.
George Peck acknowledged that there was a quorum.
The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss and vote on the proposed changes to the Self Rating Rules.
Keith Swanson, a member of the self rating committee which also included Al Colter, Del Stitt, Nancy Nicola,
and Ed DeWald gave an over view of how self rating came about and why the committee was introducing the proposed changes.
In the original self rating document ‘players should only move to the next level if they dominate play at their present level’.
The goal of the committee was to define dominate and make it objective rather than subjective.
Keith then presented the changes to both the self rating rules and the self rating application as a motion.
George Peck seconded the motion. Questions were entertained from the floor.
Immediately there was a motion from Ray Vikander with a second by Dan Houle that the proposed changes go into effect November 1, 2011.
Following a short discussion where the concerns for mass exodus this year if we were to move the effective date of the new rules a vote was taken.
An almost unanimous no vote was cast. The motion was defeated.
Following comments and questions from the floor a vote was taken. The proposed changes passed overwhelmingly.
The changes will go into effect immediately. Those wishing to self rate and have met the criteria must do so between Feb. 21 and Feb. 28.
President Ralph Sharp called the meeting to order.
Roll call was taken.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, George Peck, Marlene Kangas, Don Foley, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Maureen Wiebe, Dolores Anderson, Bonnie Kenny,
Jill Zagar, Jim Gerhardt, Star Dillabaugh, Betty Dawson, Duane Dehne, Del Stitt, Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, John Coombs,
Diane Hudson, Jerry Farr, Linda Decker, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice – President Joe Morton, Treasurer Diane Hudson, and Secretary Sue Twyman.
Bev LaTrace, Polly Kays, Jack Kincaid, Wally Dawson, Joy Doubleday, Sandy Kincaid and Vince Seaman were absent.
The purpose of the special meeting was to review, discuss and vote on the proposed changes to the Self Rating Rules.
Ed DeWald, member of the self rating committee, presented the changes in a motion.
Maureen Wiebe seconded the motion. Questions were entertained from the floor.
The vote was 17 Yes, 1 No. Motion carried.
A Special General Meeting will be held on Monday, January 31, 2011 at 7:00 PM in the Multi purpose rooms at North Point at which time the general membership
will have an opportunity to discuss the proposal and then vote.
Should the motion carry the changes will immediately go into effect.
President Ralph Sharp welcomed all, especially Marilyn and Darwin Matheson and new members to our club. He thanked everyone for being here in light of the changes
for the start time of the meeting.
Parliamentarian Ed DeWald informed Ralph that we had a quorum. The meeting was then called to order by the President.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the November 1, 2010 minutes. Maureen Morton seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue reported that she and Joe Morton took checks in the amount of $2,800 to Sunshine Acres.
That included $1,200 from the yard sale and $1,600 in donations from club members.
Thanks to all who worked at the yard sale and to those who made cash donations.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson
We currently have a balance of $6197.86 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1483.25 in the Langdon account for a total of $7676.11.
We have over 360 paid members to date. Star numbers are down to 45 from 66 last year and 1.5 have only 16 members thus far compared to 45 this time last year.
Vice-President’s Report – Joe Morton
Invitationals: TheSaturday, January 8, invitational with Leisure World and Carriage Manor saw over 360 participants with approximately 90 teams.
The 3.5 Orange team provided the food. Many thanks on a great day.
On January 15 we will be hosting an invitational with Monte Vista. We had 101 teams from VP sign up. Only 66 teams from Monte Vista entered
which means many of our players will be sitting out. Unfortunately we experience this because our tennis membership is so much larger than other parks.
Spring Fling: Ann McLeod announced that the 3.0 G and B teams will be hosting the Spring Fling. The theme this year is “Caribbean Cruise”.
Tickets will not be sold at the East Courts patio. Ticket packets will be distributed to the social committee person on each team who will take
care of ticket sales and will report back to a member of the host clubs.
Prime Time Scheduling:
For the months of January, February and the first week of March if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 a.m. – 2 p.m., Monday – Sunday,
you cannot play again that day in primetime. You can sign up for court time for two times in the future but cannot book any more games until one of those games
are played because you can only have two bookings on paper at one time in primetime.
Please remember to put your site number.
Post Season Tournaments:
SVE Men’s / Women’s: Carol Nordness, chair, #5327, Linda Decker, co-chair, #2045
Sign ups went up on Jan. 3 and came down on Jan. 10.
There is an informational meeting on Friday, Jan. 14, at 5:00 PM at the East Courts when sudden death play off picks will be drawn
and tournament information will be provided. It is important that at least one member from each team attend.
Jan. 17 – 20 Sudden Death Play offs. Note: If a team can not play when scheduled it is up to that team to arrange a time with the opposing team
and the match must be completed by Jan. 20
Jan. 21 – 23 In-park play offs, hosted by the Star Team.
March 7 -12 SVE Tournament
SSV Mixed Doubles: Len Grant, chair. The sign up sheet went up today, Jan.10 and comes down on Jan. 17.
Informational meeting will be on Jan. 28, at 4:00 PM. At least one person from each team must attend.
Jan.31 – Feb.3 Sudden Death Play offs
Feb. 4 – 6 In-park play offs
March 14 – 19 SSV Mixed Tournament
MV Team Tournament: Joe reported for Ray Pelland, chair. Teams of 4 men and 4 women from levels 1.5 – 4.0 may participate.
You must have played in 3 league matches and may play at your level or one level above. Sign up sheets will be posted from Jan. 17 – 24.
Feb. 25 – 27 In-park play offs
Sun. March 20 – Sunday, March 27 MV Team tournament
Court Cleaning: Thanks to all who have cleaned the courts.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Stars and Saturday Tournaments: There was a question regarding Star players being allowed to play in Saturday Invitationals.
They are currently allowed to play in in-park events only.
A motion was made at the Board meeting that would allow all dues paying members to play in all Saturday Invitationals and in-park tournaments.
Motion carried.
Equipment, Maintenance and Replacement Account: There is a real concern as this year’s budget was based on last year’s membership of 430 members.
We currently have about 360 members. Along with that is the fact that we do not have surplus funds for repair and replacement of our tennis club owned equipment.
We usually carry about $3,500 in reserve to start the next season to start up the kitchen, buy tennis balls, etc.
The proposal of increasing dues, $20.00 with $15.00 to go into a separate account (EMR) and $5.00 going to team treasuries was approved at the last Board meeting.
Ralph reported that he spoke with 11 past presidents and that they all were supportive of the concept.
A motion was made by Kathy Johnson and seconded by Eiler Eis that we increase our dues $20, from $30 to $50 a year with $20 going to the club treasury,
$15 to the teams, $15 going into a special Equipment, maintenance. Replacement fund (EMR). Motion carried.
Note: Bobby Oakley met with Cherie and she will pay for the replacement of the sunscreen frames on courts 3 and 5.
Committee Reports:
Nominating Committee: Carol Nordness, chair announced this year’s committee which includes Carol, Dale Bowen, Lorne McLeod, and Linda Decker.
Any one who is interested in holding an office or knows someone who would please get in touch with one of the committee members.
Carol assured that help is there to make the jobs easier, i.e. Jill Zagar does the bulletin boards for the secretary, Ginger Yoder takes care of monies, tickets etc.
for tennis events, and a number of members have stepped up and are helping with the end of the season tournaments.
Recommendations will be finalized and will be posted on the East Courts on March 1. The slate of officers will be voted on at the March 7, General Meeting.
Past-President proposal: The proposal to include the past-president in the executive committee was presented.
This addition would help to maintain continuity on the executive board. The motion was made by Carol Nordness and seconded by Larry Warnke.
Motion carried.
Pro Plan: Al Colter reports we have had a very active year with many events and no complaints. Our Fall Boot Camp had over 40 participants.
Another Boot Camp was held over the Christmas break with over 30 participants. Each time players worked with the same pro for all three days.
We have lessons every night of the week for all levels. It is $15 for 90 minutes with a pro working at your level. Numbers are down.
Why not give it a try you might like it!
Movie Night: Movie night is being postponed until Wednesday, January 26 at 6:30 at the East Courts.
Materials from other pros and from our Boot Camps will be shown and discussed. Popcorn, lemonade and coffee will be provided.
Self Rating Committee: Ed DeWald spoke for the committee which consists of himself, Keith Swanson Del Stitt, Al Colter, and Nancy Nicola.
In December the Board asked the Self Rating Committee to reconvene to review our self rating rules, to see if the committee thought additional
criteria should be added and to look at self rating rules in place at other EVSTL parks.
After two meetings the committee made the following recommendations to the Board at the last Board Meeting, with unanimous positive response
from the captains and co-captains to the recommendation. The committee’s recommendations were:
1. Revise the date of application for self rating from Feb. 18, to Feb. 21 as the earliest date and Feb .28 as the latest date.
2. Require self raters to play a minimum of 6 matches at the 1 and 2 position.
3. Must win more than 50% matches and games in lines 1 or 2. There would not be a freeze after the 6 matches
4.The self rater must have the team captain’s signature on the request form. The team captain will provide statistics ‘season to date of the application’ for the self rater showing that the self rater has reached the criteria in #2 and #3.
The committee will be meeting again on 1/11/11 and will finalize their recommendation.
A Special Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 18 at 3:00 in the Gathering Room at which time the recommendation will be discussed and voted on. If the Board approves the new self rating rules a Special General Meeting will be held on Monday, January 31 for membership approval. If approved by the general membership the new self rating rules would go into effect immediately following the meeting.
Could stats for playing up be included? Larry said with the current software it is not possible to record those stats.
Position 1 and 2 stats would be considered for the entire season, whether it is Nov – Feb. or Jan. – Feb.
Many teams are currently weakened because people move up too fast.
Players should be dominating: 6-1, 6-2
A motion to adjourn was made by George Peck and seconded by Carol Nordness. Motion carried.
The meeting was then called to order by the President.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, Bev LaTrace, George Peck, Marlene Kangas, Polly Kays, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Jack Kincaid, Maureen Wiebe, Dolores Anderson, Bonnie Kenny, Jill Zagar, Jim Gerhardt, Star Dillabaugh, Betty Dawson, Joy Doubleday, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, John Coombs, Diane Hudson, Linda Decker, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice – President Joe Morton, Treasurer Diane Hudson, and Secretary Sue Twyman.
Don Foley, Wally Dawson, Duane Dehne, Ruth Nelson, Jerry Farr, Vince Seaman were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the December 7, 2010 minutes. Nancy Nicola seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue reported that she and Joe Morton took checks in the amount of $2,800 to Sunshine Acres. That included $1,200 from the yard sale and $1,600 in donations from club members. Thanks to all who worked at the yard sale and to those who made cash donations.
Co-captains are asked to help set up chairs for the General meeting on Monday, January 10 at 6:40 PM. Following a discussion it was agreed that we would start our meeting at 5:00 as there is an important football game on the same night as our meeting. A majority agreed. (When we tried to book the additional time it was discovered that another group is using the room so our meeting is back to 7:00pm.)
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson
We currently have a balance of $6030.48 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1483.25 in the Langdon account, and $488.50 in petty cash for a total of $8002.23. As of today we have 330 paid members. Captains do not allow new and returning players to play until they have paid their dues.
Vice-President’s Report – Joe Morton
Joe remarked that today was the 4th anniversary of Don Morris’ death, for those who knew Don.
Social Calendar: The Christmas banquet was a huge success. Over 160 people were in attendance. There was enough food for everyone and also a lot of positive feedback. Our thanks to the 2.5 Blue and White teams for a great job.
Sue reported on the SVE Holiday Tournament. Eleven teams from VP participated in the holiday tournament. After the first day 8 were in the championship group with 3 in the consolation group.
After Tuesday we had 5 teams in the championship and 1 in the consolation.
Final results were:
4.0 CH 1st place: Dave McKay and Ruth Finch
5.0 CH 1st place: Bob Finch and Loretta Jones
6.0 CH 2nd place: Tom Barton and Deb Schoeberl
7.0 CH 2nd place: Gary Schoeberl and Linda Decker
7.5 CH 1st place: Bob and Jan Allen
7.0 Con 1st place: Ed DeWald and Sue Twyman
Congratulations to all the VP teams. It was a great three days with a lot of competitive tennis.
Invitationals: Saturday, January 8, we will be hosting Leisure World and Carriage Manor. The 3.5 Orange team will be providing the food. On January 15 we will be hosting an invitational with Monte Vista.
Players who do not pay their participation fee on M, T, or W are required to pay an additional $1.00.
Court Cleaning: Thank you captains. The e-mails between Joe and the captains to set up court cleaning times is working. Joe will continue to e-mail captains in advance so court cleaning can continue as scheduled.
Prime Time Scheduling:
For the months of January, February and March if you practice or play in the primetime hours of 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday – Sunday, you cannot play again that day in primetime. You can sign up for court time for two times in the future but cannot book any more games until one of those games are played because you can only have two bookings on paper at one time in primetime.
Post Season schedule: Please check the web site for dates for signing up for post season play for the SVE doubles, SSV mixed doubles and the MV 8 person team event. Dates for sign up, play offs and tournament play are listed.
* Note: If a player makes EVSTL stats and does not move up until November they can play in the post season at their current level.
Court Scheduling: Joe and Lee McDougall are creating a short survey for members to fill out. This will give them a better idea if changes to the current schedule are necessary. Surveys will be out in about a week (via e-mail) and should be turned in by the end of January.
Ted Sondej stated that practice walls might free up some court time.
Ranking sheets: The dead line to turn in ranking sheets was extended to this Tuesday evening.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Equipment, Maintenance and Replacement Account: The issue of increasing dues, $20.00 with $15.00 to go into a separate account (EMR) and $5.00 going to team treasuries was revisited. Ralph reported that he spoke with 11 past presidents and that they all thought increasing the dues was a good idea. Captains reported positive response to the plan. There was a concern about setting a precedent. Another concern was the legality of having funds held over from one year to the next. We will bring the issue to the membership at the General Meeting.
Stars and Saturday Tournaments: There was a question regarding Star players being allowed to play in Saturday Invitationals. They are currently allowed to play in in-park events only. A motion was made by Larry Beres and seconded by George Peck that would allow all dues paying members to play in all Saturday Invitationals and in-park tournaments. Motion carried.
Red Mountain High School Tennis Courts: Ralph contacted Red Mountain HS and was told that the courts are available on the weekends. There is a web site where you click on facility use and can see if a group has signed them out. Ralph has the web site if you are interested. A few people said they have usually found them locked on weekends.
Past-President proposal: The proposal to include the past-president in the executive committee will be voted on at the General Meeting. Since it would change our by-laws it will require a 2/3 vote of those present. 83 members are required to be in attendance.
Self Rating Committee: Ed DeWald spoke for the committee which consists of himself, Keith Swanson Del Stitt, Al Colter, and Nancy Nicola. The committee was formed to look at our self rating rules because of a concern for the number of people self rating and not making their stats. The committee felt that the self rating policy for new players is working. New players currently are invited to a practice or a round robin and are placed on a team by the president. If players are at too low a level the EVSTL is taking care of that by requiring them to move up. Currently we keep people at their playing level until the next year.
The committee’s recommendations are:
Existing players would have the right to self rate to the next level if they are dominating at their current level. That would require players to win over 50% of their matches and games after at least 5 matches in lines 1 or 2.
The written self rating request must be signed by the team captain.
The team captain will provide statistics ‘season to date of the application’ for the self rater.
A Special Board Meeting would be held on Tuesday, January 18 to view the new language. If the Board approves the new self rating rules the committee is recommending that a Special General Meeting would be held in early February for this purpose.
If approved by the general membership the new self rating rules would go into effect immediately following the meeting and the window for application for self rating would be from Feb.21 – Feb. 28.
A motion was made by George Peck and seconded by Nancy Nicola that we accept the committee’s recommendation. Motion carried.
EVSTL: Nancy Nicola stated that all the changes to our schedule can be found at the EVSTL web site which is easily accessed through a link at our VP Tennis web site.
A motion to adjourn was made by George Peck and seconded by Nancy Nicola. Motion carried.
Following the meeting team captains and co-captains met at each level 2.0 – 3.5 to determine if there were any changes to the order new players would be assigned to teams.
The meeting was then called to order by the President.
Those present were: Bev LaTrace, George Peck, Marlene Kangas, Don Foley, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Jack Kincaid, Roger Vigland (for Dolores Anderson), Bonnie Kenny, Marilyn Catalano, Jim Gerhardt, Star Dillabaugh, Betty Dawson, Duane Dehne, Joy Doubleday, Sandy Kincaid, Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, John Coombs, Diane Hudson, Linda Decker, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice-President Joe Morton, Treasurer Diane Hudson and Carol Nordness (for Secretary Sue Twyman).
Jerry Gowen, Polly Kays, Maureen Wiebe, Jill Zagar, Wally Dawson, Del Stitt, Jerry Farr and Vince Seaman were absent.
Secretary’s Report – Carol Nordness (for Sue Twyman)
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of November 9, 2010. Don Foley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Carol Nordness, as head of the Nomination Committee, wanted to inform the board that she planned on proposing a motion at the General Meeting to have a 5th person on the Executive Board, the Past President. The Motion Draft is attached. Ed DeWald suggested that a 5th point be added for the duties in the motion. He would like it to state that the Past President attend the EVSTL board meetings as requested by the Executive Board. Nancy Nicola agreed and thought it was a good idea to have more members attend the EVSTL meetings. The board unanimously approved taking the proposal to the General Meeting.
Pro Program – Al Colter
Al said there was a brochure up for the Movie Night scheduled for Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 5 PM at the East Courts. There is a sign up sheet which is needed for popcorn and drink numbers. The film will be from the Boot Camps and Winning at your level. Chris will present this and helpful tips.
Treasurer’s Report – Diane Hudson
We currently have a balance $7,057.81 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1,483.25 in the Langdon account for a total of $8541.06. We currently have a total of 317 paid members. Diane thanked everyone for turning in the money for team member dues and for the donations for Sunshine Acres.
Vice – Presidents Report – Joe Morton
Joe reminded everyone of the following upcoming social events:
December 9 – Christmas Banquet, 160 tickets were sold
December 11 – VDO Invitational (He reminded everyone to get the team rankings in to him for Ali)
December 27-29 – Holiday Tournament at Sunland Village East (we have 11 teams participating)
December 30 – January 1 – Boot Camp (there is room for more players)
Joe complimented the captains on the court cleaning when he requested help. He’ll get to the captains in the future in time for them to plan with their teams.
Joe reviewed all the court scheduling rules starting in January for prime time hours. The rules are in the captain’s handbook and should be reinforced to the players before January 1st. Use of out of park courts was discussed and Ralph said he would contact Red Mountain High School to see if we could use the courts on the weekend.
Norma Boa has the tournament balls at her site, 1748, and round robin co-coordinators should pick them up as there are quite a few.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Self Rating items were reviewed.
Move up criteria – EVSTL rule, players in the #1 position with 6 matches, win 75% of matches and 60 % of games, their stats are frozen and the league requires them to move up before the start of the next season or anytime before that if the club permits them to move up. In our club, they are then a regular member of the team and not a self rater.
Move down criteria – EVSTL criteria is different than ours. Their criteria is a player has to play 6 matches in position 3, 4 and 5 and win 35% of their games. Our criteria is the player must play at least 4 or more matches in position 3,4 or 5 and win 40% of their games. If they haven’t played 4 matches they have to self rate next year again.
The rules also state that they may not move a member down unless there are health issues, disability due to aging process or the clubs move down process for self rating.
Al Colter would like to set up a committee to review our self rating criteria to discuss further restrictions and has requested the former self rating team and a few other volunteers to get together and report back to the board. Contact Ed DeWald with concerns and questions.
Ralph reviewed all of the past self rating numbers of how many self raters there were and how many made the new level, ect. per Jim Gerhardt’s request.
In regards to the low numbers for the 3.0 teams, no 3.5 ladies wanted to come down voluntarily so the 3.0 teams were reorganized with 3 members moved. Now the same is being done with the 2.5 teams. The 3.0 men self raters were asked if they would move down with no penalty and the deadline for that is 9 PM tonight. If no one does the 2.5 teams will decide what to do.
West court defibrillator is in place on the side of the shed by Court 10.
Judy Farr and other members of the tennis club had a yard sale for Sunshine Acres and raised $1,200.00.
For the Holidays the Executive Board member will be gone as follows:
Ralph Sharp – gone December 18 -26
Joe Morton – gone December 20-22
Diane Hudson - gone December 13-30
Sue Twyman should be here all through the holidays
Judy DeWald would like to have a Christmas Day pot luck Breakfast and tennis morning on Christmas Day. It would be at the East courts until 12:30 for tennis members that don’t have family here. An e-mail will be sent and the captains can relay it to the members.
Lee McDougal will head a committee that looks at the court scheduling for practice, round robins and the Stars. The 3.5 captains will see if the women would play in a round robin if the day and/or time would be changed. Any comments or suggestions should be given to Lee.
Ralph addressed concerns about the budget. Last year we had 437 members and our budget for this year was based on that number. We now have 317 members so we are short and may not make the amount we were counting on. He has received a number of calls on equipment we may need in the future which we do not have money for. We spend about $3,000 before the season starts on balls, kitchen items and supplies, etc. We have no extra if we need, for example a ball machine or anything that breaks down or needs to be fixed. Ralph talked to Sherry about what we versus them are responsible for. In the past, the park provided a lot of things we needed but in the future she feels they are responsible for the courts, the fences, the buildings, and the nets. We would be responsible for all other items like coffee pots, ball machines, ball picker uppers, propane tanks and all the rest that just the tennis club uses including the refrigerators, microwaves, etc. So we need a fund for things that may come up in the future. Ralph proposed that we charge each member an additional $10 for 2 years for an account for equipment fix and replacement starting next season. After much discussion among the board, all agreeing that the membership dues were too light, the following motion was raised. Kathy Johnson made a motion to increase member dues by $15 going to the club to the equipment maintenance and repair fund with $5 going to each team, which would total $20 more per team member each year starting the 2011-2012 season. George Peck seconded the motion. Ralph summarized by stating the new membership fee would be $50 and of that, $15 would go to the team, $15 would go to a new reserve account and $20 would go toward the running of the club. The motion was approved unanimously.
Ralph emphasized that the captains should go and explain and promote this motion so that it would pass at the general meeting and to get the players to attend so we have a quorum .
The captains requested that Ralph send an e-mail with all of the points he covered so they could relay that to their teams.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by George Peck and seconded by Carol Nordness. Motion carried.
Following the meeting team captains and co-captains met at each level 2.0 – 3.5 to determine if there were any changes to the order new players would be assigned to teams.
To maintain continuity and order in the VPTC it is recommended that for future years the existing President remain as a member of the executive board for the year following his/her term beginning the next fiscal year(April 16, 2011). The new position would be identified as Past President. The position is as an Advisor to the Executive Board and would have a vote to break any ties on board votes. The position responsibilities are as outlined in updated By-Laws
Past President:
1. Will act as an adviser to the Executive Board when requested.
2. Will attend all Executive Board meetings.
3. Will vote as a member of the Executive Board.
4. Will be available to take on special projects as requested by the Executive Board.
The constitution will need to be changed under administration as follows. The President of the previous year will remain a member of the Executive Board for the following year as Past President.
The meeting was then called to order by the President.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, Bev LaTrace, George Peck, Denny Yeaton (for Marlene Kangas), Don Foley, Jim Ryder, Carol Chapin, Jack Kincaid, Maureen Wiebe, Dolores Anderson, Bonnie Kenny, Jill Zagar, Jim Gerhardt, Star Dillabaugh, Wally Dawson, Duane Dehne, Joy Doubleday, Del Stitt, Sandy Kincaid, Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, John Coombs, Diane Hudson, Linda Decker, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Larry Beres, Vice – President Joe Morton, Treasurer Diane Hudson, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Betty Dawson arrived late.
Marlene Kangas, Polly Kays, Marilyn Catalano, Jerry Farr, Vince Seaman were absent.
Before addressing agenda items Judy DeWald announced that the Holiday Banquet will be held on Thursday, December 9 in the Ballroom. Tickets are $17.50 each. Cocktails are from 5:30 – 6:15, Dinner from 6:15 – 7:00, and the DJ from 7:00 -10:00. The event is being hosted by the 2.5W and 2.5B teams. Candy canes were given to all the captains to be handed out at team meetings with a reminder on them regarding the banquet.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the October 19, 2010 minutes. Jim Gerhardt seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue reminded captains that current information on captains and team rosters, and last year’s #1 player stats can be found at the EVSTL web site which can be accessed through a link at our VP web site. This information is very valuable when setting up your line ups against other parks.
The executive committee is hosting the Christmas collection for Sunshine Acres. Captains have an information sheet that is to be read at team meetings. All money must be turned in by December 10, 2010 to Sue Twyman at #1836.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson
We currently have a balance of $4390.69 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1368.68 in the Langdon account for a total of $5759.37. Diane thanked all of those who paid their dues. There are still 3 teams who have not as yet given her their money. As of 11/9/10 we have 198 paid playing members plus two paid social members.
Vice-President’s Report – Joe Morton
Ranking sheets: Ranking sheets should be sent to Joe and Ali Garcia by the end of each month even if there are no changes.
Breakfast in the Park: Kathy Johnson reported that 70 tickets have been sold for Saturday’s Breakfast in the Park. Plenty of volunteers will be making egg dishes for the event.
In-park Tournament: 180 members participated in our in park tournament. The first tourney went smoothly with lots of good tennis and great food. Our thanks to Ali and Norma for their hard work and the 2.0W team for hosting the event.
Pot Luck: Over 100 people attended the Saturday evening pot luck, hosted by the 4.0 team. Deena Burns, mistress of magic and cards was the MC. The food was delicious and plentiful. Door prizes were awarded with extra jewelry prize drawings for the ladies.
Upcoming tournaments: Coming up are two out of park invitationals:
Nov. 20 at Venture Out
Dec. 4 at Greenfield.
Encourage members to sign up.
Court Scheduling: There will be a second Boot Camp Mon, Tues, and Wed., Dec. 27 – 29. Teams who practice on Mon., Tues., or Wed., and wish to have practice while the boot camp is in session need to Contact Joe Morton so he can assign courts for your practice.
Home League Match Schedules: were given to all captains. If you see a scheduling problem please tell Joe.
Court Cleaning: The next two weeks are covered. 2.0B and 2.0R captains need to let Joe know when your teams plan to clean courts.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
EVSTL Meeting:
Age Update –A reminder – The EVSTL passed the rule that you must be 50 years of age to play in the EVSTL. Those who are younger than 50 and played in the East Valley before the rule went into effect are grandfathered in.
Foot Faults – The EVSTL has made foot faults a topic for local team captains to emphasize with their members. Players, please be aware this could become an issue at matches.
18 Point tie breakers (10 by 2) will now be used at all levels of play for the match tie break.
Deuce limit? Now up for discussion in the EVSTL is the question of no ad scoring, second deuce as game point or playing out all deuces. The overwhelming reaction from those in the General Meeting was that we should play out all deuces. Following a short discussion George Peck made a motion, with a second by Don Foley that the VP Board supports playing out all deuces, as we now do. For our fall back position the Board would support second deuce as game point. Motion passed. Ralph will bring this back to the next EVSTL meeting.
BY-laws: Ralph cited a number of EVSTL by-laws regarding USTA rules, Code of Conduct, borrowing players, playing up, moving up, and moving down. All that information can be found at the EVSTL web site under By-laws.
Self-Rater Overview: (44 – 47 in Captain’s handbook)
Ralph spent time going over Self-rating Rules and Move Down Criteria, Self Rating Criteria Guide for Players, and the Self Rating Q and A (all available at West and East Courts). Ralph wants captains to encourage team members who are considering self rating to see them for input to help them make the decision whether or not to self-rate. As the season progresses the USTA Guideline for Skill Levels (46 – 47 in Captain’s Handbook) should be discussed to further assist those members considering self-rating.
There were some questions and comments from the floor. One suggestion was to look at making changes to our self rating rules. The changes Greenfield made to their self rating rules were brought up. In order to self rate GV players must play at least 6 matches in the #1 and #2 positions and win 50% of those matches.
Ed DeWald commented that our self rating rules are a work in progress. Revisions were made last year to fill some holes, and there is no question we may have to revise them in the future. If enough captains raise the same questions then the self rating committee will address those concerns, changes will be brought back to the board and then be voted on at a General Meeting.
Ralph will have all the self rating stats for the next meeting.
Proposed practice and Round Robin Schedule: Two proposals were handed out to the captains. There are small changes including changes to round robins. One proposal has practices starting at 8:00 while the second proposal has practices starting at 12:30. Captains are to look them over and be ready to discuss the pros and cons of each proposal at our next board meeting. If there is interest Lee and a committee can work to make what ever changes the group wants. It could be one or two small items or more if the board agrees.
Pro Program- Al Colter:
Winning at Your Level/Video Program: There are not a lot of people signing up. If there is a problem let Al know. They have added the video concept this year. The cost ends up to be $15 a session. Please ask your team to support this program.
Court Movement and Balance: Al is proposing a “Movie Night” with USTA material to show court movement and balance. Al is working with Chris to get the video. All tennis members would be invited. Coffee, lemonade and popcorn would be provided. Al is looking at a Wednesday night. The captains approved the idea.
Team/level balance: Captains will be meeting after this and every meeting to update level sheets used for placing new players.Ralph is aware that the numbers on some of the teams are low. He asks that captains borrow from same level teams or the level below for the time being. If the teams are still low by the time we get to the holidays we’ll look into consolidating teams where absolutely necessary. Hopefully that won’t happen.
Volunteers: Please remember! We’re all volunteers here. Please understand that we are all doing the best we can. If someone is not happy then perhaps they need to step up to the plate!
Silver Ridge: Ralph will look into the rumor that the 3.0 Silver Ridge team has left the league.
A motion to adjourn was made by Diane Hudson and seconded by George Peck. Motion carried.
Following the meeting team captains and co-captains met at each level 2.0 – 3.5 to determine if there were any changes to the order new players would be assigned to teams.
President Ralph Sharp welcomed everyone back.
Karen Spencer – Barnes led us in a moment of silence for all the ill, injured and deceased members of View Point Tennis Club.
The meeting was then called to order by Ralph Sharp, president.
Vice-President Approval - Len Grant was unable to fulfill his duties due to health reasons and has resigned.
At the last Board meeting Ralph appointed Joe Morton to the position of VP pending approval at the November General meeting.
A motion was made by George Peck and seconded by Mike Murphy that we approve the appointment of Joe Morton as Vice- President. Motion passed.
President’s Opening Comments – We are the largest tennis club in the EVSTL with 430 paid members last year.
The next closest clubs in numbers are Venture Out with 265 members and Monte Vista with 231.
Volunteers are so important in making our club great.
Ralph had all past presidents, and current officers, committee members, captains and co-captains stand to be recognized.
He then encouraged those seated think about how they could help out in the future.
Secretary’s Report – Sue Twyman
George Peck moved we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last general meeting. Clive MacRaild seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Members were reminded that agenda items for General Meetings need to be in writing to Sue Twyman (1836) one week prior to the meetings.
The executive board will be organizing the Christmas Family this year with donations going to Sunshine Acres.
Captains will receive more information at the next board meeting.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson:
We currently have $3278.22 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1368.68 in the Langdon account for a total of $4646.90.
As of November 1, we have 68 paid members.
Please get dues money in ASAP. We will are low on funds and have a lot of start up expenses.
Greta Adams (2840) will be handling the cash box, tickets, etc. for in-park tournaments and invitationals.
Vice-President’s Report – Joe Morton
Joe thanked everyone and said that he’s looking forward to being vice-president this year.
Venture Out Fall Classic – Joe thanked Ralph for all of his work in keeping track of matches and up-dating daily schedules throughout the tournament.
We sent 16 teams to the VO Fall Classic. Six teams made the finals, Levels A – C. John Coombs and Gerald Yoder were C Champs at 3.5,
Lori Jones and Carol Chapin were C Champs at 2.0, and the other four teams were second place at their respective levels. Thanks to all who participated.
Practice times and team game schedule are on the web. Captains please keep you team members up to date.
Important dates:
Nov. 6, In-park tournament, 2.0 W Team will host. Ginger Yoder (1903) will be selling used tennis clothing.
Nov. 6, Pot Luck at North Point, 5:30 P.M., 4.0 Team to host
Nov. 13, Breakfast in the Park 9:00 A.M., 3.5R Team will host. Tickets are $5 and will available Monday and Tuesday from 9 – 11 and Wednesday from 11 – 1. You may be called to make an egg casserole.
.Mixed Holiday Tournament will be held M – W, Dec. 27 – 29. Matches will be played at SVE. Deadline for signing up is November 22. It is first come first served.
Court cleaning schedule is on the web and in captain’s handbooks. Each team has a week from which they choose the day they will clean courts.
Tournament Committee: Ali Garcia introduced the Saturday tournaments committee.
It is comprised of Ali, Norma Boa, and new comers Rhonda Shubert and Deb Schoeberl. Rhoda and Deb will be looking for two new members for next year.
If you have any suggestions that you think would make the Saturday tournaments better contact Ali.
A suggestion from the floor was to play with the people from the opposing park.
Signing up for courts – When you sign up for a court and put down the 4 names please put down one telephone number. There may be times when East Valley matches go well over their scheduled time and players will need to be notified.
Captains, if you do not need all the courts assigned to you or if you need additional court for league play contact Joe morton.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
EVSTL Meeting:
Age Update –A reminder – The EVSTL passed the rule that you must be 50 years of age to play in the EVSTL. Those who are younger than 50 and played in the East Valley before the rule went into effect are grandfathered in.
Foot Faults – The EVSTL has made foot faults a topic for local team captains to emphasize with their members. Please remember to not step over or make contact with the service line until your racket has made contact with the ball in your service motion.
18 Point tie breakers (10 by 2) will now be used at all levels of play for the match tie break.
Deuce limit? Now up for discussion in the EVSTL is the question of no ad scoring, second deuce as game point or playing out all deuces. The overwhelming reaction from those in attendance was that we should play out all deuces. Ralph will bring this back to the next EVSTL meeting.
Participation Fee–The participation fee for playing in in-park tournaments and invitationals was raised to $5.00 last year. If you pay the fee and then discover you are not playing you may get a refund or join us for lunch. Teams hosting in-park tournaments are expected to turn in all surplus money to the general treasury. Teams hosting invitationals should do all they can to feed two people for $5.00.
Self –rating: Self-rating puts a lot of pressure on self-raters, team mates and captains. Ralph is hoping that captains will be more involved in self-rating decisions this year. The self-rating request form can be found on our web site.
Defibrillators: A new defibrillator has been purchased to be shared between the West Courts, pickle ball and horseshoes. It has not been installed yet. The East Courts defibrillator has a new battery in it.
Dale Bowen reported on cardio-resuscitation techniques stating that mouth to mouth was not necessary that the most important thing was the chest compressions.
Dale said there are three steps:
1. call 911
2. push on chest 100 times per minute
3. get the defibrillator ready
Committee Reports:
Kitchen - Judy DeWald: Judy reported that both kitchens are up and running. She introduced her kitchen committee which consists of herself, Pat Bowen,
Marie McDougal, Ramona Rees, Star Dillabaugh, Gail Murphy, and Pat Young.
Black widows were found at both kitchens. The park has been notified and the kitchens will be sprayed. If you see any insects at all in the kitchens let Judy know.
New digital timers have been purchased and set for 7:00 A.M. Please do not try to reset them. All you have to do is plug them in.
DO NOT put tennis balls in trash cans. There are receptacles for them.
Teams, please empty trash on courts, wipe tables and rearrange chairs after each match.
Court Maintenance - Bobby Oakley:
The West Courts are finished. There are some hair line cracks at the baselines. There is nothing we can do about them at this time. In two years the West courts will be torn up and completely redone. One of the posts is pulling in a bit but doesn’t need attention at this time. Repairs cost to the West courts between $25, 000 and $30,000. It will cost $160,000 to redo them.
Nets between the courts are being repaired one at a time. Currently the net between 5 and 6 is down for repairs.
Screens over the bleachers are not up yet as Bobby has not had time to repair them. Poles need to be put together and riveted.
Clean up day: If we had more people on the clean up day other jobs could be done at that time. For example there is a new bench that needs to be put together.
We have new plastic chairs at the East courts. We have new rubber for the court squeegees.
When cleaning courts, water can be applied every three weeks.
There is a possibility of buying umbrellas with stands for the scorekeepers.
*Bobby and Judy have been asked to put together a list of those items that will need to be replaced in the next four years.
Scorekeepers - Marie McDougal
We are always in need of scorekeepers. Please encourage your team members to take the scorekeeping training and keep score.
Scorekeeping training is to be held on Wed., Nov. 10 at 5:00 P.M. on Court 1.
The sign up sheet is on the East courts. Current scorekeepers please check the scorekeeping list at the East courts and make any necessary changes.
Team apparel - Greta Adams:
Greta Adams (2840) will be taking orders for team shirts at Saturday’s in-park tournament. She will have samples available.
They come in Men’s and Ladies sizes and sell for $30 and $32, which includes having your name embroidered below the logo.
Team apparel - Patty Warnke
Patty Warnke (4718) is selling VP Tennis T shirts for $10 and sweatshirts for $25. She will be sending in an order soon. Sign up at the East courts.
Langdon Sports - Al Colter:
Pro contract: The contract with Chris Langdon expires at the end of October, each year.
At the October board meeting the captains voted to renew the contract with Langdon Sports for one more year.
The pro contract is important to us for a number of reasons. From all the lessons, clinics, racket stringing etc. that Chris provides the club receives 10%.
That money is then used for such things as training, fun days and the ASU women’s tennis demonstrations.
The Fall Boot Camp was held last recently with 40 members participating. It seemed to be a good time for those who participated.
A second Boot Camp will be held on December 27 – 29.
Winning at Your Level/Video Sessions –Al was not happy with last year’s Winning at Your Level.
This year the plan is to have members sign up for 6 lessons.
Included in that package is a video clinic where each participant is video taped and then has a conference with Chris.
90% of these lessons will be run only by Chris and Melissa.
Racquet stringing with 24 hour service continues this year. Chris’ # is 480-505-6233.
Judy Farr: Just a reminder that VP Tennis will be selling items at the Nov. 20 yard sale to benefit Sunshine Acres.
Items can be dropped off at Judy’s at 4701 or can be brought the morning of the sale.
Call ahead if you have large items. Judy could use 4 trucks to get the merchandise down to the ballroom parking lot.
Pay Your Dues!! A thought - people can be club members even if they are not playing.
Web site: If you have any problems with the web site contact Mark at 4515.
Mike Murphy suggested that we consider alternate means of generating income for the club such as a raffle. We will be discussing finances as the year goes on.
Motion to Adjourn was made by George Peck and seconded by Larry Warnke. Motion passed.
Ralph Sharp welcomed everyone and thanked them for volunteering.
The meeting was then called to order by the President.
Vice-presidential appointment: Len Grant has resigned his position. Ralph has appointed Joe Morton to the position of vice-president. Confirmation will take place at the General Meeting on Nov. 1. As VP, Joe takes care of all schedule changes.
Those present were: Jerry Gowen, George Peck, Denny Yeaton (for Marlene Kangas)Don Foley, Polly Kays, Jack Kincaid, Maureen Wiebe, Dolores Anderson, Marilyn Catalano, Jill Zagar, Star Dillabaugh, Patty Warnke and Maureen Sharp (for 3.0 W), Duane Dehne, Jerry Colter (for Del Stitt), Sandy Kincaid , Kathy Johnson, Al Colter, Lee McDougal, Ruth Nelson, Diane Hudson, Jerry Farr, Linda Decker, Steve Johnson (for Nancy Nicola), Larry Beres, Vice –President appointee Joe Morton, Treasurer Diane Hudson, and Secretary Sue Twyman. Carol Chapin arrived late.
Bev LaTrace, Marlene Kangas, Jim Ryder, Dee Monk, Jim Gerhardt, Betty Dawson, Wally Dawson, Joy Doubleday, Del Stitt, John Coombs, Nancy Nicola, Ted Sondej, Vince Seaman were absent.
Secretary’s Report - Sue Twyman:
George Peck made a motion that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the March 15, 2010 minutes. Duane Dehne seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sue passed out handbooks to all captains and co-captains. She informed them that the VPTC web address and directory address are on the cover page of the handbook. She advised captains that much of the information in the handbook is also available at our web site, such as match play logs and score sheets. Match play logs, score sheets, and Sunshine forms (that go to Pat Bowen when completed) are also available in the file cabinet in the storage building at the East Courts.
USTA Rule Books were also passed out at this time.
EVSTL team rosters are available at the EVSTL web site. We have a link from our site to the EVSTL site. Some people are having difficulty copying large items from our web site. Ralph will speak to Mark to see what can be done.
Arrangements have been made for captains to make copies for team handbooks at the UPS Store at Main and Recker. There is no cost to the captains. Simply tell them you are from VP Tennis. Captains are responsible for their own copying.
Agenda items for General Meetings must be turned in to Sue Twyman by the Monday before the meeting. Captains are asked to help set up chairs for the November 1 General Meeting at 6:40 PM.
Treasurer’s Report - Diane Hudson @ #2220
We currently have a balance of $2030.42 in our Wells Fargo account, with an additional $1368.68 in the Langdon account for a total of $3399.10
There will be a Treasurer’s meeting on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 9:30 at the East Courts for all team treasurers and captains. Procedures will be discussed and paperwork will be handed out. Captains are asked to make sure at least one person is there from their team.
Directory updates go to Diane and then they go to Mark Wittick and Larry Warnke, if necessary. Any changes in player information must be reported so that changes can be made. This includes level changes.
Please get dues money in NOW. We will be spending lots of money in the next few weeks on tennis balls and kitchen supplies. Dues are $30 for the year, with $20 going to the club and $10 staying with the team. Cash is best especially for the team treasury. If you have to write a check, please write 2 separate ones. Remember – No Pay No Play.
Ralph is concerned about money right now as our budget is based on the previous year’s membership and there seems to be a lot of members not returning or not playing. Kitchen and maintenance chairs are asked to spend conservatively until we have a better idea what our numbers will be.
Committee Reports:
Tennis Balls - Jack Kincaid: The deal at Big 5 for tennis balls fell through. Jack has purchased 20 boxes of tennis balls and will be getting all remaining tennis balls from Tennis Cabana. By buying in large quantities we can save with free shipping. He has slightly used balls for our first team practices and will be delivering a case of balls to each team at 8:30 AM on the day of their first home match. Captains are to contact Jack for practice balls. Remember, we are to use one can of balls for each league match, those balls are then to be used for a team practice and then they go in the receptacle and are used to repopulate the ball machines. Jack has already repopulated the ball machine on Court 6. Saturday tournament balls will go to round robin co-coordinators for round robin play.
Looking for something to do? Jack is in need of an assistant!
Court Maintenance - Bobby Oakley: The West courts and Court 2 have been repaired
and are now in use.
Bobby has gotten estimates for the nets between the courts. The cost is $1,100 for new nets and $560 to re-seam the existing nets. He is getting an estimate for the wind screens that are located at the south end of Courts 2,3,4,5 & 6. They are coming apart at the bottom.
A curbing project is under way by Court 6 that should keep dirt and debris off the court.
Bobby is hoping to get two new nets.
A question was raised regarding the possibility of buying chairs with awnings for score keepers. There was not a lot of reaction to the idea. Ralph said possibly Cherie could help with the cost.
Kitchen - Judy DeWald: The kitchens and patio areas are clean and ready to use. Judy did find some Black Widow Spiders while cleaning kitchens. Be careful! Captains received a Tournament & Social Kitchen Report form. Information on the form includes food purchased, workers etc. It is mandatory that the form be filled out by each team that hosts an event and turned in to Judy. The information is invaluable to teams hosting events in the future. After the meeting Judy was to hand out keys to captains and co-captains.
Langdon Sports - Al Colter
Pro contract: The contract with Chris Langdon expires at the end of October. Al Colter made a motion, with a second by George Peck that we renew the contract for one year using the existing contract as the model. Motion carried.
The Fall Boot Camp was held last week with 40 members participating. It was a success with lots of positive feedback. Pictures taken at the Boot Camp will be available at a web site where participants can go and link to the VP portion of the web site and download pictures.
In the works is a “Balance and Movement” clinic for the ladies using money from the Langdon account. It would be an evening session lasting 2 hours. Al is waiting to hear back from Chris as to what the cost would be.
A second Boot Camp will be held on December 27 – 29.
The information on the Pro Board has been updated with the different offerings and prices. Racquet stringing with 24 hour service continues this year.
Winning at Your Level –Al was not happy with last year’s Winning at Your Level. This year the plan is to have members sign up for 6 lessons at a cost of $90. Included in that package is a video clinic where each participant is video taped and then has a conference with Chris. These lessons will be run only by Chris and Melissa. Members wishing to attend on a week at a time basis may do so and pay $20 each time but will not be involved in the video taping.
Team apparel - Greta Adams:
Greta Adams (2840) is selling team shirts again this year. They come in Men’s and Ladies sizes and sell from $30 - $32 which includes having your name embroidered on it. Greta will be selling shirts at our Nov. 6 in – park tournament.
Team apparel - Patty Warnke
Patty Warnke (4718) is selling VP Tennis T shirts for $10 and sweatshirts for $25.
Scorekeepers - Lee McDougal
We are always in need of scorekeepers. Please encourage your team members to take the scorekeeping training and keep score. Scorekeeping training will be held on Wed., Nov. 10 at 5:00 P.M. on Court 1. If you can’t come and want to learn how to keep score, call Lee at 4518. Don’t worry that you need to score keep on your own as soon as you complete the training. A mentor will work with you until you are ready to solo. Current scorekeepers check the list at the East courts and make any necessary changes.
President’s Report – Ralph Sharp
Order of Contact: Captains and Co-captains, if team members have questions please try to answer them. If you can not answer a question Ralph asks that the Captain or Co-captain then bring it to him.
Venture Out Fall Classic: We are sending 16 teams to the VO Fall Classic. Match times are posted on the VPTC web site. Ralph will put hard copies up at the East Courts.
Important dates:
Nov.1, General Meeting, 7:00 PM @ North Point. Please encourage team members to attend. We need 25% attendance to have a quorum.
Nov. 6, In-park tournament, 2.0 White Team will host. Monies over and above the cost of food MUST be turned in to the tennis club treasurer, Diane Hudson.
Nov.6, Pot Luck at North Point, 4.0+ Team to host
Nov. 9, Board Meeting in Gathering Room
Nov.13, Breakfast in the Park, 3.5Red Team to host. Tickets will be on sale on Nov. 8,9,10 at a cost of $5.
You may be called and asked to bring a casserole. Your $5 will be refunded if you do.
Practice times and team game schedules are on the web. Captains please keep your team members up to date.
Monthly Ranking Sheets – come from Joe Morton and need to be turned in to him at the end of each month, even if there are no changes from the month before. Joe will e-mail the captains and then they can send them back.
Age Ruling – Please remember you must be 50 years of age to play in the EVSTL. Those who are younger than 50 and have played in the East Valley are grandfathered in.
Foot Faults – An emphasis is being placed on foot faults this year. A foot fault occurs when you step on the back line before you make contact with the ball. You can speak to the server’s partner and have them say something to the offender or you can speak to your captain and have him/her take care of it.
Defibrillators–Cherie has purchased a defibrillator for the West courts tennis, horseshoe and pickleball area. It has not been installed yet. Also, we are assured that the battery pack at the East courts is in good condition.
Play your players at the right level!
Players ranked # 1 should ONLY be paired with # 1 or when necessary with #2 players.
Players ranked #2 should be paired with #2 players and occasionally with # 1 or #3
players. Players ranked #3 should be paired with #3 players or when necessary with #2 or #4 players. Players who are #4 should be paired with#4 or # 3 players. Captains are not to randomly pair or schedule all players to play with everyone on the team. This does not conform to the EVSTL scheduling guidelines or the Viewpoint scheduling guidelines.
Borrowing Players- First contact captains at your level then look at the level just below yours.
Borrowed players may not play in the #1 position (EVSTL Rule).
VP vs. VP – When View Point plays View Point the captains are to meet prior to the start of play to determine whether or not the stats for the matches will count for EVSTL. If both captains agree that the matches should not count, they will not count and stats will not be kept. If either captain wants the stats and matches to count, the matches will count. (approved 1/6/09)
New players self-rating themselves. If they ask for help have them come to a team practice or a Round Robin to help them decide where they should play.
Self-Rating The Self Rating deadline is February 18, 2011. The updated form will be on our web site soon. Captains please become familiar with the Self Rating Criteria Guide for Players on page 45 of the Handbook and share it with your team. Extreme pressure is placed on self raters, their team mates and the captains and co-captains. Captains, encourage members who are thinking about self rating to sit down with you to get your input, information on skill levels and their current stats.
New Practice Schedule- Lee McDougal has devised a new practice schedule that we will consider for the 2011 – 2012 season.
Photographers: Maureen Sharp has volunteered to co-ordinate photographers so we will have someone taking pictures at all of our events. Maureen Morton and Jacque Carey have volunteered to help out.
Signing up for courts – When you sign up for a court and put down the 4 names, please put down at least one telephone number. There may be times when East Valley matches go well over their scheduled time and players will need to be notified.
If you are signing out multiple courts you need one person for each court there, to sign out each court.
Bikes - Bicycles on the East courts should be parked in the bike racks next to Court 1.
Soda Machines - The suggestion of installing a soda machine on the East courts was made. Following a short discussion the idea was not met with much enthusiasm.
Court cleaning schedule – Please select the day of the week you plan to clean courts and notify Joe two weeks in advance. He will contact Tom.
Nov. 1 – Nov 7, Star, West
Nov. 8 – 14, 2.0W, East
Nov.15 – 21, 2.0B, West
Nov. 22 – 28, 2.0R, East
Lunch tickets – Players may have a refund if they pay for lunch and then find they are not scheduled to play in a Saturday tournament.
West Courts Parking- Please park in the parking lot and not by the laundry. There are limited spaces for the people wanting to do laundry.
Team inequities – Ralph is aware that the numbers at the 2.5 level are low at this time. He will look into the matter and see what is the best way to proceed.
Marilyn Catalano’s site number is 2311.
A motion to adjourn was made by George Peck and seconded by Steve Johnson. Motion carried.
Following the meeting team captains or their representatives met at each level 2.0 – 3.5 to determine the order new players would be assigned to teams.